✨ *Annual Report InfraDigital Foundation: Impact, Strategies, and Commitments for Cybersecurity Talent* 📚✨ We are proud to present InfraDigital Foundation's 5-year report, summarizing our journey in improving the quality of education in Indonesia for students and educators. This year, we managed to increase access to education in the field of Technology, especially Cybersecurity, for more than 19,000 participants in various regions. 🔍 *What have we achieved?* - A Cybersecurity training and certification scholarship program that reached 584 institutions from SMK and Higher Education categories 🏫 - Educator training for 641 teachers and lecturers to improve teaching quality 📖 📈 *What are the hopes for the future?* We are committed to continuing to expand our positive impact on education and involve more partners in our mission. Let's collaborate together to create a brighter future through education! 🎊 *Thank you to all the grants, partners, and stakeholders who have been part of this journey, including:* - Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (Ministry of Education and Culture Republic of Indonesia) Kementerian Ketenagakerjaan Kominfo Badan Siber dan Sandi Negara Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Barat - Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth Subhashini (Shuba) Chandran , Nur Hasan Alison Eskesen , 𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗹𝗶𝗲 𝗛𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗼𝗻𝗼 - Microsoft Supahrat Juramongkol , Dharma Simorangkir Hirania Wiryasti Dania Rari Pratiwi - Kitabisa : Vikra Ijas Edo I. Reza Indra A. Tri Umi Asni - Telkom Indonesia @Ilham Riswanto, @Eko Rudi Wihartono (Manager Product Standardization Technology), Rony Setyawan - Grab indonesia ISACA Lintasarta Veda Praxis PT. Sigma Cipta Caraka (Telkomsigma) - And amazing team member Muhammad Rofi Dona Niagara Dinata Deborah Miryam Fransisca I Gede Pandu Wirawan, M.A. Ahmad Rofai Maulana Tanjung Chrisley Emely Pattileuw Nopitri Wahyuni Devy Widhy Yanti Pelangi Bening Muhamad Hamdan Fadhillah etc. This success is our success together! You can read it through this link: https://lnkd.in/gZ5GbRij 🌍 Let's keep collaborating, inspiring, and educating! #EmpoweringEducation #NGOImpact #AnnualReport2024 #5YearsInfraDigitalFoundation #Cybersecurity