Parongpong Recycle And Waste Lab

Parongpong Recycle And Waste Lab

Jasa Riset

Bandung, Jawa Barat 706 pengikut

There’s no such thing as waste, only un-revitalized material

Tentang kami

ParongPong RAW Lab, an integrated private research institute, in 2017 in Parongpong Village, west of Bandung, focusing on converting low value waste to high value materials. ParongPong believes that there’s no such thing as waste, only underused and un-revitalized materials. Using community-based waste management and waste material approach, we aim to be the initiators of “Parongpong Zero Waste High-Performance Villages”.

Jasa Riset
Ukuran perusahaan
11-50 karyawan
Kantor Pusat
Bandung, Jawa Barat
Perseroan Tertutup
Tahun Pendirian


Karyawan di Parongpong Recycle And Waste Lab


  • PARONGPONG RAW LAB AT ISUSTAIN PARAHYANGAN CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY Our CEO, Pak Rendy Aditya Wachid .,B.Arch., MBA was proud to become a keynote speaker at the International Interdisciplinary Conference on Green Entrepreneurship and Education for Sustainability (ISUSTAIN 2024) at Parahyangan Catholic University. At the Day 2 session, Pak Rendy shared Parongpong RAW Lab's experiences, best practices, and lessons learned as a waste-to-material company in the green entrepreneurship ecosystem. We believe that our our waste-to-material research and solutions as well as the partnerships we’ve fostered over the years with diverse clients with various issues will enrich research in waste-to-material innovations. We thank Parahyangan Catholic University for their trust and friendship with Parongpong RAW Lab. #wastetomaterial #unpar #ISUSTAIN

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  • PROGRAM PENGOLAHAN LIMBAH JARING DI PESISIR KALIBARU, JAKARTA UTARA Pada unggahan sebelumnya, kami sudah memperkenalkan Divers Clean Action dan kolaborasinya yang terbaru dengan Parongpong RAW Lab di Kalibaru, Jakarta Utara. Kali ini, yuk kita kenalan lebih dekat dengan program pengolahan ghost net ini! Bersama dengan PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero), Parongpong RAW Lab dan DCA bekerja sama dengan bank sampah setempat untuk memfasilitasi pengumpulan ghost net dan community development masyarakat pesisir di Kalibaru, yang juga mencakup edukasi masyarakat tentang pentingnya pengelolaan sampah dan daur ulang. Hal ini penting mengingat pentingnya kontribusi komunitas nelayan di Kalibaru terhadap sektor perikanan di Jakarta. Hasil pengumpulan ghost net akan diproses di Parongpong RAW Lab untuk membuat bangku dan meja dari bahan ghost net untuk menunjang fasilitas belajar sekolah setempat. Ingin terus mengikuti perkembangan program ini? Yuk, tunggu informasi selanjutnya dengan mengikuti tagar #JalinCilincing! #DCA #WastetoMaterial #CilincingJakarta __________________ (Sumber: Adlina, A., Wijayanti, P., Ratnasari, D., & Kodiran, T. (2023). Kerugian Ekonomi Ghost Gear Perikanan Kecil Di Laut Jawa (Studi Kasus: Tegal, Jawa Tengah). Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Kelautan dan Perikanan, 18(2), 141-148.)

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  • PARONGPONG RAW LAB x DCA Divers Clean Action merupakan salah satu mitra Parongpong RAW Lab, terutama untuk community development bagi komunitas pesisir. Pada tahun 2021, Parongpong RAW Lab dan DCA bersama-sama dengan Evoware, rawhaus-id dan CarbonEthics membentuk aliansi iklim Paredice Climate Alliance (Paredice) untuk membina masyarakat daerah dalam pengelolaan sampah secara mandiri. Proyek perdana Paredice adalah community development dan program pengelolaan sampah untuk masyarakat pesisir di Kabupaten Bone Bolango, Provinsi Gorontalo. Tahun ini, Parongpong RAW Lab kembali bekerja sama dengan Divers Clean Action untuk program pengumpulan jaring ikan (ghost net) dan community development bersama komunitas pesisir di Cilincing, Jakarta Utara. Ingin terus mengikuti perkembangan program ini? Yuk, tunggu informasi selanjutnya dengan mengikuti tagar #JalinCilincing! #DCA #WastetoMaterial #CilincingJakarta

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  • PARONGPONG RAW LAB WON INDONESIA-JAPAN FAST TRACK 2024 Parongpong RAW Lab surpassed another important milestone as it won the Indonesia-Japan Fast Track 2024 co-organized by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Japan, the Embassy of Japan in Indonesia, the JETRO - Japan External Trade Organization and the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Perekonomian Republik Indonesia. The Indonesia-Japan Fast Track is a challenge that connects industry-leading companies from Indonesia and Japan with startups in ASEAN. The companies present challenge statements to call for proposals from startups, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), and university labs. Selected finalists pitch their solutions directly in front of the challenge owners and potential investors and collaborations. Parongpong RAW Lab crafted a proposal for Solid Waste (Dregs) utilization for PT Tanjungenim Lestari Pulp and Paper a world-class manufacturer of high-quality products and environmentally friendly market pulp mill in South Sumatera Province. It is part of the renowned Marubeni Group Marubeni Corporation. To our joy, our solution received the Challenge Owner Award from Tel and Marubeni Group. Using our experience in utilizing solid residual waste, Parongpong RAW Lab presented our Prototech Technology as a solution to TeL's solid Dregs problem, which ends up in landfills daily. With our technology and expertise, solid waste from the paper mills can be repurposed into durable outdoor furniture. We extend our deepest gratitude to our friends, partners, and followers who have supported Parongpong RAW Lab this far. We couldn't have made it without you. #IndonesiaJapanFastTrackPitch #Jetro

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  • PARONGPONG RAW LAB'S ROAD TO NINJA ACCELERATOR PROGRAM 2024 Presented by JICA, Implemented by ANGIN Parongpong RAW Lab is ecstatic to be selected as a cohort for the Next Innovation with Japan (NINJA) Accelerator Program 2024 presented by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and implemented by ANGIN Parongpong RAW Lab has come a long way from submitting our proposal and being chosen as one of the Top 10 among 260+ applicants. On the Top 10 Pitching Day, we introduced Parongpong RAW Lab to distinguished judges, including Sachiko Takeda, Chief Representative of JICA Indonesia Office, Nozomu Ono, Senior Representatives of JICA Indonesia Office, and Yoji Hiramatsu, Project Formulation Advisor of JICA Indonesia Office, as well as David Soukhasing, Managing Director of ANGIN, and Atika Benedikta, Investment Director of ANGIN. All the effort paid off as we were selected as the final cohorts for the NINJA Accelerator Program 2024. Now, we are working closely with ANGIN through tailored mentoring sessions in Business, Fundraising, Japan Business Culture, Pitch Coaching, and Impact Assessment to prepare for the eagerly awaited Demo day in Jakarta and Japan. Congratulations to our fellow cohorts Automa and Kepul! May the program bring us closer to future partnerships and collaborations! #WastetoMaterial #JICA #NINJAAccelerationProgram

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  • Universitas Katolik Parahyangan (Unpar) Parahyangan Catholic University sepakat menandatangani Nota Kesepahaman atau Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) dengan PT Raesaka Amanah Widyakarya (Parongpong RAW Lab). Penandatangan MoU ini akan membuka jalan untuk kerjasama di bidang riset transformasi sampah menjadi material berguna (waste-to-material), pengadaan barang dan jasa untuk material berbasis sampah residu serta kampanye lingkungan di kampus Unpar. Baca selengkapnya melalui link berikut. (Dalam foto: Direktur Utama Parongpong RAW Lab Rendy Aditya Wachid .,B.Arch., MBA dan  Rektor Universitas Katolik Parahyangan, Prof. Tri Basuki Joewono, Ph.D.)

    UNPAR Teken MoU dengan Parongpong RAW Lab, Soroti Permasalahan Lingkungan

    UNPAR Teken MoU dengan Parongpong RAW Lab, Soroti Permasalahan Lingkungan

    Parongpong Recycle And Waste Lab di LinkedIn

  • Parongpong RAW Lab at Parahyangan Catholic University Our CEO, Pak Rendy Aditya Wachid .,B.Arch., MBA will be speaking at the International Interdisciplinary Conference on Green Entrepreneurship and Education for Sustainability (ISUSTAIN 2024). Erasmus+ ECoGREEN Consortium in collaboration with ISUSTAIN (Interdisciplinary Research Center for Circular Economy and Sustainability) of Parahyangan Catholic University (UNPAR) organize an international interdisciplinary conference as part of the dissemination program of the consortium, which aims to address current societal challenges, particularly those related to sustainability issues in higher education and green entrepreneurship education. Date: Bandung, Indonesia, 2 – 3 December 2024 Venue: Artnz-Geise Learning Center, Parahyangan Catholic University (UNPAR), Ciumbuleuit 94, Bandung, Indonesia Keynote Speakers: 1.⁠ ⁠Tom Kuppens (Hasselt University, Belgium) 2.⁠ ⁠Yvette Baggen (Wageningen University & Research, Netherlands) 3.⁠ ⁠Yanuar Nugroho (Ministry of National Development Planning) 4.⁠ ⁠Maria R. Nindita Radyati (Institute of Sustainability and Agility) 5.⁠ ⁠Rendy Aditya Wachid (Parongpong RAW Lab) 6.⁠ ⁠Ernest Layman (Rekosistem) 7.⁠ ⁠Ronald Julion Suryadi (UNPAR Alumni & Just Energy Transition Researcher - Formerly in IESR & The Habibie Center) 8.⁠ ⁠Johanna Renny Octavia (Parahyangan Catholic University) #ISUSTAIN #UNPAR

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  • PARONGPONG RAW LAB AT SEMBRANI IMPACT ACCELERATOR 2024 by BRI Ventures and ANGIN Parongpong RAW Lab made it as a cohort of Sembrani Impact Accelerator 2024, powered by BRI Ventures with program partner by ANGIN. The Sembrani Impact Accelerator is a 1-month intensive program to supercharge enterprises focused on sustainability, social and environmental impact. Throughout the program, we participated in exciting and fruitful activities such as corporate visits to PT Astra Digital Internasional PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) and BRI Group PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. We also gained valuable insights from panel discussions on Impact & Sustainability and Financial Sustainability by amazing experts. Lastly, we were happy to share our experiences throughout this waste-to-material at the Impact Day event, where we connected with potential partners and collaborators with the same vision to support Indonesia's innovative solutions. We are truly grateful for this opportunity from BRI Ventures and ANGIN. May this be another milestone in our journey to realize a more sustainable future with circular materials. Congratulations to all 15 cohorts who were chosen to become part of this journey! Pictured: Our CEO, Rendy Aditya Wachid .,B.Arch., MBA and Vice President, Amiroh Husna Utami. #wastetomaterial #SembraniImpactAccelerator #BRIVentures

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  • PARONGPONG RAW LAB SIGNS MOU WITH PARAHYANGAN CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY Parongpong Recycle And Waste Lab has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Parahyangan Catholic University (Unpar). The MoU was signed between Rendy Aditya Wachid .,B.Arch., MBA , President Director of Parongpong RAW Lab and Prof. Tri Basuki Joewono , Ph.D., Rector of Unpar. Unpar signed an MoU with Parongpong RAW Lab for collaborative research on the transformation of waste into useful materials (waste-to-material), procurement of goods and services for residual waste-based materials as well as environmental campaigns on the Unpar campus. Our CEO Mas Rendy Aditya Wachid, as a proud alumni of the Parahyangan University Architecture Study Program, is honored to forge a collaboration to help students develop with the knowledge, experience and industry connections that Parongpong RAW Lab possesses. Please look forward to upcoming collaborations with Parahyangan Catholic University! #wastetomaterial #UniversitasKatolikParahyangan #Unpar

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  • We are proud to be chosen as a cohort for the NINJA Accelerator Program 2024 by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and ANGIN. Next year, we will be bringing our waste-to-material solutions to the international stage in Japan. Congratulations to our fellow cohorts Automa and Kepul, who will participate in Demo Days in Jakarta and Japan and the entire mentoring session organized by experts from ANGIN. We can't wait to see how we will grow from the experience! We thank everyone who has supported Parongpong RAW Lab's journey so far. Stay updated for more exciting news from our team! ✨

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    A standing ovation for the remarkable trio Automa, Kepul and Parongpong Recycle And Waste Lab, emerging as the cream of the crop in this year’s cohort! These trailblazing teams are driving innovation in sustainability and transforming industries with their eco-friendly solutions. 🌱 Prepare an exhilarating journey ahead as you embark on collaborative ventures with Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and ANGIN. Together, we’ll amplify your strengths, refine your strategies, and set the stage for an impactful mission to Japan. 🌍 Check out the press release and catch all the upcoming updates on our website! 🔗 More info: Christ Panogari Simanjuntak Ignatia Endra Kristianti Alphecca Azzura Inawanta Tamana S. David S. Elvina Tjandra #NINJAAccelerator #NextInnovation #GreenSolutions #Sustainability #InnovationForImpact #EcoTech #IndonesiaStartups #ClimateAction

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