PB Taxand Tax Talk®️ | TP Series In Japanese Latest Updates on Transfer Pricing Regulations according to Regulation of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia Number 172 of 2023 In the most recent years, the issue of transfer pricing has become increasingly prevalent in Indonesia. The Directorate General of Taxes has been increasingly active in implementing transfer pricing corrections to related party transactions between countries, and even domestic related party transactions. The transfer pricing corrections that occur are not only imposed on Corporate Income Tax but also on Income Tax Collections and Withholding as well as VAT. Furthermore, at the end of 2023, the Directorate General of Taxes issued Regulation of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia Number 172 of 2023 regarding the "Implementation of the Arm’s Length Principle in Transactions Influenced by Special Relationships". PB Taxand observes that there is a need for Japanese Expatriates in Indonesia to understand the Transfer Pricing regulations and practices that occur in Indonesia. Therefore, PB Taxand will conduct a brief discussion, in Japanese, on the matters that need to be considered with regard to such regulations. This Tax Talk®️ will be held as a webinar via Zoom on: Day: Thursday, March 6, 2025 Time: 10:00 - 11:00 WIB Register: https://lnkd.in/gsBDBv23 Registration deadline: March 5, 12:00 WIB
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PB Taxand is one of Indonesia’s leading tax advisory, transfer pricing, tax compliance and private client service providers and is unique in Indonesia as being a member of Taxand, the world’s largest independent tax organisation. Based in Jakarta and Surabaya.
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PB Taxand Tax Talk®️ | 移転価格シリーズ 日本語セミナー 2023年インドネシア財務大臣規則172号と移転価格税制の最新情報 近年、インドネシアにおいても移転価格に関わる税務問題が頻発しております。インドネシア税務総局は、国をまたぐ関係者間取引やインドネシア国内の関係者間取引について、積極的に移転価格の観点からの指摘を行っております。移転価格を問題視され更生された場合の影響は、法人税に限らず源泉税や付加価値税にも影響が及びます。 2023年末に税務総局は、2023年財務大臣規則172号として『関係者間取引に関する独立企業原則の適用に関する実施規則』を発行しました。 弊社PB Taxandは、日本人の方にもインドネシアでの移転価格税制や実務慣行を理解していただくために、日本人の方向けにセミナーを実施いたします。駐在員様やマネージャー、現地法人税務担当者様、本社の方などから質問を頂くことが多いインドネシアの移転価格の規則や、注意事項など、日本語で解説いたします。 本Tax Talk®️ は、Zoom でのウェビナー開催となります。 日程:2025年3月6日(木) 時間10:00 - 11:00(WIB) 視聴登録:https://lnkd.in/gsBDBv23 登録締切:3月5日12:00(WIB)まで
Take the lead in your career with PB Taxand! We are looking for experienced Senior Tax Consultants to join our team. Don’t miss this opportunity to grow and excel with us. Visit our website for more details: https://lnkd.in/eVGQvGQB Only shortlisted candidates will be notified! Explore the role and apply now :)
Take the lead in your career with PB Taxand! We are looking for experienced Senior Tax Consultants to join our team. Don’t miss this opportunity to grow and excel with us. Visit our website for more details: https://lnkd.in/eVGQvGQB Only shortlisted candidates will be notified! Explore the role and apply now :)
Take the lead in your career with PB Taxand! We are looking for experienced Senior Tax Consultants to join our team. Don’t miss this opportunity to grow and excel with us. Visit our website for more details: https://lnkd.in/eVGQvGQB Only shortlisted candidates will be notified! Explore the role and apply now :)
PB Taxanders memenuhi undangan dari Direktorat Jenderal Pajak untuk mengikuti Sosialisasi Implementasi Kenaikan Tarif PPN Menjadi 12% (PMK-131 Tahun 2024), yang diadakan secara daring pada Kamis, 9 Januari 2025. #ppn12persen #pbtaxandtraining #pbtaxanders #pbtaxand #yourtrustedtaxadvisor
PB Taxand Tax Talk®️ | Tax Series DPP 11/12 : Cara Baru Menghitung PPN Mulai Januari 2025 PB Taxand membuka serial Tax Talk®️ 2025 dengan membahas kenaikan tarif PPN menjadi 12% yang telah berlaku efektif sejak 1 Januari 2025. Kebijakan ini didasarkan pada ketentuan dalam Undang-Undang Harmonisasi Peraturan Perpajakan yang disahkan pada akhir tahun 2021. Pada kesempatan ini, Sherly Indrayani Istiadi (Senior Manager PB Taxand) dan Lilis Kurniaty (Manager PB Taxand) membahas secara tuntas mekanisme perhitungan DPP PPN sesuai PMK No. 131 Tahun 2024 pada Tax Talk®️ 8 Januari 2025. Kami harap setelah mengikuti Tax Talk®️ ini Wajib Pajak dapat memahami cara baru menghitung PPN mulai Januari 2025. Terima kasih atas partisipasi Bapak/Ibu. Stay tuned untuk PB Taxand Tax Talk®️ selanjutnya. #pbtaxandtaxtalk #ppn12persen #pbtaxand #yourtrustedtaxadvisor
Take the lead in your career with PB Taxand! We are looking for experienced Senior Tax Consultants to join our team. Don’t miss this opportunity to grow and excel with us. Visit our website for more details: https://lnkd.in/eVGQvGQB Only shortlisted candidates will be notified! Explore the role and apply now :)
Pemerintah mengambil langkah taktis dengan mempertahankan PPN yang harus dibayarkan masyarakat tetap diangka 11% bagi BKP/JKP selain barang mewah. Kebijakan ini diwujudkan melalui penetapan DPP Nilai Lain sebagai dasar pengenaan PPN, sesuai yang diatur dalam PMK No. 131 Tahun 2024 yang mulai berlaku seketika di 1 Januari 2025. Ilustrasi di atas bersumber dari Ditjen Pajak RI. Lebih lanjut tentang PMK 131 Tahun 2024 akan dibahas pada PB Taxand Tax Talk®️ tanggal 8 Januari 2025. #ppn #ppn12persen #pbtaxandtaxtalk #pbtaxand #yourtrustedtaxadvisor
Take the lead in your career with PB Taxand! We are looking for experienced Senior Tax Consultants to join our team. Don’t miss this opportunity to grow and excel with us. Visit our website for more details: https://lnkd.in/eVGQvGQB Only shortlisted candidates will be notified! Explore the role and apply now :)