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On the morning of the last Monday of this month, February 24th, a successful workshop was held by the Coordinating Ministry for Food Affairs, Indonesia NPAP, and SecondMuse to explore how we can collaborate to address plastic waste leakage in Indonesia. This forum has brought us one step closer to identifying innovative financing solutions to support plastic waste management. One of the biggest challenges in addressing plastic waste leakage is the scale of funding required. To achieve the target by 2040, an investment of at least USD 18 billion is needed between 2017 and 2040, along with an annual operational fund of up to USD 1 billion. However, the government’s budget for waste management currently accounts for only around 0.5-3 percent of the total Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD). Several key takeaways from this workshop include: -The government cannot tackle the plastic waste issue alone. -There is an urgent need to explore alternative financing innovations to address plastic waste management. -Plastic credits may serve as one of the available options for closing the financing gaps in plastic collection and recycling—however, it may also pose several risks, which is why it should be properly regulated. -Providing full support and funding for waste banks and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) can enhance their collection capacities and improve plastic waste management. A sincere thank you to the Coordinating Ministry for Food Affairs, Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan (The Ministry of Environment/The Environmental Control Agency), Kementerian Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional Republik Indonesia/Bappenas RI, Embassy of Canada in Indonesia and Timor-Leste | Ambassade du Canada en Indonésie et au Timor-Leste, Embassy of Norway to Indonesia and ASEAN, Embassy of Denmark in Indonesia and ASEAN, Dutch Embassy Indonesia, Australian Embassy, Indonesia, Embassy of Japan, U.S. Embassy Jakarta, Asian Development Bank (ADB), KfW, GIZ Indonesia & ASEAN, Alliance to End Plastic Waste, Global Green Growth Institute, ERIA: Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia, PCX Solutions, PCX, GoTo Impact Foundation, PT Bank Jago Tbk, Tim Koordinasi Nasional Penanganan Sampah Laut (TKN PSL), and World Resources Institute (WRI) Indonesia as the secretariat of Indonesia NPAP for their invaluable insights, which have contributed to making this forum even more impactful. #IndonesiaNPAP