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[en] The data of the monthly mean values of the albedo and outgoing longwave radiation from the system earth-atmosphere were subjected to a two-dimensional harmonic analysis. The coordinates were geographical latitude and time. Harmonic coefficients were found for 71 latitudinal zones with a width of 2.50. The three-year NOAA satellite data (July 1974 - June 1977) served as primary data. The results of calculations were analyzed while grouping harmonics as follows: two groups representing independent time and space variability; the third one took into consideration the temporal spatial interdependent variability. The weight of different harmonics and groups were estimated in terms of yearly-zonal values of the variance and yearly differences in amplitudes and phases of harmonics. The accuracy of the representation of the earth-atmosphere energ balance was estimated on the basis of a few first harmonics. (author)
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Geofisica Internacional; ISSN 0016-7169; ; v. 21(2); p. 87-112
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[en] Buildings and plant are designed utilizing near-extreme weather data. The present data used are briefly discussed, including manual near-extreme percentiles for manual design and hourly data for simulation on a PC (test reference years and design summer years, and near-extreme periods). However, with climate change occurring, designs based on current data will produce uncomfortable summer thermal conditions within and around buildings in the future. This expected change is especially relevant now, as buildings have to last typically from 50 to 100 years. Climate change data for the future are needed to assess the performance of buildings and plant in the future. The Hadley Centre climate change models could provide such data. In this paper analysis of extreme data from one model, the HadCM3 model (south-east England grid box) with an appropriate climate change scenario, are considered in relation to their use for design assessment. Dry bulb temperature and solar irradiance extreme values are considered in this paper. The expected trend in both minimum and maximum temperature is for both to increase with time, but the maxima are found to rise faster than the minima. There are two factors influencing the solar radiation estimates, the basic clarity of the atmosphere and the seasonal amount of cloud. The latter is predicted to increase slightly in winter and decrease slightly in summer. The variations in the predicted short-wave radiation values reflect the expected combined impacts of these two factors. The implications of these results are briefly discussed. (Author)
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Building Services Engineering Research and Technology; ISSN 0143-6244; ; CODEN BSETDF; v. 23(4); p. 233-242
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[en] The Priestley-Taylor (PT) equation requires net radiation Rn as an input. A figure for Rn is often unavailable from many meteorological datasets. Rn may be estimated from downward solar radiation S and assumed Rn/S values. We examined seasonal changes of Rn/S values using 1-year radiation data observed above a coniferous evergreen plantation forest of Cryptomeria japonica. The values for Rn/S showed slight seasonal changes; however, other terms in the PT equation showed large seasonal changes. Thus, we conclude that assuming a constant Rn/S for all seasons is valid for this site
Primary Subject
FAO/AGRIS record; ARN: JP2008002347; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Bulletin of the University of Tokyo Forests; ISSN 0371-6007; ; (no.117); p. 11-19
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
Apathy, I.; Szemerey, I.; Bencze, P.; Kovacs, K.; Afonin, V.; Bezrukih, V.; Gringauz, K.; Shutte, N.
Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest. Central Research Inst. for Physics1980
Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest. Central Research Inst. for Physics1980
[en] Ion temperature and ion density, measured on October 25, 1977 during the flight of the geophysical rocket ''Vertical-6'' by means of five retarding potential analyzers looking into different directions of space, are analyzed. The solar EUV fluxes determined in five wave length bands with a photoelectron analyzer are also given. Using the ion composition and electron temperature, measured simultaneously, it is shown that the average variation of ion temperature with altitude is in agreement with the heating of the ion gas by the ambient electrons. The observed anomalous variation of ion temperature between 700 and 900 km and the measured ion concentration could be explained, if the charge exchange reactions H+reversibleO+ and diffusion are also taken into consideration. (author)
Primary Subject
May 1980; 7 p; ISBN 963 371 661 6; ; 12 refs.
Record Type
Report Number
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Moraes, R.V. de; Zanardi, M.C.
Proceedings of the 6. Japan-Brazil Symposium on Science and Technology1988
Proceedings of the 6. Japan-Brazil Symposium on Science and Technology1988
[en] The motion of a satellite about its center of mass is studied using a semi-analytical method. Torques produced by conservative and non conservative forces are considered. An analytical model is proposed for solar radiation torques. Andoyer variables are used to describe the rotational motion. Analytical equations are used to transform osculating to a mean set of differential equations. Since the mean equations are more slowly varying, a numerical integration using large step size can be performed to obtain the mean state at a later time. (author)
Estuda-se o movimento de um satelite sob seu centro de massa usando-se um metodo semi-analitico. Consideram-se torques produzidos por forcas conservativas e nao conservativas. Propoe-se um modelo analitico para torques de radicao solar. Variaveis de Andoyer sao usadas para descrever o movimento rotacional. Equacoes analiticas sao usadas para transformar a osculacao para um meio determinado de equacoes diferenciais. Desde que as equacoes do meio variam mais lentamente, uma integracao numerica usando passos largos pode ser feita para obter o estado medio no tempo posterior. (M.C.K.)Source
Academia de Ciencias do Estado de Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil); 398 p; 1988; p. 151-155; 6. Japan-Brazil Symposium on Science and Technology; Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil); 10-12 Aug 1988
Record Type
Literature Type
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Accuracy of daily solar radiation estimated from a Mountain Microclimate Simulation Model (MT-CLIM) was assessed for seven observation sites with complex topography in Uiseong County. The coefficient of determination () between the observed and the estimated daily solar radiation was 0.52 for 7 sites for the study period from 1 August to 30 September 2009. Overall, the MT-CLIM overestimated the solar radiation with root mean square error (RMSE) of which is about 25% of the mean daily solar radiation () for the study period. Considering that the pyranometer's tolerance is of standard sensor, the RMSE of MT-CLIM was too large to accept for a direct application for agricultural sector. The reliability of solar radiation estimated by MT-CLIM must be improved by considering additional ways such as using a topography correction coefficient
Primary Subject
FAO/AGRIS record; ARN: KR2015005372; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology; ISSN 1229-5671; ; v. 14(4); p. 260-264
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
Doran, J.C.; Hu, Q.; Hubbe, J.M.; Liljegren, J.C.; Shaw, W.J.; Zhong, S.; Collatz, G.J.
Pacific Northwest Lab., Richland, WA (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE, Washington, DC (United States)1995
Pacific Northwest Lab., Richland, WA (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE, Washington, DC (United States)1995
[en] The treatment of subgrid-scale variations of surface properties and the resultant spatial variations of sensible and latent heat fluxes has received increasing attention in recent years. Mesoscale numerical simulations of highly idealized conditions, in which strong flux contrasts exist between adjacent surfaces, have shown that under some circumstances the secondary circulations induced by land-use differences can significantly affect the properties of the planetary boundary layer (PBL) and the region of the atmosphere above the PBL. At the Southern Great Plains (SGP) Cloud and Radiation Testbed (CART) site, the fluxes from different land-surface types are not expected to differ as dramatically as those found in idealized simulations. Although the corresponding effects on the atmosphere should thus be less dramatic, they are still potentially important. From an ARM perspective, in tests of single column models (SCMs) it would be useful to understand the effects of the lower boundary conditions on model performance. We describe here our initial efforts to characterize the variable surface fluxes over the CART site and to assess their effects on the PBL that are important for the performance of SCMs
Primary Subject
Mar 1995; 5 p; 5. atmospheric radiation measurement (ARM) meeting; San Diego, CA (United States); 20-23 Mar 1995; CONF-9503140--2; CONTRACT AC06-76RL01830; Also available from OSTI as DE95011495; NTIS; US Govt. Printing Office Dep
Record Type
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[en] In order to assess the variability of the solar radiation, the record of determinations of the total and spectral solar irradiance of the last 15 years is analysed. Although the datapoints for the period before 1969 suggest a slight decrease, the uncertainties of these determinations are too large to render this statement significant. Together with the results of the following period (1969-1980) which show that within the uncertainty no change is detectable, it can be concluded, that the solar constant has not changed during the last 15 years. The same result is found from the spectral distribution record, though not as conclusive as for the solar constant, due to the much larger uncertainties of the spectral data. (orig.)
Primary Subject
14. ESLAB symposium on physics of solar variations; Scheveningen, Netherlands; 16 - 19 Sep 1980
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Solar Physics; ISSN 0038-0938; ; v. 74(1); p. 209-215
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Schulze, B.M.; Richter, A.K.; Wibberenz, G.
14th international cosmic ray conference. Conference papers. Vol. 51975
14th international cosmic ray conference. Conference papers. Vol. 51975
[en] Various injection profiles of solar flare events (gaussian-type, exponential, and step-function-type), characterized by some time tau over which 'effectively' particles are injected, have been convoluted with a solution of the interplanetary cosmic-ray propagation equation for a purely diffusive transport and for the radial dependence of the diffusion coefficient of the form kappa = M(r/rsub(E))sup(β) where rsub(E) = 1 AU. The influence of M, β and tau on the time-intensity- and time-anisotropy-profiles at 1 AU are discussed. (orig.)
Verschiedene Einschussprofile fuer solare Flares (Gausstyp, exponential und Stufenfunktionstyp), welche durch eine Zeit tau, innerhalb derer effektive Teilchen eingeschossen werden, charakterisiert werden, wurden mit einer Loesung der interplanetarischen Hoehenstrahlungsfortbewegungsgleichung fuer einen reinen diffusen Transport und fuer radiale Abhaengigkeit des Diffusionskoeffizienten der Form k = M(r/rsub(E))sup(β) mit rsub(E) = 1 AK zusammengebracht. Der Einfluss von M, β und tau auf die Zeit-Intensitaets- und Zeit-Anisotropieprofile wird diskutiert bei 1 AK. (orig./WL)Primary Subject
International Union of Pure and Applied Physics; Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik und Astrophysik, Garching/Muenchen (F.R. Germany). Inst. fuer Extraterrestrische Physik; p. 1749-1753; 1975; 14. international cosmic ray conference; Muenchen, F.R. Germany; 15 Aug 1975; 8 figs.; 12 refs. Available from ZAED.
Record Type
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[en] A brief report on a plenary meeting of the Scientific Council of the USSR Academy of Sciences, devoted to the problem of Physics of solar-terrestrial links, is presented. Fundamental problems, topic and tasks of solar-terrestrial physics, peculiarities of processes in the Sun-Earth system, methods and the main investigation results, prospects of solar-terrestrial physics development are discussed
Original Title
Solnechno-zemnaya fizika: problemy i perspektivy
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Record Type
Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
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