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Ko, Won Il; Kim, Ho Dong
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Taejon, (Korea, Republic of)2001
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Taejon, (Korea, Republic of)2001
[en] This study examines whether the DUPIC (Direct Use of Spent PWR Fuel In CANDU) fuel cycle make radioactive waste management more effective, by comparing it with other fuel cycles such as the PWR (Pressurized Water Reactor) once-through cycle, the HWR (Pressurized Heavy Water Reactor) once-through cycle and the thermal recycling option to use an existing PWR with MOX (Mixed Oxide) fuel. This study first focuses on the radioactive waste volume generated in all fuel cycle steps, which could be one of the measures of effectiveness of the waste management. Then the total radioactive waste disposition cost is estimated based on two units measuring; m3/GWe-yr and US$/GWe-yr. We find from the radioactive waste volume estimation that the DUPIC fuel cycle could have lower volumes for milling tailings, low level waste and spent fuel than those of other fuel cycle options. From the results of the disposition cost analysis, we find that the DUPIC waste disposition cost is the lowest among fuel cycle options. If the total waste disposition cost is used as a proxy for quantifying the easiness or difficulty in managing wastes, then the DUPIC option actually make waste management easier
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Jul 2001; 52 p; 16 refs, 4 figs, 16 tabs
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Ko, Won Il; Kim, Ho Dong
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Taejon (Korea, Republic of)2001
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Taejon (Korea, Republic of)2001
[en] Some properties of irradiated DUPIC fuels are compared with those of other fuel cycles. It was indicated that the toxicity of the DUPIC option based on 1 GWe-yr is much smaller than those of other fuel cycle options, and is just about half the order of magnitude of other fuel cycles. From the activity analysis of 99Tc and 237Np, which are important to the long-term transport of fission products stored in geologic media, the DUPIC option, was being contained only about half of those other options. It was found from the actinide content estimation that the MOX option has the lowest plutonium arising based on 1 GWe-year and followed by the DUPIC option. However, fissile Pu content generated in the DUPIC fuel was the lowest among the fuel cycle options. From the analysis of radiation barrier in proliferation resistance aspect, the fresh DUPIC fuel can play a radiation barrier part, better than CANDU spent fuels as well as fresh MOX fuel. It is indicated that the DUPIC fuel cycle has the excellent resistance to proliferation, compared with an existing reprocessing option and CANDU once-through option. In conclusions, DUPIC fuel cycle would have good properties on environmental effect and proliferation resistance, compared to other fuel cycle cases
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Jul 2001; 59 p; 19 refs, 22 figs, 9 tabs
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[en] The rate of spent fuel generation in Korea will inevitably increase in the future considering the currently planned nuclear power program of Korea. Thus, to realize the more efficient and effective management of spent fuel, the Atomic Energy Commission reviewed and confirmed 'A Long term Development Plan for Future Nuclear Energy System' at the 255th meeting. The plan includes the R and D plan on proliferation resistant pyroprocessing which is connected with Sodium Fast Reactor. Pyroprocessing possesses a high proliferation resistance since specific nuclear materials cannot be obtained in high purity by this technology. Other advantages include the effective utilization resources as well as reduction of amount of spent fuel and size of the required repositories. Moreover, pyroprocessing is compact and adequate for small facilities with high economical efficiency and it is an environmentally friendly process discharging small amount of radioactive waste. KAERI is devoting its research efforts to developing pyroprocess technologies in two main areas: processing and system engineering. The system engineering technology includes facility design, safeguards system, remote handling technology, transport system and fuel cycle system analysis. In this paper, the current status of the pyroprocess system engineering including the safeguards technology will be reviewed
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Korea Atomic Industrial Forum, Inc., Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Korean Nuclear Society, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of); 667 p; Apr 2009; p. 625; 24. KAIF/KNS Annual Conference; Seoul (Korea, Republic of); 8-10 Apr 2009; Available from KAIF, Seoul (KR)
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Kim, Dong Young; Kim, Ho Dong; Cha, Hong Ryul
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Taejon (Korea, Republic of)2000
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Taejon (Korea, Republic of)2000
[en] We have developed the real time surveillance system, named by DSSS, for DUPIC test facility. The system acquires data from He-3 neutron monitors(DSNM) and CCD cameras to automatically diagnose the transportation status of nuclear material. This technical report shortly illustrates important features of hardware and software of the system
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Jul 2000; 92 p; 35 refs, 43 figs, 15 tabs
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Chang, Hong Lae; Ko, Won Il; Kim, Ho Dong
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of)2009
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of)2009
[en] Proliferation resistance (PR) has been evaluated for the five nuclear fuel cycle systems, potentially deployable in Korea in the future, using the fourteen proliferation resistance attributes suggested in the TOPS report. Unidimensional Utility Theory (UUT) was used in the calculation of utility value for each of the fourteen proliferation resistance attributes, and Multi-Attribute Utility Theory (MAUT), a decision tool with multiple objectives, was used in the evaluation of the proliferation resistance of each nuclear fuel cycle system. Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Expert Elicitation (EE) were utilized in the derivation of weighting factors for the fourteen proliferation resistance attributes. Among the five nuclear fuel cycle systems evaluated, the once-through fuel cycle system showed the highest level of proliferation resistance, and Pyroprocessing-SFR fuel cycle system showed the similar level of proliferation resistance with the DUPIC fuel cycle system, which has two time higher level of proliferation resistance compared to that of the thermal MOX fuel cycle system. Sensitivity analysis was also carried out to make up for the uncertainty associated with the derivation of weighting factors for the fourteen proliferation resistance attributes
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Nov 2009; 65 p; Also available from KAERI; 9 refs, 18 figs, 29 tabs
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Ko, Won Il; Kim, Ho Dong; Yang, Myung Seung
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Taejon (Korea, Republic of)2003
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Taejon (Korea, Republic of)2003
[en] The nuclear proliferation risks of nuclear fuel cycles is being considered as one of the most important factors in assessing advanced and innovative nuclear systems in GEN IV and INPRO program. They have been trying to find out an appropriate and reasonable method to evaluate quantitatively several nuclear energy system alternatives. Any reasonable methodology for integrated analysis of the proliferation resistance, however, has not yet been come out at this time. In this study, several decision making methods, which have been used in the situation of multiple objectives, are described in order to see if those can be appropriately used for proliferation resistance evaluation. Especially, the AHP model for quantitatively evaluating proliferation resistance is dealt with in more detail. The theoretical principle of the method and some examples for the proliferation resistance problem are described. For more efficient applications, a simple computer program for the AHP model is developed, and the usage of the program is introduced here in detail. We hope that the program developed in this study could be useful for quantitative analysis of the proliferation resistance involving multiple conflict criteria
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Jun 2003; 35 p; 10 refs, 16 figs, 3 tabs
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Ko, Won Il; Kim, Ho Dong; Yang, Myung Seung
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Taejon (Korea, Republic of)2000
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Taejon (Korea, Republic of)2000
[en] This study addresses the quantitative evaluation of the proliferation resistance which is important factor of the alternative nuclear fuel cycle system. In this study, model was developed to quantitatively evaluate the proliferation resistance of the nuclear fuel cycles. The proposed models were then applied to Korean environment as a sample study to provide better references for the determination of future nuclear fuel cycle system in Korea. In order to quantify the proliferation resistance of the nuclear fuel cycle, the proliferation resistance index was defined in imitation of an electrical circuit with an electromotive force and various electrical resistance components. The analysis on the proliferation resistance of nuclear fuel cycles has shown that the resistance index as defined herein can be used as an international measure of the relative risk of the nuclear proliferation if the motivation index is appropriately defined. It has also shown that the proposed model can include political issues as well as technical ones relevant to the proliferation resistance, and consider all facilities and activities in a specific nuclear fuel cycle (from mining to disposal). In addition, sensitivity analyses on the sample study indicate that the direct disposal option in a country with high nuclear propensity may give rise to a high risk of the nuclear proliferation than the reprocessing option in a country with low nuclear propensity
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Jul 2000; 67 p; 18 refs, 10 figs, 8 tabs
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Ko, Won Il; Kwon, Eun Ha; Kim, Ho Dong
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Taejon (Korea, Republic of)2005
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Taejon (Korea, Republic of)2005
[en] This paper describes the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Analysis and Simulation Tool (FAST) which has been developed by the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI). Categorizing various mix of nuclear reactors and fuel cycles into 11 scenario groups, the FAST calculates all the required quantities for each nuclear fuel cycle component, such as mining, conversion, enrichment and fuel fabrication for each scenario. A major advantage of the FAST is that the code employs a MS Excel spread sheet with the Visual Basic Application, allowing users to manipulate it with ease. The speed of the calculation is also quick enough to make comparisons among different options in a considerably short time. This user-friendly simulation code is expected to be beneficial to further studies on the nuclear fuel cycle to find best options for the future all proliferation risk, environmental impact and economic costs considered
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Jun 2005; 150 p; Also available from Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Taejon (Korea, Republic of); 12 refs, 182 figs, 16 tabs
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Kim, Ho Dong; Kang, H. Y.; Ko, W. I.
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of)2007
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of)2007
[en] The objective of this project is to perform R and D on the essential technologies in nuclear material measurement and surveillance and verification system, and to improve the state of being transparent on the nuclear material management of DUPIC Fuel Development Facility (DFDF) through the evaluation of safeguard ability on non-proliferation fuel cycle and nuclear proliferation resistance. Nuclear material position scan system for the reduction of measurement error was developed for the spatial distribution search of spent fuel in DUPIC facility. Web-based realtime remote monitoring system was designed and constructed for satisfying the IAEA's performance criteria of continuous monitoring, and also developed a software for the function of remote control and message. And diversion paths in a proliferation resistant pyroprocess for SFR were analyzed and its protecting system against the diversion paths were suggested for enhancing proliferation resistance of advanced nuclear fuel cycle. These results could be used for planning the further R and D items in the area of safeguards. Those R and D results mentioned above would be helpful for increasing Korean nuclear transparency in the future
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Apr 2007; 175 p; Also available from KAERI; 9 refs, 28 figs, 9 tabs
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Kim, Ho Dong; Yang, Myung Seung; Ko, Won Il and others
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Taejon, (Korea, Republic of)2001
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Taejon, (Korea, Republic of)2001
[en] This document contains DUPIC fuel cycle R and D activities to be carried out for 5 years beyond the scope described in the report KAERI/AR-510/98, which was attached to Joint Determination for Post-Irradiation Examination of irradiated nuclear fuel, by MOST and US Embassy in Korea, signed on April 8, 1999. This document is purposely prepared as early as possible to have ample time to review that the over-all DUPIC activities are within the scope and contents in compliance to Article 8(C) of ROK-U.S. cooperation agreement, and also maintain the current normal DUPIC project without interruption. Manufacturing Program of DUPIC Fuel in DFDF and Post Irradiation Examination of DUPIC Fuel are described in Chapter I and Chapter II, respectively. In Chapter 3/4y, safeguarding procedures in DFDF and on-going R and D on DUPIC safeguards such as development of nuclear material accounting system and development of containment/surveillance system are described in details
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Sep 2001; 69 p; KAERI/AR--584/2000(REV.1); 13 figs, 10 tabs
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