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[en] The centrality dependence of transverse momentum distributions and yields for π±, Κ±, ρ and ρ-bar in Au+Au collisions at √SNN=200 GeV are measured by the PHENIX experiment at RHIC. The single particle spectra are well fitted with a hydrodynamic-inspired parameterization, termed the ''blast-wave'' model, to extract freeze-out temperature and radial flow velocity of the particle source. Another motivation is that the suppression of high-ρT hadron as a probe of QGP formation. In central collisions at intermediate transverse momenta ∼ 1.5 - 4.5 GeV/c, proton and anti-proton yields constitute a significant fraction of the charged hadron production and show a scaling behaviour different from that of pions. (author)
Primary Subject
6 refs., 5 figs.
Record Type
Journal Article
Genshikaku Kenkyu; ISSN 0367-4169; ; v. 50(2); p. 9-14
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Kiyomichi, Akio; Muto, Ryotaro; Sawada, Shinya, E-mail: akio.kiyomichi@kek.jp2008
[en] The operation period of the J-PARC 50 GeV synchrotron generally comprises following four processes; 1. Injection of the particle to be accelerated, 2. Acceleration of the injected particles, 3. Extraction of the accelerated particles, and 4. Reducing the magnetic field to the level for next beam injection. One period of the J-PARC 50 GeV synchrotron is 3.6 second. For the experiments with hadron beams, the beam extraction should be made slowly to avoid too many reactions at a short time, and the extraction period at the synchrotron is 0.7 second, which is 20% of the total operation period. The mechanism, the apparatuses and the control of the slow beam-extraction at the synchrotron are presented. (K.Y.)
Primary Subject
3 refs., 10 figs., 3 tabs.
Record Type
Journal Article
Genshikaku Kenkyu; ISSN 0367-4169; ; v. 53(1); p. 47-56
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Yanagida, Kenichi; Kiyomichi, Akio, E-mail:
Proceedings of the 20th annual meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan2023
Proceedings of the 20th annual meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan2023
[en] A GigE (Gigabit Ethernet) camera image data acquisition and analyzing system was developed using Aravis and macOS to create a customized beam-size-measurement program with least resources. Major elements of the system are GigE cameras, a computer running macOS, gnuplot software, Aravis and GLib libraries. Because Aravis and GLib enabled us to communicate with camera and to obtain image data from camera, we only created image data processing, analyzing, displaying and saving programs. Executable programs were written in C language and compiled, linked in macOS. The programs were initially developed by macOS 10.14 (Mojave) on Intel-based Mac in 2019, but now in 2023 they are also used by macOS 13 (Ventura) on Arm-based Mac. (author)
一時的独立した実験環境に於いて、GigEカメラをPCに直接繋ぎ画像データの取得解析を行うシステムをAravis及びmacOSを使用して構築した。CMOSカメラ等をPCに直接繋いで画像取得を行う場合、カメラベンダーが配布するソフトウェアを使用するのが一般的で、ビューアとして画像確認のみ行うか、APIを使用してデータ転送後にPCで画像データ解析を行う事となる。ベンダーから配布されるソフトウェアを使用する問題点は、使用可能なカメラが限定されたり、PCのOS(バージョンを含む)が限定されたりする為、画像システム構築の負担が大きな割りに他への移植性が悪い事等である。SPring-8では2018年頃よりLinux上のオープンソースライブラリであるAravisを使用して、様々なベンダーに対応したGigEカメラ制御システムを構築している。しかし当該制御システムはSPring-8のDBをベースとしたデータ収集系と密に連携しているため、一時的独立した実験環境で使用する場合はハードウェアの準備やセッティングの為のリソースが過大になり現実的では無い。一方でmacOSはUNIX系のOSでありAravisも簡易に導入出来る為、一時的独立した実験環境用として本システムを開発した。使用用途はスクリーンモニタのビームプロファイル表示及びそのプロジェクションビームサイズのオンライン解析である。現状の本システムはAravis0.8をIntel or ARM CPU上のmacOS13(Ventura)で動作させている。画像表示はgnuplotを用いた。(著者)Original Title
Primary Subject
Particle Accelerator Society of Japan, Tokyo (Japan); [1105 p.]; 2023; p. 270-274; PASJ2023: 20. annual meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan; Funabashi, Chiba (Japan); 29 Aug - 1 Sep 2023; Available from; Available from; 16 refs., 5 figs., 2 tabs.
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Kiyomichi, Akio; Masuda, Takemasa, E-mail:
Proceedings of the 13th annual meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan2016
Proceedings of the 13th annual meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan2016
[en] For the new device evaluation towards the SPring-8 upgrade project, we were faced with a request to temporarily integrate the new BPM signal processing system (Libera Brilliance+) with built-in EPICS IOC into the SPring-8 storage ring control system. We have developed the MADOCA-to-EPICS gateway. In the equipment control layer of MADOCA, Equipment Manager (EM) is deployed on the front-end computers. The MADOCA-to-EPICS gateway is implemented as general-purpose EM to deal with EPICS IOCs. The gateway consists of general EM functions for interacting with IOC using Channel Access (CA), which are corresponding to the command such as caput, caget and camonitor in the EPICS system. We can build the gateway by specifying EM functions for CA and PV names in the EM configuration file. We will report on the development of the MADOCA-to-EPICS gateway and an application to the evaluation system of Libera Brilliance+ installed into the SPring-8 storage ring. (author)
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Particle Accelerator Society of Japan, Tokyo (Japan); 1420 p; Aug 2016; p. 656-659; PASJ2016: 13. annual meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan; Chiba (Japan); 8-10 Aug 2016; Available from Particle Accelerator Society of Japan, 5-9-8 Nishinippori, Arakawa-ku, Tokyo 116-0013 Japan; Also available from the Internet at URL; 7 refs., 4 figs., 1 tab.
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Kiyomichi, Akio; Nakagawa, Hidetoshi; Tomizawa, Masahito
Proceedings of the 5th annual meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan and the 33rd Linear Accelerator Meeting in Japan2008
Proceedings of the 5th annual meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan and the 33rd Linear Accelerator Meeting in Japan2008
[en] Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC) is a new accelerator facility to produce MW-class high power proton beams at both 3 GeV and 50 GeV. The Main Ring (MR) of J-PARC can extract beams to the neutrino beam line and the slow extraction beam line for Hadron Experimental Facility. The slow extraction beam is used in various nuclear and particle physics experiments. A flat structure and low ripple noise are required for the spills of the slow extraction. We are developing the spill control system for the slow extraction beam. Here we report the construction status of the spill control magnets and the development of the feedback system using Digital Signal Processor (DSP). (author)
Primary Subject
Particle Accelerator Society of Japan, Tokyo (Japan); 986 p; 2008; p. 331-333; 5. annual meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan; Higashi-Hiroshima (Japan); 6-8 Aug 2008; 33. Linear Accelerator Meeting in Japan; Higashi-Hiroshima (Japan); 6-8 Aug 2008; Available from Particle Accelerator Society of Japan. Also available from the Internet at URL; This CD-ROM can be used for WINDOWS 9x/NT/2000/ME/XP/VISTA, MACINTOSH; Acrobat Reader is included; Data in PDF format, Folder Name: PDF, Paper ID: WP029.pdf
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Masuda, Takemasa; Ueda, Souroku; Kiyomichi, Akio, E-mail:
Proceedings of the 12th annual meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan2015
Proceedings of the 12th annual meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan2015
[en] SPring-8 accelerator control system deploys a lot of optical-link remote I/O system mainly for control of magnet power supplies. A huge number of remote I/O boards are controlled from a small number of expensive VME computers. Recently, remote I/O boards equipped with sophisticated FPGA device can manage many complicated processes instead of VME computers. This situation would make the VME computers over performance. Then we have paid attention to a PLC (programmable logic controller) which has recently made remarkable progress, and have considered applying it to a slow control system. In order to realize to build a slow control system that can utilize a huge number of currently deployed remote I/O boards, we have developed a master module of an optical-linked remote I/O system (OPT-PLC) dedicated for e-RT3 by Yokogawa electric Co. OPT-PLC has been designed to form two slots of the e-RT3 module and to provide five channels of an optical link. It consists of a logic control board equipped with Xilinx Zynq-7000 and two daughter cards with optical-link connectors. We have succeeded in enhancement of both adaptivity and expandability of the logic control board by adding high-speed serial link into the stacking connector. Communication process will be managed by software running on the ARM processors in the Zynq device. This approach allows us to enhance system portability and to utilize the common device driver supported by Yokogawa electric Co. for e-RT3 Linux CPU module. (author)
Primary Subject
Particle Accelerator Society of Japan, Tokyo (Japan); 1419 p; Aug 2015; p. 218-222; 12. annual meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan; Tsuruga, Fukui (Japan); 5-7 Aug 2015; Available from Particle Accelerator Society of Japan, 2-62-8-507 Higashi-Ikebukuro, Toshima-ku, Tokyo, 170-0013 Japan; Also available from the Internet at URL; 12 refs., 8 figs., 1 tab.
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Mochiki, Kouichi; Abasaki, Hiroki; Tomizawa, Masahito; Kiyomichi, Akio; Nakagawa, Hidetoshi
Proceedings of the 6th annual meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan2009
Proceedings of the 6th annual meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan2009
[en] When J-PARC slow extraction is considered, KEK 12GeV PS Slow extraction is utilized as a comparison object. However, the discussion based on sometimes inaccurate information does. It tried to summarize the situation in the ancient in order to understand the situation in those days. (author)
Primary Subject
Particle Accelerator Society of Japan, Tokyo (Japan); 1177 p; 2009; p. 548-550; 6. annual meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan; Tokai, Ibaraki (Japan); 5-7 Aug 2009; Available from Particle Accelerator Society of Japan. Also available from the Internet at URL; This CD-ROM can be used for WINDOWS, MACINTOSH; Acrobat Reader is included; Data in PDF format, Folder Name: papers, Paper ID: tpmga18.pdf; 4 figs., 2 tabs.
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Kiyomichi, Akio; Ueda, Souroku; Masaki, Mitsuhiro; Masuda, Takemasa, E-mail:
Proceedings of the 10th annual meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan2013
Proceedings of the 10th annual meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan2013
[en] A two-dimensional synchrotron radiation interferometer for non-destructive diagnostics of transverse electron beam is operating in the SPring-8 storage ring. Its interferogram has been captured and processed by a conventional PC-based system. In order to upgrade the interferometer for real-time measurement of the sizes and tilt angle of a transverse electron beam profile with elliptical Gaussian distribution, we have developed a new image processing system based on MicroTCA platform. The platform has an advantage over PC in robustness and scalability due to its hot-swappable modular architecture. The new system is built with commercial-off-the-shelf products to reduce development cost and time. It consists of an MCH, processor AMCs, a user-configurable Spartan6 FPGA AMC with an FMC slot and a CameraLink FMC. The CameraLink IP core is newly developed in compliance with the AXI4 open-bus to enhance reusability. A dedicated processor AMC that communicates with the primary processor AMC is added for fast 2D-fitting calculation to achieve real-time measurement of the beam sizes and the beam-tilt angle during the storage ring operation. (author)
Primary Subject
Particle Accelerator Society of Japan, Tokyo (Japan); [1123 p.]; 2013; [4 p.]; 10. annual meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan; Nagoya, Aichi (Japan); 2-6 Aug 2013; Available from Particle Accelerator Society of Japan, 2-62-8-507 Higashi-Ikebukuro, Toshima-ku, Tokyo, 170-0013 Japan; Also available from the Internet at URL; 4 refs., 6 figs., 1 tab.
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Kiyomichi, Akio; Adachi, Toshikazu; Mochiki, Koh-ichi
Proceedings of the 6th annual meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan2009
Proceedings of the 6th annual meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan2009
[en] J-PARC (Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex) is a new accelerator facility to produce MW-class high power proton beams at both 3GeV and 50GeV. The Main Ring (MR) of J-PARC can extract beams to the neutrino beam line and the slow extraction beam line for Hadron Experimental Facility. The slow extraction beam is used in various nuclear and particle physics experiments. A flat structure and low ripple noise are required for the spills of the slow extraction. We are developing the spill control system for the slow extraction beam. The spill control system consists of the extraction quadrupole magnets and feedback control device. Here we report their construction status. (author)
Primary Subject
Particle Accelerator Society of Japan, Tokyo (Japan); 1177 p; 2009; p. 696-698; 6. annual meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan; Tokai, Ibaraki (Japan); 5-7 Aug 2009; Available from Particle Accelerator Society of Japan. Also available from the Internet at URL; This CD-ROM can be used for WINDOWS, MACINTOSH; Acrobat Reader is included; Data in PDF format, Folder Name: papers, Paper ID: tpoca02.pdf; 4 refs., 6 figs., 1 tab.
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Kiyomichi, Akio; Fukui, Toru, E-mail:
Proceedings of the 16th annual meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan2019
Proceedings of the 16th annual meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan2019
[en] In a part of the SPring-8 upgrade project, the SACLA linac will be used as the injector for the SPring-8 storage ring. We will upgrade the beam monitor system for beam transport, which consists of screen monitor (SCM), beam position monitor (BPM) and current monitor (CT). For the SCM, we adopted GigE Vision standard for the CCD camera. We have developed camera control software using open source libraries to integrate various vendors' GigE Vision cameras with the SPring-8 control framework. And we build a system to control SCM with one unit by installing PCI Express cards such as PoE type Ethernet and trigger counter. In this presentation, we will report on the functions and implementation of the Aravis library when integrating the GigE camera into the SPring-8 control framework. (author)
Original Title
Primary Subject
Particle Accelerator Society of Japan, Tokyo (Japan); [1296 p.]; 2019; p. 873-876; PASJ2019: 16. annual meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan; Kyoto (Japan); 31 Jul - 3 Aug 2019; Available from; Available from; 10 refs., 6 figs.
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