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Ludwig, G.O.
Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N.Y. (USA)1976
Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N.Y. (USA)1976
[en] The derivation and application of macroscopic equations which describe the behavior of multicomponent relativistic plasmas are discussed. Within this context, the important points here considered can be summarized as follows: (1) Derivation of the fully relativistic fluid equations for a Maxwellian plasma and for a strongly magnetized plasma. In particular, the equations of state for thermal equilibrium distributions are derived. (2) Canonical formulation of the relativistic fluid equations in Eulerian and Lagrangian coordinates. Derivation of the Hamiltonian density and of the energy integral. (3) Application of the fluid equations to the study of the two-stream instability in homogeneous plasmas, with the inclusion of relativistic and thermal effects. It is shown that for sufficiently high beam energies (γ/sub b/ greater than √2) the effect of the thermal spread of the beam becomes destabilizing, provided it is small enough to allow the hydrodynamic approximation. (4) Investigation of the stability of a beam of finite cross-section. Emphasis is given to a class of incompressible surface modes which are not completely stabilized by the external magnetic field. This instability results from the interaction between anti-parallel currents. The growth rate is reduced if the beam has a diffuse boundary
Primary Subject
1976; 225 p; University Microfilms Order No.76-15,897.; Thesis (Ph. D.).
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Ludwig, G.O.
Instituto de Pesquisas Espaciais, Sao Jose dos Campos (Brazil)1986
Instituto de Pesquisas Espaciais, Sao Jose dos Campos (Brazil)1986
[en] A variational principle is derived which describes the stationary state of the plasma column in a plasma centrifuge. Starting with the fluid equations in a rotating frame the theory is developed using the method of irreversible thermodynamics. This formulation easily leads to an expression for the density distribution of the l-species at sedimentation equilibrium, taking into account the effect of the electric and magnetic forces. Assuming stationary boundary conditions and rigid rotation nonequilibrium states the condition for thermodynamic stability integrated over the volume of the system reduces, under certain restrictions, to the principle of minimum entropy production in the stationary state. This principle yields a variational problem which is equivalent to the original problem posed by the stationary fluid equations. The variational method is useful in achieving approximate solutions that give the electric potential and current distributions in the rotating plasma column consistent with an assumed plasma density profile. (Author)
Obtem-se um principio variacional que descreve o estado estacionario de uma coluna de plasma numa centrifuga de plasma. Partindo das equacoes de fluidos num sistema em rotacao, a teoria e desenvolvida usando os metodos de termodinamicas irreversives. Esta formulacao, facilmente, conduz a uma expressao para distribuicao de densidade de especies l em equilibrio de sedimentacao, levando em conta o efeito de forcas eletricas e magneticas. Assumindo condicoes de contorno estacionarias e estados de nao equilibrio de rotacao rigida, a condicao para a estabilidade termodinamica integrada sobre o volume do sistema reduz-se, sob certas condicoes, ao principio da producao de entropia minima no estado estacionario. Este principio produz um problema variacional que e equivalente ao problema original apresentado pelas equacoes de fluido estacionario. O metodo variacional e conveniente para encontrar solucoes aproximadas do potencial eletrico e distribuicoes de corrente na coluna de plasma de rotacao consistentes com o perfil da densidade de plasma assumido. (M.C.K.)Primary Subject
Sep 1986; 13 p
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Ludwig, G.O.
Princeton Univ., NJ (United States). Plasma Physics Lab. Funding organisation: USDOE, Washington, DC (United States); Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP), Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil)1994
Princeton Univ., NJ (United States). Plasma Physics Lab. Funding organisation: USDOE, Washington, DC (United States); Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP), Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil)1994
[en] A direct variational method based on an energy principle is applied to obtain approximate magnetohydrodynamic equilibria for tokamak plasmas. The geometry of the nested magnetic flux surfaces is specified by a model that includes displacement, elongation and triangularity effects. The radial dependence in flux coordinates is described by a set of consistent trial functions which allows analytical calculation of the flux-surface averaged internal energy density of the plasma. Approximate solutions of the variational problem are obtained for arbitrary aspect-ratio tokamaks using a one-parameter optimization procedure
Primary Subject
Nov 1994; 23 p; CONTRACT AC02-76CH03073; Also available from OSTI as DE95003585; NTIS; US Govt. Printing Office Dep
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Montes, A.; Ludwig, G.O.
Instituto de Pesquisas Espaciais, Sao Jose dos Campos (Brazil)1986
Instituto de Pesquisas Espaciais, Sao Jose dos Campos (Brazil)1986
[en] Current drive by electron Bernstein waves in the start-up phase of tokamak discharges is studied. A general analytical expression is derived for the figure of merit J/Pd associated with these waves. This is coupled with a ray tracing code, allowing the calculation of the total current generated per unit of incident power in realistic tokamak conditions. The resuts show that the electron Bernstein waves can drive substantial currents even at very low electron temperatures. (Author)
Estuda-se o acionamento de corrente atraves de ondas eletronicas de Bernstein na fase de partida de descargas de tokamaks. Uma expressao analitica e derivada para a figura de merito J/Pd associada a estas ondas. Esta e acoplada a um codigo tracador de raios, permitindo o calculo da corrente total gerada por unidade de potencia incidente nas condicoes reais do tokamak. Os resultados mostram que ondas eletronicas de Bernstein podem direcionar correntes substanciais mesmo a temperaturas eletronicas muito baixas. (M.C.K.)Primary Subject
Apr 1986; 20 p
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
Bittencourt, J.A.; Ludwig, G.O.
Instituto de Pesquisas Espaciais, Sao Jose dos Campos (Brazil)1986
Instituto de Pesquisas Espaciais, Sao Jose dos Campos (Brazil)1986
[en] The steady state behavior of the fully ionized, multiple species, rotating, magnetized plasma in a vacuum-arc plasma centrifuge is described in detail. The analysis is based on a multiple species fluid model which includes electromagnetic, pressure gradient, centrifugal and collisional forces, for each species, in cylindrical geometry. It is showm that there is a family of theoretically possible dynamical equilibrium configurations, which can be achieved by different combinations of ion rotation velocity, radial ion density distribution and radial dependence of internal electric potential. The parametric dependences of the various plasma parameters under equilibrium conditions, including the ion separation factor, are presented for a nickel-copper plasma. The numerical results are analysed and discussed on light of experimentally measured plasma characteristics in a vacuum-arc plasma centrifuge. (Author)
O comportamento estacionario de um plasma magnetizado, altamente ionizado, de especies multiplas, em rotacao numa centrifuga de plasma a vacuo e descrito. A analise e baseada no modelo de fluido de especies multiplas que incluem forcas eletro-magneticas, gradiente de pressao, forcas centrifuga e colisional para cada especie em geometria cilindrica. Mostra-se que existe uma familia de configuracoes de equilibrio dinamico teoricamente possiveis que podem ser encontradas por combinacoes diferentes de velocidade de rotacao do ion, distribuicao radial da densidade do ion e dependencia radial do potencial eletrico interno. As dependencias para metricas dos varios parametros do plasma em condicoes de equilibrio incluindo o fator de separacao do ion sao apresentados para um plasma de Ni-Cu. Os resultados numericos sao analisados e discutidos sobre a luz das caracteristicas do plasma medidas experimentalmente numa centrifuga de plasma a vacuo. (M.C.K.)Primary Subject
Jun 1986; 42 p
Record Type
Literature Type
Numerical Data
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Dallaqua, R.S.; Ludwig, G.O.; Montes, A.
Instituto de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE), Sao Jose dos Campos, SP (Brazil)1991
Instituto de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE), Sao Jose dos Campos, SP (Brazil)1991
[en] In this work we describe the design and construction of a sector magnetic mass spectrometer. The main parts of the instrument are: ion source, grids (extraction, energy analysis and ion acceleration), electrostatic lens, magnetic sector and detector. All these components are kept inside a vacuum chamber evacuated by a turbomolecular pump. (author)
Original Title
Projeto e construcao de um espectrometro de massa do tipo setor magnetico
Secondary Subject
Aug 1991; 61 p; PRQ--659
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Roberto, M.; Ludwig, G.O.; Bittencourt, J.A.
Instituto de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE), Sao Jose dos Campos, SP (Brazil)1988
Instituto de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE), Sao Jose dos Campos, SP (Brazil)1988
[en] The propagation characteristics of ion-acoustic negative solitons, in a multi-component plasma with negative ions, are investigated considering a Kinetic model which takes into account electron reflection and positive ion trapping in the negative potential well of the soliton. The Poisson equation is solved consistently using the Sagdeev potential formalism. It is verified that the kinetic effects associated with trapping of positive ions and reflection of electrons modify the results predicted by the simple Korteweg-de Vries fluid model in such a way that the Mach number is reduced as the ion temperature and the population of reflected electrons increase. (author)
Primary Subject
Jul 1988; 28 p; PRE--1342
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Ludwig, G.O.; Ferreira, J.L.; Montes, A.
Instituto de Pesquisas Espaciais, Sao Jose dos Campos (Brazil)1987
Instituto de Pesquisas Espaciais, Sao Jose dos Campos (Brazil)1987
[en] Small amplitudes steady-state ion-acoustic double layers are observed to form in a plasma transversed by a beam of cold electrons. The importance of turbulence in maintaining the double layer is demonstrated. The measured wave spectrum is in approximate agreement with models deriveted from renornalized turbulence theory. The general features of the double layer are compared with results from particle simulation studies. (author)
Observam-se camadas duplas acustico-ionicas estacionarias de pequenas amplitudes para formar um plasma transverso por um feixe de eletrons frios. Mostra-se a importancia da turbulencia na manutencao da camada dupla. O espectro de onda medido esta aproximadamente de acordo com modelos deduzidos da teoria da turbulencia renormalizada. As caracteristicas gerais da camada dupla sao comparadas com resultados obtidos de estudos de simulacao da particula. (M.C.K.)Primary Subject
Aug 1987; 12 p
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
Ludwig, G.O.; Ferreira, J.L.; Montes, A.
Instituto de Pesquisas Espaciais, Sao Jose dos Campos (Brazil)1987
Instituto de Pesquisas Espaciais, Sao Jose dos Campos (Brazil)1987
[en] A small amplitude steady-state double layer is observed to form in a plasma tranversed by cold drifting electrons, vd < ve. The double layers is shown to be associated with the anomalous resistivity caused by the ion-aeoustic instability driven by electron beam. The double layer is formed when the beam density is sufficienty large to exchange the instability by a bootstrap action, in agreement with particle simulation studies. (author)
Uma camada dupla estacionaria de pequena amplitude e observada para formar em um plasma transverso por eletrons frios de alargamento, vd < ve. Mostra-se que a camada dupla esta associada a resistividade anomala causada pela conducao da instabilidade acustico ionica pelo feixe de eletrons. A camada dupla e formada quando a densidade do feixe e suficientemente grande para aumentar a instabilidade por uma acao de reforco, de acordo com estudos de simulacao da particula. (M.C.K.)Source
Aug 1987; 13 p
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
Ferreira, J.L.; Del Bosco, E.; Ludwig, G.O.
Instituto de Pesquisas Espaciais, Sao Jose dos Campos (Brazil)1982
Instituto de Pesquisas Espaciais, Sao Jose dos Campos (Brazil)1982
[en] Some experiments done at the Plasma Physics Laboratory at INPE are described. In the first part, the double plasma machine used for the study of ion acoustic wave propagation is described, and the results obtained so far are shown. The second part consists in the description of a plasma centrifuge project. It contains some basic parameters of our apparatus used for isotope separation, through electromagnetic rotation of the plasma. (Author)
Descrevem-se alguns dos experimentos desenvolvidos no Laboratorio de Fisica dos Plasmas do INPE. Na primeira parte estao relatadas as caracteristicas de uma maquina de plasma duplo, utilizada na geracao e detecao de ondas ion acusticas, bem como alguns resultados obtidos ate esta data. A segunda parte consiste na descricao do projeto de uma centrifuga de plasma. Nele estao contidas as caracteristicas basicas para a construcao de um dispositivo, que separa isotopos atraves de rotacao eletromagnetica do plasma. (Autor)Original Title
Trabalhos experimentais em plasma, desenvolvidos no INPE
Primary Subject
Feb 1982; 15 p
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