Weiss, M.E.
Thoro-Ray, Inc., Fort Worth, TX (USA)1980
Thoro-Ray, Inc., Fort Worth, TX (USA)1980
[en] The X-ray tube has got a tabular extension at the front end of which a W-shaped target is mounted. The target hit by electrons emits X-radiation passing through a ceramic window in the surface area. The extension can be inserted into the mouth opening of the patient. For holding down the tongue and for shielding purposes it has got a device shaped like a sleeve with diverging wings fastened to it. Thex leave the ceramic window uncovered. (orig.)
Die Roentgenroehre besitzt einen rohrfoermigen Fortsatz, an dessen vorderem Ende ein W-Target angeordnet ist. Das von Elektronen getroffene Target gibt Roentgenausstrahlung ab, die durch ein Keramikfenster in der Mantelflaeche hindurchtreten. Der Fortsatz kann in die Mundoeffnung des Patienten eingefuehrt werden. Er besitzt zum Niederdruecken der Zunge und Abschirmen eine Einrichtung in Form einer Huelse mit daran angesetzten, divergierenden Fluegeln. Sie lassen das Keramikfenster frei. (RW)Original Title
Roentgenaufnahmevorrichtung fuer dentale Radiografie
10 Jan 1980; 33 p; DE PATENT DOCUMENT 2827001/A/; Available from Deutsches Patentamt, Muenchen, Germany, F.R
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Weiss, M.E.
Thoro-Ray, Inc., Fort Worth, TX (USA)1980
Thoro-Ray, Inc., Fort Worth, TX (USA)1980
[en] Intra-oral dental X-ray apparatus for panoramic dental radiography is described in detail. It comprises an electron gun having an elongated tubular target carrier extending into the patient's mouth. The carrier supports an inclined target for direction of an X-ray pattern towards a film positioned externally of the patient's mouth. Image definition is improved by a focusing anode which focuses the electron beam into a sharp spot (0.05 to 0.10 mm diameter) on the target. The potential on the focusing anode is adjustable to vary the size of the spot. An X-ray transmitting ceramic (oxides of Be, Al and Si) window is positioned adjacent to the front face of the target. The electron beam can be magnetically deflected to change the X-ray beam direction. (author)
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
3 Jan 1980; 7 p; GB PATENT DOCUMENT 2023920/A/
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Weiss, M.E.
Thoro-Ray, Inc., Fort Worth, TX (USA)1980
Thoro-Ray, Inc., Fort Worth, TX (USA)1980
[en] Intra-oral dental X-ray apparatus for panoramic radiography is described in detail. It comprises a tubular target carrier supporting at its distal end a target with an inclined forward face. Image definition is improved by positioning in the path of the X-rays a window of X-ray transmitting ceramic material, e.g. 90% oxide of Be, or Al, 7% Si02. The target carrier forms a probe which can be positioned in the patient's mouth. X-rays are directed forwardly and laterally of the target to an X-ray film positioned externally. The probe is provided with a detachable sleeve having V-form arms of X-ray opaque material which serve to depress the tongue out of the radiation path and also shield the roof of the mouth and other regions of the head from the X-ray pattern. A cylindrical lead shield defines the X-ray beam angle. (author)
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
3 Jan 1980; 13 p; GB PATENT DOCUMENT 2023921/A/
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Weiss, M.E.
Thoro-Ray, Inc., Fort Worth, TX (USA)1980
Thoro-Ray, Inc., Fort Worth, TX (USA)1980
[en] The X-ray tube has got a tube-shaped extension with a target and a ceramic window in the surface area being arranged at the front end. The extension can be inserted into the mouth opening of the patient. It has got a device pushed on in the form of a sleeve with wings, holding down the tongue and shielding the palate from the X-rays emitted through the ceramic window. In order to produce an image being directed forward until the lateral and rear part of the target for the purpose of extending the region of diagnosis, the target has got a flat shape and is arranged inclined, at some distance behind the X-ray tube in axial direction. (RW)
Die Roentgenroehre besitzt einen rohrfoermigen Fortsatz, an dessen vorderem Ende ein Target und ein Keramikfenster in der Mantelflaeche angeordnet sind. Der Fortsatz kann in die Mundoeffnung des Patienten eingefuehrt werden. Auf ihn ist eine Einrichtung in Form einer Huelse mit Fluegeln aufgesteckt, die die Zunge niederhaelt und den Gaumen gegenueber den aus dem Keramikfenster austretenden Roentgenstrahlen abschirmt. Zur Erzeugung eines nach vorn gerichteten, bis seitlich und hinter das Target, zwecks Erweiterung des Diagnosebereiches, reichenden Strahlungsbildes, ist das Target eben ausgebildet und im Abstand axial hinter der Roentgenroehre geneigt angeordnet. (RW)Original Title
Roentgenaufnahmevorrichtung fuer dentale Radiografie
Primary Subject
10 Jan 1980; 27 p; DE PATENT DOCUMENT 2827041/A/; Available from Deutsches Patentamt, Muenchen, Germany, F.R
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Weiss, M.E.
Thoro-Ray Inc., Fort Worth, TX (USA)1980
Thoro-Ray Inc., Fort Worth, TX (USA)1980
[en] Intra-oral X-ray apparatus which reduces the number of exposures necessary to obtain panoramic dental radiographs is described in detail. It comprises an electron gun, a tubular target carrier projecting from the gun along the beam axis and carrying at its distal end a target surrounded by a shield of X-ray opaque material. This shield extends forward and laterally of the target and has surfaces which define a wedge or cone-shaped radiation pattern delimited vertically by the root tips of the patient's teeth. A film holder is located externally of the patient's mouth. A disposable member can fit on the target carrier to depress the patient's tongue out of the radiation pattern and to further shield the roof of the mouth. The electron beam can be magnetically deflected to change the X-ray beam direction. (author)
Primary Subject
3 Jan 1980; 10 p; GB PATENT DOCUMENT 2023979/A/
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
Weiss, M.E.
Thoro-Ray, Inc., Fort Worth, TX (USA)1980
Thoro-Ray, Inc., Fort Worth, TX (USA)1980
[en] The X-ray tube has got a tubular extension within which a W-shaped target is arranged and which can be inserted into the mouth opening of the patient. The target is inclined with respect to the axis of the beam of electrons striking it in such a way, that the X-radiation emitted by it is received either by the upper or the lower row of teeth, including the root area. A screen mounted on the extension causes only these semicircular areas to be irradiated. An X-ray film holder is also fastened to the extension and covers mouth and cheeks of the patient from outside. The focal spot on the target is adjustable so that a sharp picture can be produced. (RW)
Die Roentgenroehre besitzt einen rohrfoermigen Fortsatz, in dem sich ein W-Target befindet und der in die Mundoeffnung des Patienten einfuehrbar ist. Das Target ist zur Achse der auf ihn auftreffenden Elektronen derart geneigt, dass die von ihm ausgehende Roentgenstrahlung entweder die oberen oder unteren Zaehne einschliesslich Wurzelbereich umfasst. Ein Schirm am Fortsatz sorgt dafuer, dass jeweils nur diese Halbbereiche bestrahlt werden. Ein Roentgenfilmhalter ist ebenfalls am Fortsatz befestigt und bedeckt den Mund und die Wangen des Patienten von aussen. Der Brennfleck auf dem Target ist steuerbar, so dass ein scharfes Bild erzeugt werden kann. (RW)Original Title
Roentgenaufnahmevorrichtung fuer dentale Radiografie
Primary Subject
10 Jan 1980; 24 p; DE PATENT DOCUMENT 2827042/A/; Available from Deutsches Patentamt, Muenchen, Germany, F.R
Record Type
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue