AESOP - Association of European Schools of Planning ha diffuso questo post
📣 Final Event of the InPlanEd Erasmus+ Project! Join us for the Final Event of the InPlanEd Erasmus+ project, titled “Integrated Planning: Exploring Dynamics and Challenges for Higher Education.” 🗓️ Thursday, March 6, 2025 ⏰ 10:00 AM 📍 Small Auditorium, Lampadariou Building, School of Rural, Surveying, and Geoinformatics Engineering, NTUA Campus, Zografou This event will bring together experts, educators, and professionals to discuss key aspects of integrated planning in higher education, including: ⚪ Urban Planning ⚪ Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning ⚪ Participatory Planning ⚪ Evidence-Based Approaches Stay tuned! The detailed event program will be announced in the coming days. 👉 Feel free to share and invite those who might be interested! #inplaned_eu #inplaned #ErasmusPlus #UrbanPlanning #urbandesign #integratedplanning #planningcourse #Cites4People #InclusiveCities #SustainableMobility #ClimateResilience #ParticipatoryPlanning #EvidenceBasedDesign #CPD #coilcourse