📢 Yesterday the ITCOLD Observatory Day on "Small Dams in Italy" took place in Milan. It was a significant and insightful event, shining a spotlight on structures that are often overlooked but play a crucial role in our territory. Small dams are essential for water resource management, energy production and to ensure environmental resilience 🌍💧⚡ The stage hosted several experts in the field, who delivered instructive presentations, providing a comprehensive perspective on the strategic importance of these structures. As LSI LASTEM - Environmental Monitoring Solutions, we were thrilled to participate, as we strongly share the values and themes championed by International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD). We remain committed to supporting innovative solutions for environmental monitoring. A special thanks to all the organizers and participants for making this event so inspiring! 🙌 Guido Mazzà Alberto Masera Roberto Del Vesco Paolo Ropele Diego Balduzzi Lorenzo Baio Riccardo Previtali Dinale Roberto francesco fornari Ismes CESI SpA Regione Piemonte Regione Autonoma Valle d'Aosta ANBI Lombardia Legambiente Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano - Land Südtirol Enel Green Power Enel Group Edison A2A Alperia Group CVA SpA - Compagnia Valdostana delle Acque Consorzio di Bonifica di Piacenza Ente Acque della Sardegna Hydro Dolomiti Energia Iren Luce Gas e Servizi ROMAGNA ACQUE - SOCIETA DELLE FONTI S.P.A. Tirreno Power SpA #ITCOLD #ObservatoryDay #SmallDams #WaterResourceManagement #Energy #EnvironmentalResilience #LSILASTEM
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