🚀 Grazie al Club - Agenzie Estere di Promozione Economica attive in Italia abbiamo avuto la possibilità di approfondire la conoscenza del settore #aeronautico e #aerospace in Italia visitando due rinomate realtà del Nord Italia. 🛰️ 🛩️ Siamo stati ospiti di TEMA AVIO, eccellenza manufatturiera del settore, che ci ha illustrato il loro importante lavoro basato su costante innovazione, ricerca e sviluppo. A seguire, ci siamo riuniti con il Lombardia Aerospace Cluster per discutere lo stato attuale dell'industria aeronautica e aerospaziale lombarda, evidenziare le principali attività e tecnologie in via di sviluppo nel settore e valutare potenziali collaborazioni con le nostre Agenzie territoriali. 🌌 🙏 Un grande ringraziamento a tutti i soci del #ClubAPE che hanno partecipato e preso parte all’iniziativa #aerospace #aviazione #engineering #aerospaceengineering #manufacturing
Yesterday a sizeable number of members of different Trade Promotion Agencies part of the Club - Agenzie Estere di Promozione Economica attive in Italia had the opportunity to dive deep into the #aeronautics and #aerospace sector in Italy thanks to two insightful visits. In the morning, the Italian aeronautics and aerospace company TEMA AVIO welcomed us to their impressive premises in Somma Lombardo (VA), where we received an interesting presentation on their extensive activities in development and design, production and maintenance of diverse technologies and components, showcasing their autonomy across the entire development and supply chain. In the afternoon we were hosted in the headquarters of Confindustria Varese, home to the Lombardia Aerospace Cluster: cluster manager Giulia Fornara provided us with insights into the current state of the aeronautics and aerospace industry in Lombardy, highlighting the main activities and technologies being developed in the sector. The aerospace and aeronautics industry in Lombardy accounts for a quarter of the sector's total export turnover: out of the 215 companies operating in this field, 109 are members of the Cluster, along with research centers and institutions, and other partners. We would like to warmly thank Gianpietro Carraro, Giulia Sette, Giulia Fornara and Lucia Florenzano for hosting us and for the interesting conversation. There is ample room for further development in the sector and we look forward to fostering #collaboration and #partnership to support the #internationalisation of the companies we represent. A big thank you also to all the Club APE members who attended and made this possible. Stay tuned to find out our future activities! Marleen Verstreken |Luis Polo Bettonica | Ainara Isasa | Stefano De Paoli TEMA AVIO | Lombardia Aerospace Cluster | Confindustria Varese ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA Italia | ABA – INVEST in AUSTRIA | Andalucía TRADE Italia | Basque Trade & Investment / Agencia Vasca de Internacionalización | Catalonia Trade & Investment Italia | CzechTrade Italy | Flanders Investment & Trade - Italia | hub.brussels | Invest Hong Kong Italia | KOTRA Milano | ProChile Italia | Swiss Business Hub Italy | Switzerland Global Enterprise | TAITRA Global (Taiwan External Trade Development Council) | Wallonia Export & Investment Agency (AWEX) Italy