
Raubēni, Jelgava Municipality 4,605 followers

Glulam structure production, timber structure design and assembly.

About us

ZAZA TIMBER is a group of three companies specializing in glulam structure production, timber structure design and assembly. Our brand name, ZAZA TIMBER, reflects our aspiration and ability to deliver from A to Z. ZAZA TIMBER Production SIA manufactures custom-made Glulam structures for buildings and bridges. We are a one-stop-shop for all production and postproduction services. We deliver prefabricated structures and enable clients to accomplish most tasks at one manufacture. We produce glulam structures of up to 32 m long and 2.1 m high. We service construction companies all around Europe and have produced constructions for road, pedestrian and ski bridges, manufacturing, office and residential buildings, schools, sporting facilities, hotels, churches, EV charging- and petrol stations, open-air concert halls - in Sweden, Norway, Iceland, Spain, Germany, Lithuania, Latvia, USA, Denmark, Qatar, South Korea, the Netherlands, Australia, Morocco. Highlights: - Tailored production of beams and block glued glulam from spruce and pine timber (EN14080:2013, various strength classes) - Curved and straight structures - Drills, cuttings, grindings with large-format CNC - Integration of steel parts - Surface treatment, including pressure treatment (antistain, fire retardant, painting) - FSC, PEFC, EPD - Delivery ZAZA TIMBER Engineering SIA is an engineering office specializing in timber structures. Highlights: - Structural design of buildings, bridges, and other timber structures - Detailing of timber structures - Design project management - DfMA modelling ZAZA TIMBER Construction SIA does timber structure assembly (completed projects in Denmark, Latvia, Sweden, Norway). As a team of three companies we have provided our clients with a full engineering-manufacturing-construction cycle for more than 10 timber buildings. Custom solutions from A to Z. One stop shop.

Company size
51-200 employees
Raubēni, Jelgava Municipality
Privately Held
construction, glulam manufacture, civil engineering, engineering, timber construction, detailing, and construction design


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    Raubēni, Jelgava Municipality LV-3002, LV

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    A preference for renewable resources in building a school in Hyen, Norway. A combination of glued laminated timber (glulam/limtre) and CLT. Our part in this project was manufacturing and CNC-processing glulam columns and beams, in total 148 parts, 42m3, tallest part 18,7 metres, mostly spruce but also pine (some columns had to be pressure impregnated UC4). A project and photos by Massivtre AS. 🙏 Thanks Massivtre AS and Timber Concept GmbH. <Photo/video of the week>

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  • A charming car dealership in Lierstranda, Norway, built recently. Cars, glass and timber. This was one of our glulam manufacturing projects in 2023. Our project manager Girts Hauks recently passed through the city and stopped by the building to see it completed and snap a photo. We manufactured 64 m3 glued laminated timber - in total 208 parts, the tallest was 14 m long, strength class - GL28. Thanks Timber Concept GmbH for this project.

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    Going to the Forum Holzbau International? Meet our team there. Visit the stand D06 in the Dogana hall and see how we can assist with timber structural design, glued laminated timber manufacturing and timber building assembly. To arrange a meeting in advance please get in touch with Mr Mareks Balodis (+37126480828) or Mr Deivis Kelderis (+37129255011), Forum Holzbau International, December 4-6, Innsbruck, Austria. See you!

    • Correction: Stand 06
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    Meklējam kolēģi! Piesakies!

    My HR klients ZAZA TIMBER Production aicina pievienoties komandai RAŽOTNES VADĪTĀJU! Lai Tev šis darbs izdotos Tev ir nepieciešama: ✅ Augstākā izglītība inženierzinātnēs vai uzņēmējdarbības vadībā, izglītība kokapstrādes tehnoloģijā būs kā priekšrocība; ✅Pieredze 3 – 5 gadu ražošanas vadībā, ar atbildību procesu optimizācijā; ✅Pieredze LEAN, Six Sigma vai citu procesu uzlabošanas metodoloģiju jomā tiks uzskatīta kā priekšrocība; ✅Pieredze budžeta plānošanā, ražošanas plūsmu organizēšanā, komandas darbu un prioritāšu plānošanā; ✅Labas latviešu un angļu valodas zināšanas. Mēs Tev piedāvājam: ✅ Darbu modernā uzņēmumā ar eksporta projektiem un profesionālām izaugsmes iespējām; ✅ Apmācības, mūsdienīgu darba vidi un atbalstošus kolēģus; ✅ Atalgojumu no 3500,- līdz 4500,- EUR bruto. Ja redzi savu atbilstību amatam, tad apskati vairāk un piesakies ➜ ✨ZAZA TIMBER Production ir viens no trīs inovatīviem uzņēmumiem grupā, kas specializējas līmētā koka konstrukciju ražošanā, projektēšanā un būvniecībā. Strādā uz Latvijas un eksporta tirgiem īstenojot modernus projektus. Saviem klientiem nodrošina arī pilnu koka ēku būvniecības ciklu no projekta izstrādes līdz gatavai būvei.

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    Great to see the Čoarvemátta cultural centre for the Sami people in Kautokeino, Norway completed. Back in 2021-2022 we had two roles in the project: - our structural design team worked on connection design and detailing - our glulam factory manufactured 215 m3 load-bearing structures - columns and beams, in total 317 pieces, with steel parts embedded. The largest glulam structure were 1,2 m wide and 23 m long. What was unique about this project - each glulam part was different. We thank DBC GROUP AS and Econor AS for trusting us a part in this project. And now there is a new pin on a map for our next travel -📍Kautokeino .

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    Located in Kautokeino, on the plains of Finnmark in Norway, Čoarvemátta opens its doors to the public. The building houses the Sámi National Theater Beaivváš, and the Sámi High School and Reindeer Herding School – important cultural institutions of The Sámi settlement area of Sápmi. Deriving from the Sámi words “čoarvi” and “mátta”, meaning “horn” and “root”, Čoarvemátta takes its name and shape from the strongest part of the reindeer antler. Wanting the building to be as close to nature as possible, natural materials such as wood and stone are used. The building follows the shapes of the terrain, with the roof pulling down towards the ground to meet the landscape. The elongated, continuous shape draws associations to carvings in a subject, such as a tool made of reindeer horns. A total of six new works have been created for the building. The artwork Sáráhkká, Juoksáhkká ja Uksáhkká (2024) is made by Rámavuol Elle Bigge, in collaboration with Merethe Kuhumunen. Snøhetta developed this project together with the architectural firm 70°N arkitektur, the entrepreneur Econor, and the artist Joar Nango. Read more: 📸by: Lars Petter Pettersen #snøhetta #architecture #landscape #čoarvemátta #sámi #beaivváš #nationalltheater #school

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    🔎 Get to know a 7-storey timber building in Linköping, Sweden that our structural design team helped to design. Structural design highlights (e.g. cold bridge, vibration, wind load during construction, dealing with small available space etc): 1️⃣ The whole building (function: student halls) is made up of 3 independent parts – their load-bearing structures are interconnected only at the foundation level. 2️⃣ Load-bearing structures are mainly made of CLT – both wall panels and floor slabs. Individual walls at ground level are substituted by steel beams and columns on which rests walls above. 3️⃣ Glulam beams and columns are designed both for exterior walls (exterior walls are made of infill panels) and to improve the comfort of users by reducing possible vibrations caused by usage of the building. 4️⃣ The top floor is designed as open space made of glulam columns and beams. The stability of the building is ensured by CLT walls as well as elevator shaft and stairwell cores which are also made of CLT. 5️⃣ The load-bearing structures of the balconies use CLT panels that are supported by steel beams. The steel beams are supported on CLT floor panels. Special connection is used to reduce the cold bridge of steel beams. Foamglass has also been used to reduce cold bridges between load-bearing structures. 6️⃣ As part of the design, calculation models for different stages of construction were made, as the wind load during construction, when only one part was built, caused more loads on individual walls than in the calculation of the building as a whole. 7️⃣ Additional calculation models were also made to simulate the possible impact of vehicles from the adjacent street – the building was verified by removing individual walls and columns. 8️⃣ We also coordinated the compatibility of building services with the detailed structural model using IFC models - as the rooms are compact and the tolerances are very small due to the accessibility requirements, it was a challenge to combine building services and connectors in the small available space to avoid any clashes. ℹ️ Achitects: Spridd AB; SEPTEMBRE Architecture; SECRETARY AB Built by: AB Lindstams Bygg; timber structure assembly: Northcon Design: Structor; timber structure design and detailing: ZAZA TIMBER

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    Tre hus i en kropp - de skiljs åt i funktion men delar gemensamma utrymmen som uppmuntrar möten mellan generationer! I framtidens boende går social hållbarhet, generationsöverskridande möten och miljövänliga byggmetoder hand i hand. Med sin innovativa design och sitt fokus på gemenskap är flerbostadshuset Generatorn en viktig del av Vallastadens utveckling och en inspirerande modell för framtida stadsbyggnadsprojekt. Flerbostadshuset Generatorn i Vallastadens sydöstra hörn är byggt med en bärande stomme av korslimmat trä, KL-trä, och består av tre separata fastigheter, där studentboende kombineras med trygghetsboende. Flerbostadshuset Generatorn i Vallastadens sydöstra hörn är byggt med en bärande stomme av korslimmat trä, KL-trä, och består av tre separata fastigheter, där studentboende kombineras med trygghetsboende. Ett av utvärderingskriterierna var just användandet av träbyggnadsteknik, och markanvisningstävlingen bakom Generatorn, som stod färdig 2023, vanns av arkitektkontoret Spridd år 2019. Inför tävlingen bjöd Spridd AB in kontoren Septembre och Secretary till ett designsamarbete. Var: #Linköping, #Sverige Objekt: Generatorn Arkitekt: Spridd, Septembre och Secretary. Beställare: Spridd och K2A. Konstruktör: Structor Eskilstuna, Zaza timber. Kostnad: 120 miljoner kronor. Yta (bta): 4 650 kvadratmeter. Certifiering: Svanen, Plusenergihus. Foto: Johan Dehlin 👉 Läs mer om träarkitektur, träbyggande och träkonstruktion i senaste numret av Tidningen trä! #tidningenträ #arkitektur #träarkitektur #byggiträ #byggmeriträ #svensktträ

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  • Party time! 🎉 Just celebrated our brand anniversary! The ZAZA TIMBER brand was launched three years ago. Since then our three businesses: timber structural design, glulam manufacturing and timber assembly operate as one family. We strive to make it a functional and happy one.

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