The #COP29 marks our third participation in this crucial global climate summit. This year's conference will have a strong focus on #climatefinance, particularly on the issue of the New Collective Quantified Goal #NCQG for climate finance. This presents a unique and invaluable opportunity for us at Positive Agenda Advisory to continue our advocacy efforts towards decisive climate action. #Baku #cop29 #climateaction
Positive Agenda Advisory
خدمات الإدارة الإستراتيجية
Rabat، Rabat-Salé-Kénitra ١٬٥٢٦ متابع
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Positive Agenda Advisory (P2A) est une société de conseil en stratégie et développement. Basée à Rabat (Maroc), P2A est une plateforme #stratégique d’expertise et de #réseaux au bénéfice de la concrétisation des #objectifs et #ambitions de nos clients.
- الموقع الإلكتروني
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- خدمات الإدارة الإستراتيجية
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- المقر الرئيسي
- Rabat, Rabat-Salé-Kénitra
- النوع
- صاحب عمل حر
- تم التأسيس
- 2019
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- Développement Durable، Digitalisation، Recherche & Innovation، Coopération universitaire، Intégration Régionale، Développement Industriel، Transport & Logistique، Promotions des Investissements et des Exportations، Partenariat، و Economie Verte
المواقع الجغرافية
9 Rue Midelt, Quartier Hassan
Rabat، Rabat-Salé-Kénitra 10090، MA
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Join our Live Webinar on " How can science contribute to the discussions on unpacking finance for loss and damage?"
How science can contribute to the discussions on unpacking finance for loss
Don't miss out our webinar on unpacking finance for loss and damage.
Join us tomorrow for our webinar "Road to COP29: How Science Can Contribute to Discussions on Financing Loss and Damage." with the SPPC and ESSEC Business School Africa This webinar is a vital part of our shared effort to leverage scientific knowledge in tackling the global challenge of climate change and its wide-ranging impacts. 📆 18th october at 5 pm 🔗
Join us tomorrow for our webinar Road to COP29 “How science can contribute to the discussions on unpacking finance for loss and damage?" This webinar represents a crucial step in our collective effort to harness the power of science in addressing the global challenge of climate change and its far-reaching consequences. 📅 Friday, 18th October at 5 pm (Morocco Time)
Road to COP29 “How science can contribute to the discussions on unpacking f
We are thrilled to announce the launch of our upcoming webinar, organized in close collaboration with our esteemed partners, the science policy platform for climate urgencies #SPPC and the prestigious ESSEC Business School. As the global community gears up for the highly anticipated #COP29, the issue of #climatefinance has gained immense significance. The topic of this informative and thought-provoking session is "How can science contribute to the discussions on unlocking finance for #lossanddamage?" This crucial issue has been at the forefront of global discussions on climate change. By bringing together leading experts, policymakers, and stakeholders from various fields, this webinar aims to explore the role of scientific research and data in informing the discussions and potential solutions around climate finance for loss and damage. you can register via the link :
Nous avons eu le plaisir de participer au prestigieux #World PTX Summit qui s'est tenu cette année à Marrakech. Cet événement international majeur, organisé par notre partenaire IRESEN - Institut de Recherche en Énergie Solaire et Énergies Nouvelles, a réuni les plus grands experts et acteurs du secteur des technologies propres. Une formidable opportunité de prendre part à des discussions passionnantes et enrichissantes autour des technologies liées à l'hydrogène vert 🌱et aux carburants propres, à travers le concept innovant du Power-to-X.
We are delighted to announce that our joint #policybrief with Instituto Escolhas (Brazil) was selected and published within the framework of the #T20 (Think20), the network of Think Tanks of the #G20 in the run-up to the G20 Brasil 2024 Leaders Summit that will take place in Rio de Janeiro on November 18-19. This policy brief is co-authored by our senior associate, Prof. Hafsa EL Bekri, PhD, HDR, along with Dr. Juliana Luiz, the Project Manager from the Escolhas Institute in Brazil, and Jaqueline da Luz Ferreira, the Portfolio Manager at the same institute. It addresses the crucial topic of "Repurposing and Leveraging Agricultural Financing Towards a Just, Sustainable, and Healthy Transition of Agrifood Systems in The Global South." The policy brief underscores the pressing need for G20 Brasil 2024 countries to tackle the global challenge of #climate transition, while acknowledging the uneven impacts of #food production and consumption patterns when comparing the global North and South. It emphasizes two distinct yet complementary opportunities for countries in the global South to make substantial progress on this critical transition. The first opportunity lies in the strategic repurposing of public support. This involves designing and implementing better financing standards, allocating resources according to well-defined transition criteria, preparing comprehensive transition plans, and fostering a multi-stakeholder governance framework. The second opportunity lies in leveraging a robust #financingsystem that can enable and sustain the transition. This includes investing in key areas such as adaptable technologies, improving data collection and analysis, and facilitating the sharing of best practices among stakeholders. The policy brief's comprehensive approach recognizes the complex challenges faced by the global South in navigating the transition, while also highlighting the immense potential and opportunities that exist. Find out more on #globalsouth #agriculutre #financing
Retour sur la participation de notre Advocacy and executive strategy senior associate Hafsa EL Bekri, PhD, HDR au débat #avecousansparure sur @ Luxe Radio pour discuter des recommandations du rapport #Draghi et ses répercussions sur les perspectives des relations Maroc🇲🇦- European Union 🇪🇺. Notre senior associate a analysé les faits saillants du rapport Draghi, en présentant : - Le timing de sa publication : Un contexte économique mondial dans lequel l'Europe s'inquiète des surcapacités de production chinoises et s'alarme du ralentissement de sa propre productivité, face à la performance économique toujours impressionnante des États-Unis. - La signature de l'auteur, Mario Draghi, ancien président de la Banque centrale européenne. Connu pour sa célèbre phrase "whatever it takes". Enfin, notre senior associate a rappelé que ce rapport se veut être un "manuel d'actions" (playbook), proposant un ensemble détaillé d'outils stratégiques qui pourraient guider la #Commissioneuropéenne dans la définition de son nouveau "Pacte pour une industrie propre" 🌱. Cette feuille de route est particulièrement attendue, alors que la nouvelle Commission entame son mandat et doit apporter des réponses ambitieuses aux défis industriels et environnementaux auxquels l'Europe est confrontée. retrouvez le replay sur
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"The Pact for the Future is about turbocharging the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement, accelerating a just transition away from fossil fuels." António Guterres, as the pivotal Pact for the Future, aiming to create a better world for all, is adopted at #UNGA.