Ipas Moçambique

Ipas Moçambique

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Parceiros para a Justiça Reprodutiva

Sobre nós

🌐 SOBRE NÓS O Ipas Moçambique é uma organização não governamental, sem fins lucrativos, que exerce a sua actividade em Moçambique desde 2018. Com sede em Maputo e com escritórios provinciais em Nampula, Zambézia e Niassa, somos parceiros do Ministério da Saúde na promoção, melhoria e prestação de serviços de Saúde Sexual e Reprodutiva, Serviços Compreensivos de Aborto Seguro, Contracepção, e combate à Violência Baseada no Género (VBG). 🤝 PARCERIAS DE IMPACTO: Trabalhamos em colaboração com o Ministério da Saúde para melhorar a qualidade dos serviços de Saúde Sexual e Reprodutiva, prestando especial atenção às infra-estruturas, fornecimento de equipamento e formação dos prestadores de cuidados de saúde e das principais partes interessadas. 💪 CUIDADOS DE QUALIDADE: O Ipas Moçambique está empenhado em fornecer serviços de saúde sexual e reprodutiva de alta qualidade, melhorando infraestruturas, fornecendo equipamentos e formação aos prestadores de cuidados de saúde. 🔗 CONTACTE-NOS Junte-se a nós na promoção dos direitos das mulheres e na garantia de acesso abrangente aos serviços de saúde sexual e reprodutiva. Mantenha-se conectado para obter actualizações sobre nossas iniciativas. #IpasMozambique #SaúdeReprodutiva #DireitosDasMulheres

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Tamanho da empresa
51-200 funcionários
Sem fins lucrativos
Fundada em
Access to Safe Abortion Services, Maternal Health Initiatives, Advocacy for Women's Rights, Community Empowerment Programs, Comprehensive Safe Abortion Services e Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Prevention


  • Principal

    Av. Paulo Samuel Kankhomba, nº 1236, R/C

    Maputo, MZ

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Funcionários da Ipas Moçambique


  • We Reaffirm our Commitment in 2025 !✨ "2024 was a year of challenges and achievements in our work to promote the rights and reproductive health of girls and women in Mozambique. We faced adversities such as cyclones, conflicts, and elections, but we also expanded our reach and strengthened partnerships to transform lives. In this spirit of resilience and unity, we *thank our partners, donors, and collaborators for their commitment and dedication*. May this moment of reflection bring renewed hope and strength to continue building a better future. May 2025 inspire us to achieve even more ! With gratitude, " - Jorge Matine, Country Director, Ipas Mozambique PT - Reafirmamos o nosso compromisso em 2025 ! ✨ "2024 foi um ano de desafios e conquistas no nosso trabalho em prol dos direitos e da saúde reprodutiva de raparigas e mulheres em Moçambique. Enfrentámos adversidades como ciclones, conflitos e eleições, mas também expandimos a nossa actuação e fortalecemos parcerias para transformar vidas. Neste espírito de resiliência e união, agradecemos aos nossos parceiros, doadores e colaboradores pelo compromisso e dedicação. Que este momento de reflexão traga esperança e força renovada para continuarmos a construir um futuro melhor. Que 2025 nos inspire a alcançar ainda mais ! Com gratidão, " - Jorge Matine, Director Nacional, Ipas Moçambique #IpasMozambique #IpasMoçambique #ReproJustice #ReproductiveHealth

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  • IPAS MOZAMBIQUE STRENGTHENS THE HEALTH SYSTEM WITH THE DELIVERY OF ESSENTIAL SUPPLIES IN NIASSA Ipas Mozambique carried out the official delivery of medical and surgical supplies today in Niassa province to health facilities supported by the project "Access to Comprehensive Sexual and Reproductive Health Services and Gender-Based Violence and Safe Abortion," funded by the government of Canada through Global Affairs Canada (GAC). The project aims to improve the quality and coverage of sexual and reproductive health services in the provinces of Niassa, Nampula, and Zambezia. The delivery of these supplies seeks to strengthen the health system by ensuring the availability of essential inputs for providing comprehensive abortion care services, meeting the quality standards required by the Ministry of Health, particularly in the gynecology emergency rooms of Lichinga Provincial Hospital, Cuamba District Hospital, Mandimba District Hospital, Metangula Health Center, and Chiuaula Health Center. The supplies delivered include manual vacuum aspiration kits, gynecological examination tables, metal lockers for material and clinical record storage, Mayo tables, instrument trays, sterilization pans, stepladders, forceps, speculums, gynecological lamps, gloves, catheters, hospital screens, adult scales, among others. On the occasion, the Provincial Health Service Director for Niassa, José Manuel, emphasized that the supplies would enhance the capacity to respond to the growing demand for sexual and reproductive health services, including comprehensive abortion care, family planning, and support for gender-based violence cases in Niassa province. Ipas Mozambique acknowledges that the provision of medical and surgical supplies is crucial for strengthening the health system, reducing complications and mortality among women and girls. These resources ensure that healthcare providers are better equipped to perform safe procedures, promote equity in access to health in vulnerable regions, prevent unsafe practices, and contribute to saving lives and improving the population's well-being. This activity is implemented by Ipas Mozambique with funding from the government of Canada.   #ipasmoçambique #Gacinmozambique #MISAU # High Commission of Canada in Mozambique | Haut-commissariat du Canada au Mozambique

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  • IPAS MOZAMBIQUE TRAINED 37 HEALTH PROVIDERS TO ENSURE SAFE AND QUALITY ABORTION SERVICES Ipas Mozambique, in coordination with the Provincial Health Service and the Povincial Health Directorate of Niassa, has initiated the training of 37 health providers in comprehensive abortion care (CAC) in Lichinga city, Niassa province. The training aims to enhance providers' knowledge and clinical skills in CAC to ensure the availability of safe abortion services while adhering to quality standards. The group of trained providers includes gynecologists, general practitioners, general medicine technicians, and maternal and child health nurses. This initiative highlights Ipas Mozambique's commitment to reducing deaths and complications associated with unsafe abortions, promoting equity in access to healthcare services, and supporting government efforts to improve public health indicators. Training health providers is essential to strengthening the healthcare system and ensuring that women and girls have access to safe and high-quality sexual and reproductive healthcare. This activity is implemented by Ipas Mozambique with funding from the Swedish Embassy. #traininghealthproviders #Safeabortion #Swedeninmz

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  • 🎥 WEBINAR | Opressão de Género e Interseccionalidade com o Acesso ao Aborto EN: WEBINAR | Gender Oppression and Intersectionality with Access to Abortion 🔍 Em celebração ao encerramento dos 16 Dias de Activismo pelo Fim da Violência Baseada no Género, convidamos você a um evento transformador que explora as conexões entre violência de género, aborto seguro e direitos reprodutivos. EN: 🔍 In celebration of the conclusion of the 16 Days of Activism to End Gender-Based Violence, we invite you to a transformative event that explores the connections between gender-based violence, safe abortion and reproductive rights. 🗓 Date: 12,December, 2024 🕒 Time: 10h00 (Maputo) 💻 PARTICIPATE via Zoom: 🔗 Link: https://bit.ly/41xldbb 📄 ID Meeting: 852 6562 4812 📄 Passcode: 218358 👥 Oradores/Speakers: -      Celina Fides de Morais (Ipas Moçambique, Zambézia) ⁃      Paulina Cuinhane (Nafeza) ⁃      Clara Armando (Fofen)   🎤 Moderador/Moderator: Tito Sibanda (Ipas Moçambique, Niassa)   🌍 Apoio/Support: 🇨🇦 Global Affairs Canada | Affaires mondiales Canada | 🇸🇪 Embassy of Sweden 📡 Transmissão ao vivo pelo Facebook/Live streaming on Facebook (@ipasmocambique).   ✨ Junte-se a nós nesta discussão essencial para promover a autonomia das mulheres e reduzir a mortalidade materna. EN: Join us in this essential discussion to promote women's autonomy and reduce maternal mortality #16DiasDeActivismo #DireitosHumanos #FimDaViolênciaDeGénero #IpasMoçambique #GACinMozambique #EmbassyOfSwedenInMozambique

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  • ✨ Thank you for following our journey! During the 16 Days of Activism, we addressed crucial topics such as gender-based violence, sexual and reproductive health, safe abortion, and gender equality. Your participation strengthens the fight for rights and protection for women and girls. 💜 Together, we are the change! #16DaysOfActivism #EndGenderBasedViolence #WomensRights #Gacinmozambique #Swedeninmz #ipasmoçambique #MISAU High Commission of Canada in Mozambique | Haut-commissariat du Canada au Mozambique The Erik E. and Edith H. Bergstrom Foundation

  • 📢 WEBINAR | Gender oppression and intersectionality in access to abortion 🔍 As part of the closing activities for the 16 days of activism against gender-based violence, we invite everyone to join a special webinar on: gender oppression and intersectionality in access to abortion during this event, we will explore, from an intersectional perspective, how gender-based violence, safe abortion, and reproductive rights are interconnected, emphasizing the promotion of women’s autonomy and reducing maternal mortality. 🗓 Date: December 12, 2024 🕒 Time: 10:00 AM (Maputo) 💻 Join via Zoom: 🔗 Link: https://bit.ly/41xldbb 📄 Meeting ID: 852 6562 4812 📄 Passcode: 218358 👥 SPEAKERS: 🎙 Celina Fides de Morais - Ipas Mozambique (Zambezia) 🎙 Paulina Cuinhane - Nafeza 🎙 Clara Armando - Fofen 🎤 MODERATOR: Tito Sibanda - Ipas Mozambique (Niassa) 📌 SUPPORTED BY 🇨🇦 Global Affairs Canada 🇸🇪 Swedish Embassy ✨ Join us and be part of this transformative conversation! #16DaysOfActivism #WomensRights #EndGenderViolence #IpasMozambique High Commission of Canada in Mozambique | Haut-commissariat du Canada au Mozambique The Erik E. and Edith H. Bergstrom Foundation

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  • 📢 WEBINAR | Gender oppression and intersectionality in access to abortion 🔍 As part of the closing activities for the 16 days of activism against gender-based violence, we invite everyone to join a special webinar on: Gender oppression and Intersectionality in access to abortion during this event, we will explore, from an intersectional perspective, how gender-based violence, safe abortion, and reproductive rights are interconnected, emphasizing the promotion of women’s autonomy and reducing maternal mortality. 🗓 Date: December 12, 2024 🕒 Time: 10:00 AM (Maputo) 💻 Join via Zoom: 🔗 Link: https://bit.ly/41xldbb 📄 Meeting ID: 852 6562 4812 📄 Passcode: 218358 👥 SPEAKERS: 🎙 Celina Fides de Morais - Ipas Mozambique (Zambezia) 🎙 Paulina Cuinhane - Nafeza 🎙 Clara Armando - Fofen 🎤 MODERATOR: Tito Sibanda - Ipas Mozambique (Niassa) 📌 SUPPORTED BY 🇨🇦 Global Affairs Canada 🇸🇪 Swedish Embassy ✨ Join us and be part of this transformative conversation! #16DaysOfActivism #WomensRights #EndGenderViolence #IpasMozambique High Commission of Canada in Mozambique | Haut-commissariat du Canada au Mozambique The Erik E. and Edith H. Bergstrom Foundation

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  • 16 days of activism campaign Youth dialogue on gender-based violence As part of the 16 Days of activism against gender-based violence campaign, the district service for education youth and technology, Ipas Mozambique, and community-based organizations organized a youth dialogue in Namiconha, Ribaué district, Nampula. The event aimed to raise awareness among young people about the various forms of violence against women and girls that are often normalized within communities. Holding youth dialogues on gender-based violence (GBV) is crucial, as it provides a platform for young people to openly discuss these issues, understand their impacts, and reflect on gender inequalities present in daily life. These dialogues are powerful tools for driving behavioral change, encouraging the reporting of abuse, and shaping a new generation that is conscious, prepared to combat violence, and committed to fostering equal and respectful relationships. #YouthDialogue #GBV #16DaysOfActivism #EndViolence #GenderEquality #WomenAndGirlsRights #YouthEmpowerment #CommunityAwareness #IpasMozambique #RespectAndDignity #gacinmozambique #swedeninmz #ipasmoçambique #MISAU High Commission of Canada in Mozambique | Haut-commissariat du Canada au Mozambique The Erik E. and Edith H. Bergstrom Foundation  

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  • 16 Days of activism campaign As part of the 16 Days of activism against gender-based violence campaign, Ipas Mozambique held a reflection session on gender-based violence (GBV) and safe abortion at its office in Cuamba, Niassa province. The session was aimed at activists from the recently established community-based organization (CBO) Movimento de Voluntariado para a Educação (MOVE). Training activists on GBV and safe abortion is crucial for strengthening the community's response to these issues. Such training enables activists to better understand the rights of women and girls, recognize the physical, psychological, and social impacts of GBV, and know how to guide survivors to appropriate services. Furthermore, by learning about safe abortion, activists can play a key role in reducing unsafe practices and supporting women in vulnerable situations. This training fosters community empowerment and contributes to building a safer, more inclusive, and equitable environment. #Training activists #GBV #Safeabortion #Strengcommunity's #gacinmozambique #swedeninmz #ipasmoçambique #MISAU High Commission of Canada in Mozambique | Haut-commissariat du Canada au Mozambique The Erik E. and Edith H. Bergstrom Foundation

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  • 16 Days of activism campaign Sexual violence has a profound and multifaceted impact on the sexual and reproductive health of women and girls. Here are some of the main consequences: 1. Contraction of STDs and STIs: High risk of infections such as HIV, syphilis, gonorrhea, and chlamydia due to the lack of protection. 2.Obstetric complications: Increased risk of preterm delivery and other pregnancy-related issues. 3. Gynecological problems: Including chronic pelvic pain, sexual dysfunction, and complications in the reproductive system. 4. Unintended pregnancy: Vaused by sexual violence and lack of access to emergency contraceptives. 5. Unsafe abortions: Women who become pregnant as a result of sexual violence may resort to risky methods to terminate the pregnancy. Sexual violence has devastating impacts on the health of women and girls. Say no to violence. #Reproductivehealth #Sexualviolence #STDs #STIs #unintendedpregnancy #unsafeabortions #gynecologicalproblems #obstetriccomplications #womensrights #sexualhealth #Gacinmozambique #swedeninmz #MISAU #Ipasmoçambique High Commission of Canada in Mozambique | Haut-commissariat du Canada au Mozambique The Erik E. and Edith H. Bergstrom Foundation

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