BankTrack heeft dit gerepost
Today during the UN Forum on Business and Human Rights, BankTrack is launching the fifth edition of its Global Human Rights Benchmark. The Benchmark assesses 50 of the world’s largest banks on their human rights policies, processes, practices and reporting. Here are a few key findings: 📝 42 out of 50 banks now have a policy commitment to respect human rights 💬 25 out of 50 banks consult some stakeholders as part of their Human Rights Due Diligence 🔧 6 out of 50 have a grievance mechanism for ppl affected by their finance 🧰 4 out of 50 show at least one example of supporting remedy ... and 0 out of 50 shows full commitment to meeting their responsibilities under the #UNGuidingPrinciples. These figures reflect some progress since our last report in 2022, but in a world facing urgent human rights challenges, it is not good enough, and remediation should be the norm, not the exception! This year’s Benchmark also assesses for the first time banks’ policies on Indigenous Peoples’ right to Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC); the protection of human rights defenders; and the human right to a healthy environment. While most banks give FPIC a mention, all of them lack sufficient safeguards here, and the other two areas are largely ignored. It’s time for banks to take action, and put processes in place to properly respect human rights! We call on banks to: 1. engage meaningfully with communities 2. respond meaningfully when human rights concerns are raised 3. report transparently and show how real impacts are being addressed 4. bridge the remedy gap and ensure accountability mechanisms are in place 5. put in place and strengthen safeguards to respect FPIC and human rights defenders 6. advocate for mandatory human rights due diligence to raise the bar for business Check out the media release and download the report here: The report's lead author is Giulia B., at the UN Forum in Geneva for its last day today! #UNForumBHR #bizhumanrights UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights Nadia Bernaz Chiara Macchi Joanne Bauer Ashleigh Owens Emil Sirén Gualinga Thanks also to Josephine Chiname and Lucilla Viola for their contributions!