For those who want to take part in our most far reaching course, the 3 month This is Tomorrow program, you still have a week to apply! There will be nightly walks, undercover operations, hands-on DIY workshops, theory and history classes, a bunch of super experts and visionaries, designathons et cetera. The themes this year are Protest (how to), Climate (why is the Soybean destroying the earth and why does Rotterdam play such a central role in this) and Migration (Where do the tourists, the asylum seekers, the expats and the labour migrants gather, and what does a day in their life look like?). We do this four intensely packed days a week between April and June from our wonderful new location in vibrant and hip Rotterdam West. Make yourself known before March 10 and maybe see you there!
You can now apply for “This is Tomorrow”, our yearly 12-week education programme on contemporary urbanism, dealing with the Anthropocene, Migration and Right to the City - taking place from 07 April till 27 June 2025. Designed for all (young) professionals with a strong commitment to cities, this course uses Rotterdam as a laboratory for research into social and spatial issues that are relevant to cities all over the world. Known for its harbour, its diverse working class population and its lively architecture scene, Rotterdam is also something of a frontline in the struggle for justice and equality in the capitalist world. At the same time, being a hub in the network of global trade, things that happen in Rotterdam have (in)direct effects in far-flung places around the world and vice versa. With This is Tomorrow, we want to shed light on how the city functions and contributes to global issues such as climate change, migration and the right to the city and to explore how we can use research, art, (urban) design, history, and architecture to change things for the better. By alternately looking closely at local urban phenomena, and then zooming out to global tendencies we will see how the future is already here, at our feet and in front of our eyes. Through lectures, excursions and workshops, the programme offers participants from a variety of disciplines, the freedom to deepen their knowledge and to develop their own position towards the pressing urban issues of our time. The programme operates on a four-day workweek (Monday–Thursday) and costs €1,500. Applications must be submitted before 28 February 2025. More info on our website: