Coverfoto van JongeHonden | YoungDogs
JongeHonden | YoungDogs

JongeHonden | YoungDogs

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We are a non-profit company: connecting fresh ideas from young creatives to companies and organisations through pitches.

Over ons

JongeHonden | Young Dogs (Foundation) We connect fresh ideas from young creatives to great companies and organisations. Since 1991, we’ve been hosting pitches because we believe that young creatives can shape these brands in a tremendous way. During these pitches, twenty-something creatives show off their most innovative, crazy ideas. Next to the practice of a real pitch, the winners will also be paid in another experience: The Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity. IT'S THE WEIRD PERSPECTIVES, CRAZY IDEAS AND REBELLIOUS SOULS OF YOUNG CREATIVE MINDS THAT WILL FORM THE FUTURE OF THE CREATIVE INDUSTRY. - JACQUES VEREECKEN, FOUNDER But not only do we have pitches where these ideas are judged by a professional jury. We also organise Creative Classes together with our friends and have Portfolio Nights where portfolios are reviewed by the best of the best creative directors. All to help young talent kick-start their career. JOIN AS A YOUNG DOG We always like it when new creatives join the dog side, so push that button and we hope to see you and your ideas soon: JOIN AS A CLIENT Always wanted to know how young creatives look at your brand? Let’s build a pitch together and create something worth talking about: QUESTIONS?

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2-10 medewerkers
Advertising, Creative, Copywriting, Art direction, Junior en Portfolio


Medewerkers van JongeHonden | YoungDogs


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