We are happy to wrap up 2024 with the good news that our (Innofuse + Sencilia) MIT R&D collaboration project "TuliveSense: Smart IV Technology for Better Neonatal Survival and Recovery" has been awarded a subsidy of €200k by the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO)! We look forward to collaborating with the Innofuse team (Richard Monkel and colleagues) to further advance our shared vision of improving IV infusion care in neonatal and pediatric intensive care. Finally, thanks to Rutger Nijland (Sira Incentives) for his efforts in writing a compelling proposal that scored the highest points (ranked across four criteria viz. innovation, economic value, quality of collaboration, and positive impact) among the 37 applications received by the RVO!
Productie medische apparatuur
Sensor technology for safer intravenous (IV) drug delivery to vulnerable patients
Over ons
Sencilia is an early-stage DeepTech/MedTech startup (spin off from the University of Groningen) with a mission to improve the safety and reliability of IV infusion therapy. We develop innovative sensor technology that is designed to enhance patient safety in neonatal, pediatric and adult intensive care by reducing the risk of IV infusion-related adverse drug events. Contact us to know more!
- Website
Externe link voor Sencilia
- Branche
- Productie medische apparatuur
- Bedrijfsgrootte
- 2-10 medewerkers
- Hoofdkantoor
- Groningen
- Type
- Particuliere onderneming
- Opgericht
- 2021
- Specialismen
- MEMS, nanotechnology, sensors, automation, medical devices en IV infusion
Groningen, 9747AT, NL
Medewerkers van Sencilia
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Very proud that the HealthTech Investor Summit announced already so many pitching companies for the 2024 edition!! 👉 25 pre-seed 👉 47 start-ups 👉 19 scale-ups ...and from more than 20 countries! 🌍 Just a few more will be announced in the next days...so stay tuned for the announcement of the entire setlist of the 95 pitching companies! If you are not registered yet to join us in Bruges...what are you waiting?!😆 Register here: https://lnkd.in/edXeiEn2 Sightera Biosciences SPECIFIX MucosaTec GameAnalyze B.V. BRINOS Heka VR Pasithea Slow Surg Momfident ALIGNSPINE TM Rapidemic Sealantium Medical Fepod Oy Ltd InnerBuddies BOTdesign Lys Medical Cerenion Oy IMPLICAN B.V. Smart PD Solutions Ltd / Kiwecare kano.care Ephion Health FAQIR Institute Vivalyx VUS Diagnostics SYNTHEBIO Pulsify Medical Oncosema ZuriMED Technologies AG Twinsight ReVision Implant Innocens RheumaFinder CorQuest MedTech Cortex Machina Bondus Innatify Axithra Ansana Sencilia
We are happy to share that our 'Rely-V' project has been awarded an R&D subsidy of up to €450k by Health~Holland via their MKB funding program! This public private partnership (PPP) (together with the University of Groningen) will be used to accelerate the development of our innovative IV infusion monitoring technology to increase its technology readiness level and make it ready for clinical testing. We will also work closely with the Erasmus MC NICU/PICU department to conduct a thorough risk analysis and ensure that our device meets the safety standards required for clinical validation. We look forward to collaborating with experts such as Ajay Giri Prakash Kottapalli (BMBD group, Engineering and Technology institute Groningen), Sinno Simons (Erasmus MC Sophia Children's Hospital), Robert Flint-Crombag (Erasmus MC), Tini Smale, Bayu Jayawardhana (DTPA group, Engineering and Technology institute Groningen), Timothy Singowikromo (Create4Care - Erasmus MC), and Health Innovation Netherlands (HI-NL) over the course of this project. Finally, thanks to Marlieke van Kesteren for her help with the application process! https://lnkd.in/dA5AVixw
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🎯 Closing Session at Global Conference 2024 🌍 The much-anticipated VC Live Pitch, sponsored by IvyCap Ventures Advisors Private Limited, brought the day to an exciting conclusion! With 400+ startups competing, only the top 9 earned the chance to pitch live to an elite panel of global VCs! 🚀💡 The panel featured renowned investors: - Vikram Gupta – Founder and Managing Partner, IvyCap Ventures - Ashish Wadhwani, Co-Founder And Managing Partner, IvyCap Ventures - Thijn van Helvoirt – Partner, No Such Ventures - Ravi Srivastava – Partner, Leo Capital - Pieter de Bont - Investor, Orient Growth Ventures - Praveen Sahay – Managing Director, WAVE Equity Partners & Clean Energy Investor Moderated by Kshitij Garg (KG) – Chief Product Officer, TFT.ai An incredible showcase of innovation, where startups seized the opportunity to secure critical funding and expert guidance! 🌟 Kookxtra Ceres FieldCheck TJ Tyres Nuboxed Technologies Currency Network Ltd Connect2Co Shirish Nimgaonkar Sencilia Humanava Manu lahariya Pratik Kayal #GlobalConference2024 #VCPitch #StartupGrowth
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Rīgā, Spīķeru koncertzālē, aizvadīta Bērnu slimnīcas organizētā starptautiskā konference #PediatricInnovationDay2024! Tas bija lielisks pieredzes apmaiņas un sadarbības veicināšanas pasākums! ❤️🔥 Konferencē piedalījās eksperti un dažādu ar pediatrijas inovācijām saistīto jomu pārstāvji no vairāk nekā 10 Eiropas valstīm, apvienojot tos, kam rūp bērnu veselības jomas turpmāka attīstība un nākotne. 🙌 Konferences dalībnieki dalījās savā pieredzē un sniedza vērtīgu ieskatu par jauniem risinājumiem mākslīgā intelekta, biodizaina un tehnoloģiju izmantošanā un attīstīšanā bērnu slimnīcās. 🏥🤖 Šī bija unikāla iespēja uzklausīt pasaules vadošos inovatorus un apzināt, kā uzlabot bērnu veselības aprūpes kvalitāti visā Eiropā. Konferencē pirmo reizi plašākai sabiedrībai tika prezentēta projekta i4KIDS I i4KIDS-EUROPE izstrādātā "Baltā grāmata". Šis dokuments ietver rūpīgu analīzi par to, kādi izaicinājumi un iespējas paveras pediatrijas inovāciju attīstīšanai Eiropā, kā arī izcelti pašreizējie trūkumi bērnu veselības aprūpē, īpaši salīdzinājumā ar pieaugušo veselības aprūpi. Ar pieredzi par paveikto dalījās Iain Hennessey, Alder Hey Innovation vadītājs, stāstot par pieredzi veidojot 1000m2 plašu inovāciju centru Liverpūles bērnu slimnīcā. GOSH DRIVE vadītājs Andrew Taylor dalījās ar zināšanām par mākslīgo intelektu bērnu slimnīcās. Vairākās paneļdiskusijās ar savu pieredzi dalījās gan augstākā līmeņa vadītāji - Valts Abols, Malene Fischer, Ann Quinn, kas inovācijas redz kā vienu no rīkiem slimnīcu lielo mērķu sasniegšanai, gan arī praktiskie inovāciju ieviesēji - Pekka Kahri, Hans-Peter Dauben un Tomàs Lóbez Pérez, kuri ar šiem jautājumiem strādā ikdienā. Interesanta saruna bija arī divu inovatoru - Lina Jankauskaite, MD PhD un Emil Syundyukov - starpā par pieredzi, veidojot inovāciju ekosistēmu Baltijā. Par biodizaina pieeju inovāciju veidošanā runāja BioMedical Design Novo Nordisk Foundation Fellowship Programme vadītāja Sys Zoffmann Glud, savukārt par inovācijām dizaina nozarē stāstīja H2E vadītāja Inguna Elere un Ieva Timoško. Hospital Challenge finālā laurus plūca Sencilia par monitoringa sensoriem, kas paredzēti jaundzimušo un pediatrisko pacientu drošībai intensīvās terapijas nodaļās. 👏 Paldies visiem, kas piedalījās un dalījās savā aizrautībā un idejās! 💡 Mēs esam vienoti, lai veidotu labāku nākotni bērniem visā pasaulē! Paldies arī pasākuma vadītājam Kaspars Eglītis, diskusiju mederatorēm: Maria Sanchis, PhD un Anda Asere. Hospital Challenge moderatorei Marija Rucevska, kā arī konkursa žūrijai: Arta Bārzdiņa, Marc Ramis Castelltort, David Cole, MBA un Jari Petäjä! Īpašs paldies IGLU Soft Play par skatuves noformējumu un īpašajiem krēsliem, kas tika ražoti īpaši šīs konferences vajadzībām! 🫶
We are honored to have won the Hospital Challenge 2024 at the recent Pediatric Innovation Day organized by i4KIDS I i4KIDS-EUROPE in Riga, Latvia! The competition invited startups from all over Europe to respond with solutions to three critical challenges in pediatric care as identified by C-level representatives within the ECHO - European Children's Hospitals Organisation network: Challenge 1: Improving Clinical Workflow; Challenge 2: Monitoring High-Risk Medication Administration in Pediatric Patients; and Challenge 3: Appointment Management Efficiency. Sencilia was chosen to pitch as one of the six finalists (from over 30 applications) responding to the challenges, along with AT-Biotech, Eniax, Fibbo, Speaknosis, and TORTUS , and we were eventually declared the winners after a pitching contest in Riga. We were awarded a prize of €5000 to be used towards implementing a pilot project within one or more of the Children's Hospitals in the i4KIDS I i4KIDS-EUROPE network, along with a voucher to use the consultancy services of Inveniam Group. This award highlights the urgency of the clinical need of IV infusion monitoring in neonatal and pediatric care, as also pointed out by the expert jury comprising investors, clinicians, and healthcare experts. The vulnerable nature of these patients necessitates the strictest standards of safety and accuracy in drug administration, to avoid preventable medication errors. The Pediatric Innovation Day also underscored a broader theme in pediatric care, namely that medical technology developed for adults is not always applicable to pediatric patients. In other words, children are not "mini-adults" and need products tailored for their own unique medical needs, rather than extrapolated from their adult counterparts. Thanks again to i4KIDS I i4KIDS-EUROPE and Bērnu klīniskā universitātes slimnīca for organizing such an important event that brought all the important stakeholders in pediatric care innovation together under the same roof for a day. We certainly benefitted from in-person conversations with experts such as Marc Ramis Castelltort, Hans-Peter Dauben, Arnau Valls Esteve, Tomàs Lóbez Pérez, and Arta Barzdina among others, in addition to illuminating panel discussions and presentations. We are excited to start collaborating with Children's Hospitals within the i4KIDS I i4KIDS-EUROPE network in order to bring our IV infusion monitoring device a step closer to the market, thus truly addressing the challenge of high-risk medication monitoring in pediatric patients!
We have the winner of the #i4KIDSEUROPE Hospital Challenge Programme 2024! ✨✨ Congratulations to Sencilia on winning this challenge that will help bring your innovative solution into a pilot in one of the European pediatric hospitals of our network. Additionally you will benefit from a consultancy voucher with Inveniam Group 🚀 Congratulations to all the finalists and for presenting your brilliant innovative solutions to some of the most pressing challenges in children’s hospitals. Thus ends Pediatric Innovation Day 2024 in Riga. An amazing day that brought together pediatric innovation leaders from all over Europe to connect, learn and share for a better future for children. Stay tuned for more details from the event! Thanks to Bērnu klīniskā universitātes slimnīca for being great hosts! 😄 #i4KIDSEUROPE #PediatricInnovationDay #paediatricinnovation
We are happy to be selected as one of the six finalists that will pitch at the upcoming Pediatric Innovation Day in Riga, Latvia next week! We are excited to present our IV infusion monitoring technology geared towards addressing the unmet clinical need of 'Monitoring high-risk medications in pediatric patients', posed as a challenge by the ECHO - European Children's Hospitals Organisation. Thanks to i4KIDS I i4KIDS-EUROPE for the opportunity, and looking forward to the event!
💥 One of the most anticipated and special moments of the Pediatric Innovation Day 2024 will be the final of the #i4KIDSEUROPE Hospital Challenge Programme 2024! 💥 We are delighted to announce the 6️⃣ finalists who will present their projects in person in an exciting pitch competition: ✴️ AT-Biotech ✴️ Eniax ✴️ Fibbo ✴️ Sencilia ✴️ Speaknosis ✴️ TORTUS These are the companies selected from the wide range of innovative projects that we have received in response to our call, addressing the three selected challenges to address unmet needs in European children's hospitals identified by ECHO - European Children's Hospitals Organisation representatives: ✅ Improving clinical workflows ✅ Monitoring high-risk medicines in paediatric patients ✅ Appointment efficiency (reduction of no-shows) At the end of this exciting final, we will know the 🏆 winning project, which will receive €5,000 to launch a pilot project in one of the #i4KIDSEUROPE hospitals! Would you like to take part? Join us in Riga!!! 📅 27th September ⏰ 14:20h - 15:30 📍 Spikeri Concert Hall (Riga) Register to attend in person or online 👉 https://lnkd.in/dPqF5tzW #PediatricInnovationDay2024 #pediatricinnovation #i4KIDS #healthcareinnovation #EUROPEHospitalChallenge #innovationforchildren #paediatrics #i4KIDSEUROPE
We are happy to announce the kick-off of our pilot project with the Erasmus MC NICU department! This project is the result of the 6-week Health Care and Tech 2023 program organized by YES!Delft and Create4Care - Erasmus MC, at the end of which Sencilia was chosen by the jury as one of the three winners. The project will focus on gathering usability insights and identifying important use cases for Sencilia's intravenous (IV) infusion monitoring system in the NICU/PICU at the Erasmus MC. As an early-stage MedTech startup, we are grateful for the opportunity to work closely with one of the leading academic hospitals in Europe, and are excited to collaborate with clinical and medical technology experts who share our passion towards improving the safety of IV therapy in vulnerable patients. Thanks again to the organizers (Erasmus MC and YES!Delft) for this incredible opportunity, and a special shoutout to Timothy Singowikromo (Create4Care - Erasmus MC) for his immense behind-the-scenes help in making this project a reality! Erasmus MC | YES!Delft | Create4Care - Erasmus MC | Sinno Simons | Leo Groenendaal | Hugo Versluis | Geja van Blijderveen | Mireille Zoeteweij - v Hensen v Uningen | Timothy Singowikromo | Amar Kamat
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🎉 Celebrating the achievements of our Academic Startup Competition finalists! Our 4th ASC cohort has just completed an amazing six-month journey filled with invaluable networking opportunities, insightful learnings, and significant growth! Last tuesday, we gathered to celebrate this journey alongside our 20 finalists, team captains, experts, and partners. We reminisced about the fun memories, reflected on key learnings, and mapped out strategic plans for the next 180 days. 🙌 A huge thank you to InsectSense, ExCulture, Eddytec, Autoscriber, Ayuvant, Vibrotwist B.V., Scope Biosciences B.V., VivArt-X, MicroAlign, Social Shuffle, Sencilia, Newton Energy Solutions, Nature's Principles, Veridis, TracXon, MemoryLab, SolarFoil, Unifix Care, Axite, Avalanche Medical B.V. for making a significant impact across so many diverse domains! #AcademicStartup #InnovationJourney #Entrepreneurship #FutureLeaders #StartupSuccess
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🎉 Celebrating the achievements of our Academic Startup Competition finalists! Our 4th ASC cohort has just completed an amazing six-month journey filled with invaluable networking opportunities, insightful learnings, and significant growth! Last night, we gathered to celebrate this journey alongside our 20 finalists, team captains, experts, and partners. We reminisced about the fun memories, reflected on key learnings, and mapped out strategic plans for the next 180 days. 🙌 A huge thank you to InsectSense, ExCulture, Eddytec, Autoscriber, Ayuvant, Vibrotwist B.V., Scope Biosciences B.V., VivArt-X, MicroAlign, Stoeltjesdans, Sencilia, Newton Energy Solutions, Nature's Principles, Veridis, TracXon, MemoryLab, SolarFoil, Unifix Care, Axite, Avalanche Medical B.V. for making a significant impact across so many diverse domains! #AcademicStartup #InnovationJourney #Entrepreneurship #FutureLeaders #StartupSuccess 🚀