🌍 BREAKING NEWS: Flextools Joins Sympower! 🚀 Sympower is Europe’s leading flexibility service provider, balancing electricity grids through its local operations to create a truly sustainable energy system. Together, we look forward to delivering even greater value to our customers and driving the #EnergyTransition forward. This strategic move will: ⚡Create the largest combined portfolio of flexible assets in the Nordics 🚀 Provide our customers and partners with a broader suite of secure and scalable flexibility solutions, delivering quicker access to energy markets, greater value and more impact 🌐 Unite our industry expertise, technologies, and teams to better serve our combined extensive portfolio spanning the Nordics, Greece, and the Netherlands. “I know Flextools is in good hands with Sympower,” affirmed Victoria Fearnley Landmark, Flextools’ CEO. “We will have more capacity and investment in innovation, greater market opportunities and expanded joint offerings. We also see many synergies in terms of values and mission. I’m looking forward to our teams working together to deliver the best flexibility solutions in the market.” #EnergyTransition #Acquisition #DemandResponse #EnergyFlexibility #BESS #balancingservices #flexibilityservices
Om oss
Flextools er en nordisk pioner innenfor forvaltning av småskala energiproduksjon og forbrukerfleksibilitet. Vi er et team av engasjerte medarbeidere som alle jobber målrettet for å sikre bedre samfunnsmessig energiutnyttelse og derigjennom lavere energiforbruk og kostnader for våre kunder. I Enfo Energy utvikler og opererer vi avanserte systemløsninger for forbedret forbrukerfleksibilitet, optimalisert drift av kraftsystemet og effektiv utnyttelse av småskala kraftproduksjon. Som ledende nordisk aktør innen aggregator virksomhet bidrar Enfo Energy til forbedret ressursutnyttelse og forsyningssikkerhet til fordel for energiforbruker, energiselskaper, miljø og samfunn.
- Nettsted
Ekstern lenke til Flextools
- Bransje
- Programvareutvikling
- Bedriftsstørrelse
- 11–50 ansatte
- Hovedkontor
- Oslo
- Type
- Privateid selskap
- Grunnlagt
- 2017
- Spesialiteter
- Microgrid operation (Technical VPP), Commercial VPP (Virtual Power Plant), Distributed generation, DMS, Demand response, flexibility services, frequency markets, Flexibility trading, Frequency control, balancing markets, IoT, battery storage, wind power, solar power, SaaS
Programvare for energistyring
With Flextools, Balance Responsible Parties (BRPs) and Balancing Service Providers (BSPs) turn flexible assets into more revenue. Our proven hardware, API, and SaaS-platform provides all of the tools for BRPs and BSPs to control the flexibility value chain. Our services and platform enable our customers to pre-qualify assets, aggregate portfolios, streamline and automate bidding, and optimize revenues from owned assets or customer assets. Flextools is integrated with all major Nordic TSO markets as well as local DSO flexibility markets through our partner, Nodes. Since 2017, Flextools has proven it expertise in connecting, controlling and aggregating batteries, wind parks, data centers, industrial processes, greenhouses, and other types of commercial systems. We have well over 175MW connected to our platform.
Strandveien 17
Oslo, 1366, NO
Uppsala, Uppsala County 753 19, SE
Ansatte i Flextools
Happy New Year! We hope you all have had restful holidays. Together with our new owners and teammates at Sympower, we are excited to kick off 2025! We can’t wait to create even more business value for our customers and partners, delivering sustainable revenues from #batterystorage and other flexible assets. #BESS #flexibility #multimarketoptimization #assetmanagement #energymanagementsystem #ancillaryservices #stödtjänster #powermarkets
Sympower 🤝 Flextools — a flexibility powerhouse coming together. As the #EnergyTransition progresses, the need for flexibility services is rising and so is the need for strong, pan-European players. With our recent acquisition of Flextools we will better serve our customers and partners, providing them with access to a wider range of balancing markets. Our customers will gain a broader portfolio of secure and scalable balancing and flexibility solutions, covering consumption, storage, and renewable production assets. Besides our synergistic offering, our values and goals align with each other perfectly, making this collaboration a natural fit. 🤝 “In addition to our joint offer, we saw great synergies from the beginning in terms of values and mission, and I’m looking forward to our teams working together to deliver the best flexibility solutions on the market. We will have more capacity and investment for greater innovation and market opportunities. I’m also looking forward to expanding our footprint outside the Nordics, given what Sympower has already achieved in the Netherlands and Greece.” - Victoria Fearnley Landmark, CEO, Flextools Read the full press release: https://lnkd.in/euqGR_2T #EnergyFlexibility #Acquisition #DemandResponse
New Nordic #mFRR EAM "Go Live" 4 march The Nordic TSOs have now announced 4 March 2025 as the new "go live" date for the launch of the mFRR EAM market. https://lnkd.in/dvWWXv6j #mFRR #energyactivationmarket #ancillaryservices #stödtjänster #Nordicbalancingmodel
New Nordic #mFRR Energy Activation Market (EAM) "Go Live" postponed until Jan 2025 The Nordic TSOs including Svenska kraftnät announced today that the launch of the new 15-minute mFRR EAM will be postponed. Originally scheduled to "go live" in Dec 3, the TSOs now expect to launch the new market in January 2025. A new date has not yet been set and should be announced in the beginning of November. Stay tuned! #mFRR #ancillaryservices #stödtjänster #TSO #Nordicbalancingmarkets #energyreservemarket #flexibility Source: https://lnkd.in/gcq8fBvm
Multi-market #optimization is the New Black With #FCR-D prices averaging approx. EUR 6/MW in Sweden during October, battery storage #BESS owners seek new revenues. Multi-market optimization for battery projects - aka being available in and optimizing across both ancillary services and wholesale markets - is now a hygiene factor for professional asset managers. How would your #battery assets have fared over the past months using a multi-market approach? As shown in the graphic, optimization across FCR-N, FCR-D up and down and wholesale markets (DA, ID) would have earned BESS owners: 📈50% more revenues than FCR-D up and down alone 📈15% more revenues than FCR-N alone #FCR #batteryoptimization #BESS #ancillaryservices #arbitrage
New Nordic #mFRR Energy Activation Market (EAM) "Go Live" postponed until Jan 2025 The Nordic TSOs including Svenska kraftnät announced today that the launch of the new 15-minute mFRR EAM will be postponed. Originally scheduled to "go live" in Dec 3, the TSOs now expect to launch the new market in January 2025. A new date has not yet been set and should be announced in the beginning of November. Stay tuned! #mFRR #ancillaryservices #stödtjänster #TSO #Nordicbalancingmarkets #energyreservemarket #flexibility Source: https://lnkd.in/gcq8fBvm
Automatiserad mFRR energiaktiveringsmarknad (mFRR EAM) skjuts upp
On Tuesday, October 8th at 09:47, the 1400MW #transmission cable linking the Norwegian and UK grids tripped. This was an unplanned outage, which caused the grid frequency to spike to over 50.4 Hz. What happened next? Did the Nordic region experience blackouts or system disruptions? No. The #FCR-D down market kicked in within seconds, as it should. Flexible resources especially #batteries #BESS came to the rescue! The graph below, an example of a Flextools customer battery storage site, shows the proportional and #dynamic response as the system perfectly charges the battery in response to the real-time grid #frequency. Congratulations to the Flextools customers who helped keep the Nordic grids up and running on Tuesday! #stödtjänster #ancillaryservices #batteryenergystorage #frequencyservices #frekvenstjänster #TSO Source of outage info: https://lnkd.in/g-XhJtvt
Stort tack till hela Modity Energy Trading AB teamet för inbjudan på dagens event! Mycket bra fokus på möjligheter inom #flexibilitet kopplat till #volatilitet och nyteknik. Flextools är stolt att kunna medverka under dagen och ser fram emot att stärka vårt samarbete. Framåt! #stödtjänster #balansansvar #multimarknadsoptimering #batterilager #bess
Flexibilitet var temat även under dagens andra pass. Moditys Erik Östberg, Chef för kvantitativ analys och handelsnära IT, och Hans-William Ressel, fysisk handlare, presenterade Moditys flexibilitetserbjudande. Utvecklingen av marknadsoptimering och styrbarhet på flexmarknaden är en viktig del för att skapa framtidens kompletta elhandel. Detta presenterades tillsammans med Jason Erwin, affärsutvecklare på Moditys samarbetspartner Flextools, som erbjuder hårdvara och mjukvara för uppkoppling av resurser. Förmiddagen avrundades med en dragning från Lars J. Nilsson, professor i Miljö- och energisystem tekniska högskola samt representant inom IPCC och EU:s klimatvetenskapliga råd, som utifrån globala och europeiska klimatmålsättningar pratade om förutsättningarna och behov för elektrifieringen av inte minst tung industri.
The Flextools team is excited to be a part of the Modity Energy Trading AB höstevent - Fall Event! We are looking forward to discussions on how more business customers can contribute their #flexibility to support the Swedish #power grid and earn new #revenues. Will you be there? Look for the Flextools booth tomorrow, October 3rd, in Lund and come and chat with us! Felix Lööv and Jason Erwin are eager to discuss all things #flexibility (ancillary services). #stödtjänster #balansansvarig #balancingservices #FCR #mFRR #batterilagring #BESS #värme #boilers #elpanna #multimarketoptimization #multimarknadsoptimering
Unprecedented contribution of #wind and #batteries in the Nordic FCR-D #balancing markets Svenska kraftnät, the Swedish TSO, recently released figures on the relative contributions of different power sources/consumption to the FCR-D balancing markets. The results so far in 2024 are impressive: 📈 Pre-qualified volume on the FCR-D down market has already grown by almost 1GW this year 🍃 🔋 Wind power and batteries account for the vast majority of the increase 🆙 The number of asset pre-qualifications are set to hit a record this year. In addition, the FCR-D prices have come down significantly with the implementation of pay-as-cleared (marginal pricing) and the dramatic scaleup of low cost battery storage #BESS in the system. Good news all around for the power system, its participants and customers! The Flextools team is thrilled to be part of this growth journey. Alongside our customers and partners we will continue to deliver more #flexibility across Sweden and the Nordics. #stödtjänster #balanstjänster #balancingservices #growth #flexibilitet #BESS #batterilager #batterystorage #vindkraft #windpower