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Slingshot AS

Slingshot AS

Ideelle organisasjoner

Sandnes, Rogaland 1 203 følgere

ScaleUp accelerator for companies on the Norwegian West Coast 🚀 Sponsors: SpV | Stavanger&Sandnes Kommune | FOMO | PwC

Om oss

Slingshot is a non-profit organization on a mission to scale companies along the West Coast region of Norway to create growth and sustainable jobs. Our program is targeting existing early stage companies with unlocked potential for growth, supporting them to create new jobs and industries for the region. The program is sponsored by Sparebanken Vest, Stavanger Kommune and supported by FOMO and PwC Energy Experience Center in Stavanger

Ideelle organisasjoner
2–10 ansatte
Sandnes, Rogaland
Ideell organisasjon


Ansatte i Slingshot AS


  • Så takknemlig for at vi med hjelp av Agenda Vestlandet kan tilby et 12 ukers program til en samlet verdi av 800 tusen, til kun 200 tusen, for de rette ScaleUp selskaper på Vestlandet. Et helt unikt tilbud! Slingshot Programmet kombinerer leksjoner (fysisk og digitalt), gruppediskusjoner, inspirerende foredrag, spørsmål og svar med relevante eksterne gjester, relevante workshoper og spinter som er skreddersydd tilpasset selskapene. Vi coacher, er mentorer og gir tilbakemelding og råd underveis, for å hjelpe selskapene til å skalere raskt, uten at de faller av på veien. Med det håndplukkede talentfulle og erfarne Slingshot teamet Afonso Malo Franco Victoria Høie Stensø 💡Kjetil Gustavson🚀Francisco Acasuso vil vi hjelpe skaleringsselskaper fra hele vestlandet å vokse. Vi setter i gang neste program høsten 2024. Ta kontakt med Karete Kristoffersen

  • Slingshot AS la ut dette på nytt

    Vis profilen til Afonso Malo Franco

    VP at Laerdal | Founder | Advisor & Board Member | Host 🎙️ Scandinavian Product Podcast

    Very happy to be co-leading one of the world's best Scaleup Accelerators 🔥If you're a scaleup based on the west coast of Norway, this is for you 👇 At Slingshot AS, we have designed a super high-quality 12-week program - to help you grow and take your business to the next level. During these 12 weeks, you'll be guided by a really talented team supporting you with leadership, organizational design, mental health in business, strategy, value proposition design, business modeling, discovery & testing business ideas, growth, marketing and sales, funding, and so much more. It's training, coaching AND consulting on steroids - and the best part is that it's tailor-made for your context and your growth blockers. We're still open for applications, the next cohort starts already in August - so chop chop! So far, Slingshot has impressively resulted in the creation of 480 new jobs, and its cohorts have collectively raised over 600 million NOK in capital. Reach out if you want to learn more :) (💡Kjetil Gustavson🚀Victoria Høie Stensø / GaidMe, Karete Kristoffersen, Francisco Acasuso / PwC )

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  • What if? 💡

    Viser organisasjonsside for Stavanger Business Region

    4 714 følgere

    🙋♀️ Calling all small and medium-sized companies in the region looking for impactful growth! 💫 Slingshot AS is a non-profit accelerator on a mission to grow sustainable, forward-looking industries on the west coast. Their scaleup program starts in august, and the application deadline is June 20th. 🧗♀️ As of today, there are still a few available spots, so check out the full list of selection criteria on the website or get in touch with CEO Karete Kristoffersen to kickstart your scaleup journey! Magnus Øgård Meisal FOMO Sparebanken Vest Stavanger kommune Sandnes kommune GaidMe PwC Scandinavian Product Group

  • Let´s do this! Together.

    Vis profilen til Afonso Malo Franco

    VP at Laerdal | Founder | Advisor & Board Member | Host 🎙️ Scandinavian Product Podcast

    Very happy to be co-leading one of the world's best Scaleup Accelerators 🔥If you're a scaleup based on the west coast of Norway, this is for you 👇 At Slingshot AS, we have designed a super high-quality 12-week program - to help you grow and take your business to the next level. During these 12 weeks, you'll be guided by a really talented team supporting you with leadership, organizational design, mental health in business, strategy, value proposition design, business modeling, discovery & testing business ideas, growth, marketing and sales, funding, and so much more. It's training, coaching AND consulting on steroids - and the best part is that it's tailor-made for your context and your growth blockers. We're still open for applications, the next cohort starts already in August - so chop chop! So far, Slingshot has impressively resulted in the creation of 480 new jobs, and its cohorts have collectively raised over 600 million NOK in capital. Reach out if you want to learn more :) (💡Kjetil Gustavson🚀Victoria Høie Stensø / GaidMe, Karete Kristoffersen, Francisco Acasuso / PwC )

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  • We are seeking companies located on the west coast of Norway, from Egersund in the south to the Ålesund area in the north 💚

    Vis profilen til 💡Kjetil Gustavson🚀

    Helping companies build people & business - increased profitability & performance by unlocking your organization's potential through culture #growth, #people, #culture, #strategy, #leadership

    Slingshot AS ønsker å transformere vestkyst-Norge fra avhengighet av olje og gass til en ny æra. Hvis ditt selskap er klar til å skalere opp, skape nye jobber og bidra til det grønne skiftet🌱 - da bør du lese videre! 🚀 Siden september 2020 har Slingshot hjulpet 22 norske selskap langs vestkysten av Norge med sin vekstreise, noe som har resultert i imponerende 480 nye jobber og mer enn 600 millioner NOK i kapital. Så mye som 70 % av alle selskaper mislykkes i løpet av sine første fem år 🤔 🙃 , og årsakene er sammensatte. For å øke sannsynligheten for suksess, støtter Slingshot lovende selskaper i tidlig fase med ekspertise, råd og beste praksis for å maksimere vekst. 🚀 Slingshot har til sitt 7. program i rekken satt sammen et team og et økosystem fullspekka av kompetanse🧠💡 som trengs for å skape en bærekraftig vekst - og er nå på utkikk etter selskaper med inntekter fra 10 til 100 millioner NOK per år, som har mellom 5 og 50 ansatte og som har et produkt eller en tjeneste med stort potensiale for vekst og som bidrar til fremtidsretta næringer. 🌏 🌎 🌍 Interessant? Les mer i vedlegget 👇 👇 - og sjekk ut, så skjønner du hvorfor vi i GaidMe gleder oss en haug til å møte de heldige selskapene som får være med i neste runde! Karete Kristoffersen Afonso Malo Franco /Scandinavian Product Group Victoria Høie Stensø Francisco Acasuso / PwC Norway Agenda Vestlandet Sparebanken Vest

  • So happy to have Afonso Malo Franco with us in the Core Slingshot facilitator team for the upcoming program in August!!

    Vis profilen til Afonso Malo Franco

    VP at Laerdal | Founder | Advisor & Board Member | Host 🎙️ Scandinavian Product Podcast

    Here's some news :) I'm super happy to be co-leading the new Slingshot Scaleup Accelerator program - helping various scaleups grow and transform! Directly from our cozy Stavanger 🇳🇴, Slingshot AS was recognized in 2023 as one of the world's best Scaleup Accelerator programs. I love Karete Kristoffersen and Magnus Øgård Meisal' vision of transforming the west coast region of Norway from its dependency on oil and gas. And so far, it has impressively resulted in the creation of 480 new jobs, and its cohorts have collectively raised over 600 million NOK in capital. I couldn't be more happy to support Karete and Magnus in achieving such an inspiring vision, together with a super-talented, fun, and world-class team from GaidMe (💡Kjetil Gustavson🚀 and Victoria Høie Stensø), PwC, and others. We're currently designing an even higher-quality program and are looking for Scaleups (from Egersund to Ålesund) that will integrate the next cohort already in August 🚀 Reach out if you're interested in learning more!

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