25 going on 10…
As I enter the tenth year of leading the FISH Safety Foundation (FSF), it’s an opportune time to reflect on who we are, where we come from, what we’ve done so far, and what remains to be done.
Although the FSF was only officially established in New Zealand at the beginning of 2016, the initial conceptual and development work was done some 25 years ago in South Africa following a request by Brandt Wagner in the late 1990s to provide input into an #ILO study on fisher safety globally (the origin of the much-quoted 24 000 fisher fatality number). This contact was based on the fishing safety work I had started in 1994 in Southern Africa. Brandt’s request then planted the seed for what we’re doing today! In fact, I’ve recently rediscovered an old article I wrote after the ILO study advocating for the launch of (a) FISH Safety Foundation (a non-profit charity, to promote safety in fishing) in the January 2000 edition of the “Fishing News International’….
On a personal level, as a mariner who first went to sea 45 years ago, and who has always had close ties to the sea, small boats and fishing, working in the broader maritime industry was pretty much a given.
In the intervening years following the conceptualisation of the FSF idea, the dream never died, but life intervened…. but since our formal establishment in January 2016 as a totally independent global organisation, we’ve worked tirelessly at promoting improved health and safety outcomes in the fishing industry (see our website for details: www.fishsafety.org), particularly in the small-scale sector in the Global South countries. And along the way, we’ve met and worked with some amazing fishers, communities and wonderfully passionate people who share our vision of a safer fishing industry. Thank you to all our past and present FSF employees, Trustees, Associates, supporters, and friends. Over the past 9 years, we have also worked with (and have been funded by) some fantastic organisations (including #FAO, #IMO, #ILO, #Pew and #LRFoundation). To all these organisations – thank you! Without your support we wouldn’t have been able to play our small part in making the fishing world a safer place.
So what’s next? In 2025 we will continue our present projects with #ThaiUnion, and also #DAI on the UK-funded #COAST project. We’re also looking to building on our #FISHER accident reporting and database programme (see: www.fisherproject.org), especially with the support of #BOBPIGO, #PSTU, #GISLI, and others.
So, as we start our 10th year (or is that our 25th?) at the FISH Safety Foundation, there’s a lot happening. Please feel free to contact me if you’d like to contribute in any way, share ideas, become an Associate, or just say Hi. It’s been a wonderful journey so far, and I look forward to the next phase.
I wish all our fishers and mariners – wherever you are in the World – best wishes for a fantastic 2025!
Fair Winds and Following Seas….