Abstract is missing.
- Business Process Model anti-Patterns: a Bibliography and Taxonomy of published WorkAgnes Koschmider, Ralf Laue 0001, Michael Fellmann. [doi]
- Motivation of Physicians to Recommend an App for a Serious disease to patientsPaul Alpar, Thomas Driebe. [doi]
- Digital Nudges for User Onboarding: turning Visitors into UsersPhilipp Terres, Johannes Klumpe, Dominik Jung, Oliver Koch. [doi]
- Design for Fast Request Fulfillment or Natural Interaction? Insights from an Experiment with a Conversational AgentStephan Diederich, Alfred Benedikt Brendel, Sascha Lichtenberg, Lutz Kolbe. [doi]
- A Strategic View on intertwining Digital and Physical Materialities across Lifecycles of Products and ServicesJoão Barata, Paulo Rupino da Cunha. [doi]
- Conceptualizing Online Value Co-Creation and Co-Destruction in Social EnterprisesBehnam Abedin, Reihaneh Bidar. [doi]
- Is a Taximeter a Guarantee of Honesty or a Barrier to Entry? Exploring Technology Discourses as Consequences of Policy AmbiguityArto Lanamäki, Karin Väyrynen, Netta Iivari, Marianne Kinnula, Leena Ventä-Olkkonen, Sari Laari-Salmela. [doi]
- Predictive Business Process Monitoringwith Context Information from DocumentsSven Weinzierl, Kate Cerqueira Revoredo, Martin Matzner. [doi]
- Bringing Care Quality to Life: towards Quality indicator-Driven pathway modelling in Health Care NetworksPeggy Richter. [doi]
- From Service Systems Engineering to Service in-Novation - a Modeling ApproachMahei Manhai Li, Christoph Peters 0001. [doi]
- Principles of Organizational Co-Evolution of Business and IT: a Complexity PerspectiveMengmeng Zhang, Honghui Chen, Kalle Lyytinen. [doi]
- Tuning into Blockchain: Challenges and Opportunities of Blockchain-based Music PlatformsAlexandra Cecilie Gjøl Torbensen, Raffaele Fabio Ciriello. [doi]
- Juggling the Paradoxes - Governance Mechanisms in Bimodal IT OrganizationsJan Jöhnk, Severin Oesterle, Till J. Winkler, Jacob Nørbjerg, Nils Urbach. [doi]
- Understanding the Influence of Technostress on Workers' Job Satisfaction in GIG-Economy: an Exploratory InvestigationAzka Umair, Kieran Conboy, Eoin Whelan. [doi]
- Good, Bad, or both? Measurement of Physician's Ambivalent Attitudes towards AISophia Bettina Maier, Ekaterina Jussupow, Armin Heinzl. [doi]
- Passive Transparency Really Matters? A Multiple Case Study about the Refusal of Access to Public Information from Brazilian Customs AreaJosé Antonio Gouvêa Galhardo. [doi]
- Escaping from Friends: Exploring the Need to be Different in Social Commerce sitesLibo Ivy Liu, Peng Wang, Xuemei Tian. [doi]
- Conceptualizing the Impact of Workarounds - an Organizational Routines' PerspectiveVerena Wolf, Daniel Beverungen. [doi]
- Design and Implementation of a Collaborative Smartwatch Application Supporting Employees in Industrial WorkflowsSteffen Zenker, Sebastian Hobert. [doi]
- Dynamic Pricing of Product Clusters: a Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning ApproachLennard Alexander Kropp, Jakob J. Korbel, Max-Marcel Theilig, Rüdiger Zarnekow. [doi]
- The Impact of Digitalization on Literacy: Digital Immigrants vs. Digital NativesShahrokh Nikou, Malin Brännback, Gunilla Widén. [doi]
- Quantification of echo Chambers: a Methodological Framework considering Multi-Party SystemsMoritz Markgraf, Manfred Schoch. [doi]
- Digital Workplace Transformation - on the Role of Self-determination in the Context of Transforming Work EnvironmentsChristian Meske. [doi]
- Relevance of Ethical Guidelines for Artificial Intelligence - a Survey and EvaluationLea Rothenberger, Benjamin Fabian, Elmar Arunov. [doi]
- Automatic Adaptation of Exposure Intensity in VR Acrophobia Therapy, based on Deep Neural NetworksOana Balan, Gabriela Moise, Alin Moldoveanu, Florica Moldoveanu, Marius Leordeanu. [doi]
- It Projects in Digital Transformation: a Socio-Technical Journey towards TechnochangeEva Hartl, Thomas Hess. [doi]
- Organizing their Thoughts - How Online Review Templates Affect the Review TextMartin Poniatowski, Jürgen Neumann, Thomas Görzen, Dennis Kundisch. [doi]
- Me, You or AI? How do we Feel about DelegationMichael Leyer, Sabrina Schneider. [doi]
- How Creative cues determine Online response to TV Commercials: an Empirical Investigation for Digital-Native BrandsCaroline Julia Meder, Jan Kemper, Malte Brettel. [doi]
- Agile Contracts: Learnings from an Autonomous driving Sourcing ProjectDaniel Gerster, Christian Dremel. [doi]
- Narratives of Value Co-Creation: Elderly's Understanding of their Own Role in the Value Creation ProcessBertil Lindenfalk, Özgün Imre. [doi]
- Machine Learning Approaches along the Radiology Value Chain - Rethinking Value PropositionsPeter Hofmann, Severin Oesterle, Paul Rust, Nils Urbach. [doi]
- Sharing Information for Common Situational Understanding in Emergency responseBjørn Erik Munkvold, Tomasz Opach, Sofie Pilemalm, Jaziar Radianti, Jan Ketil Rød, Mikael Snaprud. [doi]
- Risks and Side effects of Digitalization: a Multi-Level Taxonomy of the Adverse effects of using Digital Technologies and MediaHenner Gimpel, Fabian Schmied. [doi]
- Workarounds in Retail Work Systems: Prevent, redesign, Adopt or Ignore?Inge van de Weerd, Pien Vollers, Iris Beerepoot, Marcelo Fantinato. [doi]
- Continuous Improvements: How Users perceive UpdatesDaniel Franzmann, Lukas Wiewiorra, Roland Holten. [doi]
- Knowledge Sharing in a Smoking Cessation Online Community: a Privacy Calculus PerspectiveChenglong Li, Hongxiu Li, Reima Suomi. [doi]
- Managing Mandated Adoption: pre-Deployment Attitudes and Beliefs in the Context of Critical CareAndreas Hedrén, Fan Yang-Wallentin, James E. Sallis. [doi]
- Adopted Globally but unusable Locally: What Workarounds Reveal about Adoption, Resistance, Compliance and non-ComplianceRobert M. Davison, Louie H. M. Wong, Steven Alter, Carol Ou. [doi]
- Digital Strategy formation: Fostering New Institutional Work PracticesTaline Jadaan. [doi]
- "Because People can See me": Appropriation of YouTube for Chronic Illness ManagementNwakego Isika, Antonette Mendoza, Rachelle Bosua. [doi]
- Challenges in the Deployment and Operation of Machine Learning in PracticeLucas Baier, Fabian Jöhren, Stefan Seebacher. [doi]
- How to Interact with AR Head mounted Devices in Care Work? A Study Comparing handheld touch (hands-on) and Gesture (hands-Free) InteractionMichael Prilla, Marc Janßen, Timo Kunzendorff. [doi]
- He who Pays the Piper Calls the tune: Online Review Elicitation by Sellers and Third-Party Platforms in B2B MarketsJürgen Neumann, Dominik Gutt. [doi]
- A Taxonomy of Consumer-Oriented Smart Energy Business ModelsUte Paukstadt, Torsten Gollhardt, Maria Blarr, Friedrich Chasin, Jörg Becker 0001. [doi]
- Healthy, Active and Connected: towards Designing an Age-Friendly Digital Neighborhood PlatformPascal Vogel, Natalija Jurcevic, Corvin Meyer-Blankart. [doi]
- Market Mechanisms for neighbourhood electricity Grids: Design and Agent-based EvaluationPhilipp Staudt, Sven Köpke, Christof Weinhardt. [doi]
- A Quantitative Analysis of Culture-induced differences in Pivotal IT Outsourcing Contract FeaturesMichael Könning, Kai Heinrich, Christian Leyh, Markus Westner. [doi]
- Successful Practices for using Social Media by Police departments: a Case Study of the Munich PoliceCigdem Akkaya, Jane Fedorowicz, Helmut Krcmar. [doi]
- The complementary Roles of Health Information Systems and Relational Coordination in Alcohol Care pathways: the Case of a U.K. HospitalNicola Platt, Monideepa Tarafdar, Richard Alun Williams. [doi]
- Blockchain for Workshop Event Certificates - a Proof of Concept in the Aviation IndustryClemens Wickboldt, Natalia Kliewer. [doi]
- A Picture is Worth More than a Thousand Purchases: Designing an Image-based Fashion Curation SystemMatthias Griebel, Giacomo Welsch, Toni Greif, Christoph Flath. [doi]
- To row Together or paddle One's Own canoe? Simulating Strategies to spur Digital Platform growthJan Mikolon, David Hoffmann, Malte Greulich, Matthias Werner. [doi]
- When we Need to Know Everything: the Impact of Information stimuli on the Human Information BehaviorGustavo Percio Zimmermann Montesdioca, Antonio Carlos Gastaud Maçada. [doi]
- Why Less is More: an eye tracking Study on Idea Presentation and Attribute Attendance in Idea SelectionArnold Wibmer, Frederik M. Wiedmann, Isabella Seeber, Ronald Maier. [doi]
- Enhancing Theoretical Contribution in is Research: the Case of Technology AdoptionNik Rushdi Hassan, Lars Mathiassen, Paul Lowry. [doi]
- To Nudge or not to Nudge: Ethical Considerations of Digital nudging based on its Behavioral Economics rootsTim-Benjamin Lembcke, Nils Engelbrecht, Alfred Benedikt Brendel, Lutz Kolbe. [doi]
- Proposing an Extension of the Privacy Calculus to reflect the Implications of speech-DisclosureJakob Wirth, Christian Maier. [doi]
- Understanding Health Information Technology Assimilation at Individual Level: the Case of Electronic Medication Management SystemEui Dong Kim, Kevin K. Y. Kuan, Redouane El Amrani, Milan Rasikbhai Vaghasiya, Jonathan Penm, Naren Gunja, Simon K. Poon. [doi]
- Nudged to Unload: Applying Choice Architecture to Prevent Cognitive Overload of Participants in Open Idea EvaluationCarina Benz, Carola Stryja. [doi]
- Does Opening Strategy in Organizations lead to Effectiveness and Success?Alireza Amrollahi, Sahar Najafikhah, Josh Morton, Hessamoddin Sarooghi. [doi]
- A Virtual Memory Palace and the User's Awareness of the method of lociJan-Paul Huttner, Ziwei Qian, Susanne Robra-Bissantz. [doi]
- The Evolution of Leadership Structures in Online Communities: a Social Network PerspectiveMohammed Aael Harysi, Bogdan Negoita, Joe Nandhakumar. [doi]
- It Governance in Smart Cities: an Exploratory Case Study of an European City AuthorityGiovanni Maccani, Niall Connolly, Brian Donnellan. [doi]
- Using a Co-Evolutionary is-Alignment Approach to Understand EMR ImplementationsPien Walraven, Rogier van de Wetering, Johan Versendaal, Marjolein C. J. Caniëls. [doi]
- Digital Inclusion for Elderly Citizens for a Sustainable SocietyJesper Holgersson, Eva Söderström, Jeremy Rose. [doi]
- Make the Best out of What You have - a literature Review on Process prioritizationMarcus Fischer, Kevin Fuchs. [doi]
- Looking beneath the tip of the Iceberg: the two-Sided Nature of Chatbots and their Roles for Digital feedback ExchangeRuth Lechler, Emanuel Stoeckli, Roman Rietsche, Falk Uebernickel. [doi]
- A Smartphone Health Application to Facilitate Falls Prevention Practices for Older adultsSeyedezahra Shadi Erfani, Seyyede Maryam Erfani, Kimiya Ramin. [doi]
- Dynamics of Inter-Team Coordination Routines in Large-Scale Agile Software DevelopmentTomas Gustavsson. [doi]
- Explaining an E-identification Framework Implementation using DialecticsAnar Bazarhanova, Kari Smolander, Ilkka Lähteenmäki. [doi]
- Designing User-adaptive Information Dashboards: considering Limited Attention and Working MemoryPeyman Toreini, Moritz Langner. [doi]
- Reducing the Cognitive Load of Decision-Makers in Emergency Management through Augmented RealityMilad Mirbabaie, Jennifer Fromm. [doi]
- What Makes a Top Ranked Journal: the Journey towards Great journals in isCathy Urquhart, Joe Nandhakumar, Mari-Klara Stein, Robert M. Davison, Catherine Griffiths, Monideepa Tarafdar, Dov Te'eni. [doi]
- Towards Smart Assistance Systems for Physical and Manual TasksRobin Knote. [doi]
- Leveraging the Internal Crowd for continuous Requirements Engineering - Lessons Learned from a Design Science Research ProjectPascal Vogel, Christian Grotherr, Martin Semmann. [doi]
- Everything counts: a Taxonomy of Deep Learning Approaches for Object CountingKai Heinrich, Andreas Roth, Patrick Zschech. [doi]
- Crowdsourcing for Education: literature Review, Conceptual Framework, and Research AgendaJulian Prester, Daniel Schlagwein, Dubravka Cecez-Kecmanovic. [doi]
- Because Your Taxonomy is Worth IT: towards a Framework for Taxonomy EvaluationDaniel Szopinski, Thorsten Schoormann, Dennis Kundisch. [doi]
- Value flows in IoT Ecosystems: towards an IoT Data Business ModelJonas Valbjørn Andersen, Donya Sheikh Khan. [doi]
- Digitisation along the Patient pathway in HospitalsChristine Hufnagl, Eileen Doctor, Laura Behrens, Christoph Buck, Torsten Eymann. [doi]
- Chatbot Acceptance in Healthcare: Explaining User Adoption of Conversational Agents for disease DiagnosisSven Laumer, Christian Maier, Fabian Tobias Gubler. [doi]
- What is Smart about Services? Breaking the bond between the Smart Product and the ServiceAida Boukhris, Albrecht Fritzsche. [doi]
- Achieving Sustainable Business Systems through Sociotechnical PerspectivesMoufida Sadok, Christine E. Welch. [doi]
- Reinventing Collaboration with Autonomous Technology-based AgentsIsabella Seeber, Lena Waizenegger. [doi]
- A Review of Problems and Challenges of using Multiple Conceptual ModelsDanilo Ong, Mohammad Jabbari. [doi]
- Flow Experience in Software Engineering: Development and Evaluation of Design options for EclipseMarc-André Kaufhold, Christian Reuter 0001, Thomas Ludwig 0005. [doi]
- Personalized Explanation for Machine Learning: a ConceptualizationJohannes Schneider, Joshua Peter Handali. [doi]
- Explaining the Stars: Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis of Online Customer ReviewsMarkus Binder, Bernd Heinrich, Mathias Klier, Andreas Alexander Obermeier, Alexander Schiller. [doi]
- Balancing User Base and User Stickiness in Platform ScalingShiyuan Liu, Joe Nandhakumar, Ola Henfridsson. [doi]
- Data-Driven Service Innovation: a Systematic literature Review and Development of a Research AgendaChristian Engel, Philipp Ebel. [doi]
- Adaptive Networked Governance of E-Health Standards: the Case of a Regional Health Information Infrastructure in NorwayKristoffer Fossum, Selamawit Molla Fossum, Ole Hanseth, Terje Aksel Sanner. [doi]
- A Work Model for Employee-Driven Innovation in Public OrganizationsVictoria Alexandra Reibenspiess, Katharina Drechsler, Andreas Eckhardt. [doi]
- The Fewer, the Better? Effects of Decomposition of Information Load on the Decision Making Process and Outcome in Idea SelectionRenata Santiago Walser, Isabella Seeber, Ronald Maier. [doi]
- Finding the Edge of Chaos: a Complex adaptive Systems Approach to Information Systems Project portfolio ManagementRoger Sweetman, Kieran Conboy. [doi]
- Conceptualizing passive Trust: the Case of Smart glasses in HealthcareKai Klinker, Julia Obermaier, Manuel Wiesche. [doi]
- Online Peer Groups - a Design-Oriented Approach to Addressing the unemployment of People with Complex BarriersAnnette Felgenhauer, Maximilian Förster, Katharina Kaufmann, Julia Klier, Mathias Klier. [doi]
- Method Supporting the Adoption of Visual Stories in Judicial SystemsFrancisco Barros Leite, Pedro Antunes, Nuno Guimarães, José A. Pino. [doi]
- Information Disorder in the GLAM Sector: the Challenges of Crowd Sourced ContributionsSaima Qutab, Michael David Myers, Lesley A. Gardner. [doi]
- Conceptualizing EA Cities: towards Visualizing Enterprise Architectures as CitiesKevin Rehring, Tim Brée, Jens Gulden, Laurenz Bredenfeld. [doi]
- Predictive Analytics - a Modern crystal ball? Answers from a Cash Flow Case StudyMarkus Esswein, Jörg H. Mayer, Sebastian Stoffel, Reiner Quick. [doi]
- From Data to Insights: Leveraging Monitoring Data for Achieving continuous Certification of Cloud ServicesMalte Greulich, Sebastian Lins, Ali Sunyaev. [doi]
- Decoupling, Information Technology, and the Tradeoff between Organizational reliability and Organizational AgilityRobert Keller, Philipp Ollig, Gilbert Fridgen. [doi]
- Grounded Theory Methodology as a Resource for Pluralist Information Systems ResearchArto Lanamäki, Amir Haj-Bolouri. [doi]
- Leveraging the Value of Data-Driven Service Systems in manufacturing: a Graph-based ApproachFriedemann Kammler, Simon Hagen, Jonas Brinker, Oliver Thomas. [doi]
- Unifying the Emergency Management Research Program in is: a Representation Theory Perspective for Effective Use in Chaotic EnvironmentsDario Bonaretti, Gabriele Piccoli. [doi]
- Management's IT Competence in turbulent Market EnvironmentsSimon Albrecht, Gunther Gust, Jens Strüker, Dirk Neumann 0001. [doi]
- Ethics in Data Science Projects: current Practices and PerceptionsJeff Saltz. [doi]
- Moving beyond Showcasing. The Five Faces of Leadership in Smart City TransformationJocelyn Cranefield, Jan Pries-Heje. [doi]
- Blockchain - Just Another IT Implementation? A Comparison of Blockchain and Interorganizational Information SystemsStefan Seebacher, Ronny Schüritz. [doi]
- Modelling Availability Risks of IT Threats in Smart Factory Networks - a Modular Petri Net ApproachStephan Berger, Maximilian Bogenreuther, Björn Häckel, Oliver Niesel. [doi]
- I Want a Lamborghini: an ethnography of Cryptocurrency CommunitiesSilviana Tana, Christoph Breidbach, Andrew Turpin. [doi]
- Don't Hurt me... no More? An Empirical Study on the positive and Adverse Motivational effects in Fitness AppsRobert Rockmann. [doi]
- Detecting Role Inconsistencies in Process ModelsBanu Aysolmaz, Deniz Iren, Hajo A. Reijers. [doi]
- Archetypes of Digital Business Models in Logistics Start-UPSFrederik Möller, Henrik Bauhaus, Christina Hoffmann, Constanze Niess, Boris Otto. [doi]
- Knowledge-Sharing Mechanisms in a Socio-Technical Collaborative Project in IT-Related faculties: Preliminary FindingsMozhdeh Dehghani. [doi]
- Keep up with Care: Researching System Adaptability in Chronic Care Management of Elderly patientsFelix Michel, Sven-Volker Rehm, Florian Matthes. [doi]
- Taxonomy Research in Information Systems: a Systematic AssessmentAnna Maria Oberländer, Benedict Lösser, Daniel Rau. [doi]
- Beyond Resistance: towards a Multi-Level Perspective on Socio-Technical inertia in Organizational TransformationAlexander M. Schmid. [doi]
- A Risk-based Perspective on Work and Organizational Transformation in E-Commerce: a Review for UnderstandingEtienne Thenoz, Solène Juteau, Frantz Rowe. [doi]
- The Relationship between Knowledge Management Practices and Enterprise Risk Management in Higher Education: an Action ResearchDuaa Abaoud. [doi]
- Not All Tasks are alike: Exploring the effect of Task Representation on User Engagement in Crowd-based Idea EvaluationCarina Benz, Naim Zierau, Gerhard Satzger. [doi]
- The Fiery, the Lovely, and the Hot - Analysis of Online viral Phenomena in Social MediaNora Jansen. [doi]
- Enhancing Price Alert Recommendation Services - a Comparative StudyAnne Falkenberg, Benjamin Buchwitz. [doi]
- Innovating in a Digital World - the Role of Digital Product Innovation CapabilitiesFlorian Wiesböck. [doi]
- Towards a Taxonomy of Text Mining FeaturesHansjörg Fromm, Thiemo Wambsganss, Matthias Söllner. [doi]
- Intentions behind control Mechanisms in is Projects beyond Agency Theory: a Research in progress DesignPeter Virag. [doi]
- Measuring the Organizational analytical Competence: Development of a ScaleAna Lucia de Queiroz Tourinho, Otávio P. Sanchez, Susan Brown. [doi]
- Investment Decisions with Robo-Advisors: the Role of anthropomorphism and Personalized Anchors in RecommendationsMartin Adam, Jonas Toutaoui, Nicolas Pfeuffer, Oliver Hinz. [doi]
- Data Access and Data Quality Challenges of Self-Service Business IntelligenceChristian Lennerholt, Joeri van Laere. [doi]
- Scope for Usability Tests in is DevelopmentKimmo Tarkkanen, Ville Harkke. [doi]
- A Blockchain Traceability Information System for Trust Improvement in Agricultural supply ChainPouyan Jahanbin, Stephen C. Wingreen, Ravishankar Sharma. [doi]
- How Blockchain facilitates Smart City Applications- Development of a Multi-Layer TaxonomyEsther Nagel, Johann Kranz, Philipp Sandner, Stefan Hopf. [doi]
- Dynamics of Success for Mobile Games: the Case of Early-stage StartupsMaryam Roshan Kokabha, Riitta Hekkala, Virpi Kristiina Tuunainen. [doi]
- Weary of Watching out? - Cause and effect of Security fatigueChristian Michael Olt, Neda Mesbah. [doi]
- A Study of Customer Resolution Management: the Influence of Effective Complaint-Handling Procedures on Consumer Decisions to shop OnlineChin Eang Ong, David Teh. [doi]
- Study of Connection between articulation Points and Network motifs in Complex NetworksBogdan Eduard-Madalin Mursa, Anca Andreica, Laura Diosan. [doi]
- Nudging People to Save Energy in Smart Homes with Social Norms and Self-CommitmentTobias Kroll, Ute Paukstadt, Kseniya Kreidermann, Milad Mirbabaie. [doi]
- Social Media and Social movements: a Case of women's MarchLeiser Silva, Romilla Syed. [doi]
- How can Digital Start-UPS Successfully recruit IT Professionals?Moritz Bradel, Dennis M. Steininger, Daniel Veit. [doi]
- Users Say Negative Words for Different REA-Sons: Distinguishing the Sources of rational and Emotional Negative eWOM at Peer-to-Peer Accommodation PlatformYongqiang Sun, Chaofan Yang, Nan Wang 0010. [doi]
- Bpm2tpm: the Knowledge Transfer from Business Process to TouchPoint ManagementMarkus Heuchert, Benjamin Barann. [doi]
- Scrutinizing the Design Specifications of Smart Products: a Practical Evaluation in yachtingFriedemann Kammler, Hendrik Kemmerich, Jonas Brinker, Oliver Thomas. [doi]
- Too Confident to Care: Investigating overconfidence in Privacy Decision MakingAmina Wagner, Neda Mesbah. [doi]
- Risk Mitigation Capability of Flexibility Performance Contracts for demand response in electricity SystemsFlorian Jäckle, Michael Schoepf, Jannick Töppel, Felix Wagon. [doi]
- The Acceptable State: an Analysis of the current State of Acceptable Use Policies in Academic InstitutionsJake Weidman, Jens Grossklags. [doi]
- Advantages and Propositions of Learning Emotion Recognition in Virtual Reality for People with AutismAnna Schwarze, Henrik Freude, Björn Niehaves. [doi]
- The Virtues of Anonymity - an Empirical Investigation of the Relationship between B2B Online Ratings and Reviewer Self-DisclosureDominik Gutt, Jürgen Neumann. [doi]
- Designing Innovative Digital Services for Government: a Business Model Canvas AdaptationJeremy Rose, Jesper Holgersson, Eva Söderström. [doi]
- Requirements Engineering (Re) Effectiveness in Open Source Software: the Role of Social Network Configurations and Requirements PropertiesDeepa Gopal Iyer, Kalle Lyytinen. [doi]
- Not All Reviews are Equal - a literature Review on Online Review HelpfulnessRoman Rietsche, Daniel Frei, Emanuel Stoeckli, Matthias Söllner. [doi]
- Onboarding with a Chat - the effects of Message Interactivity and Platform Self-Disclosure on User Disclosure propensityMartin Adam, Johannes Klumpe. [doi]
- Understanding preprototype User Acceptance of centralised and decentralised Identity Management SystemsJohana Cabinakova, Nadine Kathrin Ostern, Julia Krönung. [doi]
- Theorizing Digital Innovation Ecosystems: a Multilevel ecological FrameworkPing Wang. [doi]
- Talking Institutions in the Sharing Economy: a Content Analysis of Actor quotes in the Print Media and a Taxonomy of discursive StrategiesJulian Lehmann, Florian Weber, Lorenz Graf-Vlachy, Andreas König 0007. [doi]
- User Adaptation to cybersickness in Virtual Reality: a Qualitative StudyGuan Wang, Ayoung Suh. [doi]
- The Digital is Different: a Realist Reinterpretation of SociomaterialityAlexander Moltubakk Kempton. [doi]
- Issues in Digital Nomad-Corporate Work: an Institutional Theory PerspectiveDavid Kong, Daniel Schlagwein, Dubravka Cecez-Kecmanovic. [doi]
- Explaining Customer activation with Deep Attention ModelsKoen Weterings, Stefano Bromuri, Marko C. J. D. van Eekelen. [doi]
- How do Entrepreneurial Firms Appropriate Value in Bio Data Infrastructures: an Exploratory Qualitative StudyHannes Rothe, Sirkka L. Jarvenpaa, Anna Auguste Penninger. [doi]
- The Power of Beauty: Leveraging on Deep Learning to Disentangle the effect of Image Aesthetics on Online PurchaseXiaohui Liu, Yijing Li, Eric Lim, Yong Liu, Chee-Wee Tan. [doi]
- Technology-Push or Market-pull - What Drives Certification Authorities to Perform continuous Service Certification?Heiner Teigeler, Sebastian Lins, Ali Sunyaev. [doi]
- Designing Useful Transparency to Improve Process Performance - Evidence from an Automated production LineMichael Vössing, Felix Potthoff, Niklas Kühl, Gerhard Satzger. [doi]
- Information flows in circular Economy PracticesRoman Zeiss. [doi]
- Fake Reviews and manipulation: do Customer Reviews Matter?Sana Ansari, Sumeet Gupta. [doi]
- Announcement of Formal control as a phase-Shifting perception and its Moderating Role in the Context of Mobile-LoafingSaerom Lee, Austin Kwak, Yuju Tu, Xiao Ma, Lara Khansa. [doi]
- Understanding the Anatomy of Analytics-based Services - a Taxonomy to Conceptualize the Use of Data and Analytics in ServicesFabian Hunke, Christian Engel, Ronny Schüritz, Philipp Ebel. [doi]
- From Recombination to Reconfiguration: affording Process Innovation in Digital InfrastructuresEgil Øvrelid, Alexander Moltubakk Kempton. [doi]
- Offering Accounts of Complex is-Phenomena: towards a Combination of mechanistic Predictions and Generative ExplanationsLouise Harder Fischer, Christine Abdalla Mikhaeil. [doi]
- Driving NPD Performance in High-Tech SMEs through IT Ambidexterity: Unveiling the Influence of Leadership Decision-Making StylesTahir Abbas Syed, Constantin Blome, Thanos Papadopoulos. [doi]
- Managing Big Data Analytics Projects: the Challenges of Realizing ValueMaria Hoffmann Jensen, Peter Axel Nielsen, John Stouby Persson. [doi]
- Girls' Choice - Why Won't they pick IT?Fanny Vainionpää, Marianne Kinnula, Netta Iivari, Tonja Molin-Juustila. [doi]
- Architecting Structural Flexibility in Design Processes - a Case Study of Public Sector Digital InnovationHugo Hedlund. [doi]
- Agile portfolio Management: Design Goals and PrinciplesBettina Horlach, Ingrid Schirmer, Paul Drews. [doi]
- Consumer studies on Digital Platforms Adoption and continuance: a Structured literature ReviewRoel Faber, Mark de Reuver. [doi]
- Goal Framing in Smart Charging - Increasing BEV Users' Charging Flexibility with Digital NudgesJulian Huber, Dominik Jung, Elisabeth Schaule, Christof Weinhardt. [doi]
- The Role of Transparency in Privacy Decision-Making under uncertaintyVictoria Fast. [doi]
- Understanding the Acceptance of Smart Home-based insurancesMathias Eggert. [doi]
- Privacy Concerns and Protection Motivation Theory in the Context of Mobile BankingMarco Alexandre Terlizzi, Laura Brandimarte, Susan Brown, Otávio P. Sanchez. [doi]
- Understanding the Dark Side of Analytics: Primum non Nocere!Ramesh Sharda, Ashish Gupta 0004, James R. Marsden, Philip Brey, Irina Heimbach. [doi]
- Paving the Way for the Adoption of Autonomous driving: Institution-based Trust as a Critical Success factorMaike Bruckes, Jan-Gerrit Grotenhermen, Felix Cramer, Gerhard Schewe. [doi]
- Challenges in Embracing Customer-Centricity: the Case of Outside-in in a South African Financial InstitutionChristine Shongwe, Lisa F. Seymour. [doi]
- Lm2f: a Life-Cycle Model Maintenance Framework for Co-Evolving Enterprise Architecture Meta-Models and ModelsNuno Silva, Paloma Gonçalves, Inês Leite, Pedro Sousa, Miguel Mira da Silva. [doi]
- Trust Management - an Information Systems PerspectiveFriedrich Chasin, Dennis M. Riehle, Michael Rosemann. [doi]
- A field Experiment for Understanding the Unintended Impact of Internet Monitoring on Employees: Policy Satisfaction, Organizational Citizenship behaviour and Work MotivationHemin Jiang, Mikko T. Siponen, Aggeliki Tsohou. [doi]
- Subjective norm and the Privacy Calculus: Explaning Self-Disclosure on Social Networking sitesJakob Wirth, Christian Maier, Sven Laumer. [doi]
- Towards an integrative Theoretical Framework of Interactive Machine Learning SystemsMiguel Angel Meza Martínez, Mario Nadj, Alexander Maedche. [doi]
- Conzeptualizing a Mobile App Framework for the Museum Application DomainTobias Baumgärtner. [doi]
- Uncovering the Privacy Paradox: the Influence of Distraction on Data Disclosure DecisionsMoritz Becker, Susanne Maria Klausing, Thomas Hess. [doi]
- Bridging the Gap - Exploring Elderly Citizens' Perceptions of Digital ExclusionJesper Holgersson, Eva Söderström. [doi]
- Deep Structure Use of mHealth: a Social Cognitive Theory PerspectiveMonica Fallon, Kai Spohrer, Armin Heinzl. [doi]
- Factors that Influence Information Technology Use during Post-Implementation: a literature ReviewTruth Lumor. [doi]
- Rocket ship or Blimp? - Implications of Malicious Accounts removal on TwitterAgnieszka Onuchowska, Donald J. Berndt, Sagar Samtani. [doi]
- Life-Integrated stress AssessmentHenner Gimpel, Christian Regal, Marco Schmidt. [doi]
- Toward Sustainable behaviour Change: an Approach for Cyber Security Education Training and AwarenessMoneer Alshaikh, Humza Naseer, Atif Ahmad, Sean B. Maynard. [doi]
- A Computational Visual Analysis of Image Design in Social Media Car Model CommunitiesJochen Wulf, Tobias Mettler, Stephan Ludwig, Dennis Herhausen. [doi]
- The Role of Contradictions and Norms in the Design and Use of a Telemedicine System: a Healthcare Professionals PerspectivePascal Schwalb, Ela Klecun. [doi]
- The Relationship between Emotional Intelligence, stress and Trust among Software DevelopersAzadeh Rezvani, Pouria Khosravi. [doi]
- The Influence of Social Media filter bubbles and echo Chambers on IT Identity ConstructionYves Costa Netto, Antonio Carlos Gastaud Maçada. [doi]
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