The European Union is taking a significant step towards circularity in the textile industry and reducing food waste. The Council of the European Union and the European Parliament have reached a provisional agreement on new rules for the management of textile and food waste, introducing clear measures to make producers responsible for their environmental impact. According to the revised version of the Textile Waste Directive: ✅ Producers will pay financial contributions proportional to the sustainability and circularity of their products; ✅ Measures will be taken to reduce the phenomenon of fast fashion and overproduction, with the aim of extending the lifespan of textiles; ✅ A fair framework will be ensured, in which all companies contribute to the responsible management of textile waste; ✅ Micro-enterprises will benefit from an extended period of 1 additional year to comply with the new measures; ✅ New extended producer responsibility rules for textile producers and brands that must contribute to the costs of waste collection and treatment; such taxes will be levied based on the sustainability and circularity of textile products (i.e. eco-modulation); ✅ Member States with a high share of reused textiles may impose a lower tax on commercial operators carrying out reuse activities; ✅ Charities and social enterprises may operate separate collection points and may be exempted from certain reporting requirements. Regarding food waste, the following is desired: ✅ 10% reduction in processing and manufacturing waste compared to the average amount of food waste generated in 2021 - 2023; ✅ 30% reduction per capita in waste from retail, HoReCa and household consumption compared to the average amount of food waste generated in 2021 - 2023; ✅ encouraging voluntary donation of unsold food that is safe for human consumption. The next steps include the final confirmation and formal adoption of these rules. Once approved, EU member states will have 20 months to implement. ♻️ Details here 👉
Coalitia pentru Economie Circulara - CERC
Management organizații non-profit
Obiectivul nostru este de a promova în România toate obiectivele cheie ale pachetului comunitar de economie circulară.
Despre noi
Înființată în 2017 ca organizație independentă de către un grup de profesioniști și companii responsabile de mediu și social, scopul principal al Coaliției pentru Economie Circulară (CERC) este promovarea la nivel național a obiectivelor cheie ale pachetului de economie circulară CE, și anume stimularea dezvoltării noi piețe și modele de afaceri, contribuind astfel la creșterea economică și la crearea de noi locuri de muncă. Inițial, Coaliția a adunat membri ai întregului sector de gestionare a deșeurilor (producători, companii de colectare a deșeurilor, stații de sortare și reciclatori), dar și diverși experți în probleme de mediu. Ca organism consolidat, angajamentul nostru este de a extinde varietatea de membri în întreaga economie românească, spre o abordare circulară a afacerilor. Suntem deschiși să stabilim parteneriate strategice cu organizații locale și internaționale similare și mediul academic. Domeniul de aplicare este de a dezvolta studii și rapoarte cu privire la diverse probleme de circularitate și de a sprijini implementarea programelor care promovează principii și concepte ale economiei circulare. În prezent, CERC lucrează activ la întărirea comunicării cu autoritățile locale și centrale, precum și cu comisiile parlamentare, prin participarea la dezbaterile publice și grupurile de lucru, pentru a le informa despre beneficiile pe care economia circulară le poate aduce economiei românești. Obiectivul Coaliției este să devină principala voce care pledează pentru principiile Economiei circulare și pentru cele mai bune practici internaționale din România, devenind, în consecință, un actor cheie pentru comunitatea de afaceri autohtone, dar și vocea care transmite internațional propunerile și realizările românești din acest sector.
- Site web
Link extern pentru Coalitia pentru Economie Circulara - CERC
- Sector de activitate
- Management organizații non-profit
- Dimensiunea companiei
- 2-10 angajați
- Sediu
- Bucharest
- Tip
- Non-profit
- Înființată
- 2017
- Specializări
- circular economy, sustainability, green business și think-tank
Bucuresti-Ploiesti Road
No. 9-13, 6th Floor
Bucharest, 013682, RO
Angajați la Coalitia pentru Economie Circulara - CERC
AS Metal Com SRL has completed the process of obtaining Gold Standard carbon certificates and invites investors to join its sustainable initiative. The company, a member of the Circular Economy Coalition - CERC, thus marks a significant step in its long-term commitment to environmental protection and sustainable development. This achievement confirms its continuous efforts for the transition to a green economy. AS Metal Com SRL has obtained carbon certificates on the voluntary market, generated through waste recycling activity, after receiving Gold Standard validation for issuing 108,777 certificates. These represent the equivalent of tons of carbon emissions reduced through recycling over a period of two years. Carbon credits (VER) serve as confirmation of the carbon neutrality of a company's' environmental footprint by financially supporting the As Metal project: Aluminum Recycling – A Solution for Reducing CO2 Emissions. By implementing advanced technologies and responsible recycling practices, As Metal Com has managed to obtain these internationally recognized certificates, which attest to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in accordance with the Gold Standard, offering attractive opportunities for investors interested in sustainable projects. A carbon certificate is a tradable asset, which represents a ton of carbon dioxide reduced through a specific activity, measured and validated by an independent organization. Through the voluntary trading mechanism, companies that want to reduce their own carbon footprint can offset emissions by purchasing certificates generated by other companies, thus supporting and encouraging projects that contribute to reducing carbon emissions globally. #emissionreduction #carboncertificate #ClimaticNeutrality
În cadrul conferinței ZINERGY - Clean Power, Essential Progress, organizată de Freedom House România, si Romanian Center for European Policies, cu sprijinul EEA and Norway Grants by Innovation Norway, domnul Constantin Damov, Președintele Coaliției pentru Economia Circulară - CERC, a subliniat importanța crucială a trecerii de la o abordare tradițională de gestionare a deșeurilor la o mentalitate axată pe gestionarea resurselor. Această schimbare de paradigmă este esențială pentru a construi o economie eficientă, competitivă și circulară, în care deșeurile sunt reduse, reutilizate, reciclate și transformate în resurse valoroase. #eficiențăenergetică #zinergy #GreenTransition #EnergieCurată #economiecirculara #resurse
🚨#CloseTheGlassLoop report alert! 🚨 Close The Glass Loop has unveiled the most comprehensive report to date on the Performance of Packaging Glass Recycling in Europe. 🔎 Check out Romania's performance in the report! Following a survey of more than 80 Glass Cullet Recycling Facilities, active in 20 different countries and processing more than 60% of all available glass packaging collected for recycling in 2022, the report provides an in-depth overview of the efficiency of the glass recycling process. It confirms that the glass collection & recycling value chain is delivering major results for the circular economy: 93% of all materials entering Glass Cullet Recycling Facilities were effectively recycled in 2022 and 85% were sent for re-melt in glass packaging manufacturing to produce new bottles and jars. The report also highlights the huge reliance on municipal waste collection systems, with 87% of all materials entering Glass Cullet Recycling Facilities originating from post-consumer glass in municipal waste. In addition, it indicates that imported materials represent only 11% of the total inputs, demonstrating the local dimension of glass recycling. This report reaffirms Close the Glass Loop’s commitment to promoting glass recycling and advancing Europe’s circular economy. By delivering actionable insights into the operations of Glass Cullet Recycling Facilities, the report serves as a valuable resource for stakeholders aiming to enhance packaging glass recycling processes and drive sustainable improvements across the value chain. Through the actions outlined in the “Roadmap to Optimise Closed Loop Recycling of Glass Packaging”, we strive to maintain and further improve the overall performance of closed loop recycling, while achieving the goal of 90% glass packaging collection for recycling in the EU. For more information and to access the full report, visit 👉 #ClosetheGlassLoop #CircularEconomy #GlassPackaging #GlassRecycling
Genesis Biopartner Group officially inaugurated a new biogas plant in Cordun commune, Neamț county, after an investment of approximately 17 million euros. The Cordun biogas plant will initially create 20-25 direct jobs, and dozens more will be generated indirectly through local collaborators and suppliers. The investment also supports the development of the local budget and infrastructure, strengthening Cordun as a regional economic hub. The event, suggestively titled Oktogreenfest, was an example of sustainable organization, including tree planting, guided tours of the plant to see up close the state-of-the-art technologies used to transform organic waste into renewable energy. Michael Dietrich, founder of Genesis Biopartner: “Our biogas plant in Cordun is the second plant we are inaugurating, after the one in Filipeștii de Pădure, 13 years ago. We have two more plants started, one in Timișoara County and one in Dolj County, and we have three more locations in the country where we are currently developing. It is the most modern plant of its kind in Romania, with the latest technology in the field. The biogas plant uses organic waste, biomass or food residues and transforms them into biogas, and the biogas is in turn transformed, through cogeneration, into thermal energy and electricity that is injected into the network. We are talking about a great impact on the environment, in terms of recycling organic waste, which, instead of being harmful to the environment, rotting and emitting methane - the factor that contributes the most to global warming, after carbon dioxide, waste is recycled and transformed into thermal and electrical energy." Horia Matei Bardeanu, General Manager of Genesis Biopartner: "Here at Cordun we have a modern facility, we can process quite large capacities of various types of waste, we have a generous waste processing hall, with robust, state-of-the-art equipment, sorting belts, unpacking systems, plastic separation systems, so that we can try to recycle the plastic. The waste, once received, is subjected to a treatment process, then it is introduced to a fermentation line, which can produce a quantity of over 1,000 cubic meters of biogas per hour, we treat the biogas obtained, introduce it into two cogeneration plants, we produce electricity that we deliver to the national energy system and we produce thermal energy that we use for self-consumption. From our point of view, the most important thing is that at the end of the process, an organic, environmentally friendly fertilizer results, which we return to nature, where our raw material that we had at the beginning of the process came from - the loop closes." #circulareconomy #biowaste #closetheloop #cleanenergy #organicfertiliser
On December 5, 2024, we are pleased to be represented at the annual conference "POSITIVE BUSINESS – a talk about ESG, sustainability and positive impact in business" by Raul Pop, Co-Founder, Vice-President, Circular Economy Coalition - CERC and by Gabriela Barbu, Sustainability Director, Decathlon România. The BusinessMark event will take place at the JW Marriott Bucharest Grand Hotel and will analyze those elements that make a business positive, through a holistic approach, based on 4 axes: 📊 Stay POSITIVE. ESG Update 👔C-Level Leadership & Investments for Good 🏷️ POSITIVE brands for the future Teams for GOOD We will contribute through discussions about circularity and we invite you to join us. More information about the event theme and how you can participate is available on the official conference page. CERC member companies and experts benefit from a 25% discount on the event, based on the discount code received by email:
We are pleased to be partners of the conference "POSITIVE BUSINESS – a talk about ESG, sustainability and positive impact in business", organized by BusinessMark on December 5, 2024, in Bucharest. Participate in the event and find out: 🌱 What is the axis of good at the corporate level? What determines a business to be "positive"? How and to what level can we really measure the impact? Between ideals and the impossible, where does reality find its place? CERC member companies and experts benefit from a 25% discount on the event, based on the discount code sent by email. More details about the confirmed speakers, the theme of the event and how you can participate are available on the official conference page:
#CircularMonday was created as a counteraction to Black Friday, offering an alternative to the rampant overconsumption of newly produced, often unsustainable products. Today, Circular Monday has evolved into a global movement, making it easier than ever for consumers to access sustainable goods and services. Since last year the campaign has gone from spanning 30 to now 40 countries, and Romania is one oth them. “40-70 percent of global carbon emissions comes from unsustainable production and consumption, according to Ellen MacArthur Foundation. Black Friday represents outdated consumer habits, and Circular Monday is offering a solution by promoting sustainable, circular alternatives,” says Alexandra Davidsson, Co-founder at #circularmonday & ClimateHero. Here's the link to the Global Event, from 16:00 - 17:00, prior to our local one: please share and attend :) ClimateHero OilRight Sigad/SNX R-CREATE SILGIMAR Humana People to People Romania Ateliere Fără Frontiere
#circularmonday is a non-profit initiative that promotes Circular Consumption ♻️ which means reducing waste and extending the lifespan of the products we already own. Instead of following the old “buy, use, throw away” model, we focus on reusing, repairing, and recycling, keeping products in use for as long as possible. 🌍 Think of it this way: why throw away a perfectly wearable sweater just because it has a small hole? Fix it, and it’s ready to wear again—plus, it has even more character! ♻️ In a circular system, products are designed to last, making them easier to repair and reuse. This way, we conserve resources, reduce waste, and create a more sustainable future. Supporting Circular Consumption means adopting a lifestyle where things get a second chance—and who doesn’t love a good comeback story? ✨ To explore this concept in more detail, we invite you to join our free online webinar on November 25th! We will discover how Circular Consumption can be applied in the industrial business environment, with insights from industry leaders: 👥 With whom? Lombardi Ramela Angelina, owner and CEO of SILGIMAR, an industrial laundry. Ramela is a passionate advocate of sustainable business practices and has integrated eco-friendly processes into her operations, demonstrating how profitability can go hand in hand with environmental responsibility. Stefan Tudorie, Operations Manager at Genesis Biopartner, is the surprise speaker of the event. With over 20 years of management experience, Ștefan brings valuable perspective and the expertise needed to implement sustainable practices in industrial operations. Genesis Biopartner is a successful example of integrating sustainability into the industrial field. Alex. Laibar, Spokesperson #circularmonday Romania, is recognized for his innovative approaches to waste reduction and resource efficiency in the industrial environment. With extensive experience in guiding companies towards greener practices at the Circular Economy Coalition - CERC, Alex offers practical and actionable advice for integrating sustainability into business strategies. 🗓️ When & where? November 25, from 17:30, register online here: or join the LInkedIn event in the first comment ♻️ Why? To learn how Circular Consumption can transform businesses for a sustainable future!
Less than one week to enter you project at the 16th edition of the Gala Awards competition for a Clean Environment has been launched by our colleagues from Organizatia ECOTIC, in partnership with the Ministerul Mediului, Apelor si Padurilor (Ministry of Environment, Water and Forests), encourages local public authorities, companies, educational institutions and NGOs to register their projects with a positive impact on the environment, conservation of natural resources, prevention of waste and more. What types of projects can be entered? In the 15 editions of the contest, more than 780 projects were entered whose themes were: information and eco-education of children, but also of the general public, as well as resource conservation, reduction of food waste, separate collection of waste, energy efficiency, actions of greening and afforestation, circular economy projects. The thematic diversity and typology of the entered projects are encouraged by the organizers, as well as their positive impact on the environment and the resource economy. Who and where can sign up? Registration is done online, on the platform, until November 26, and the categories are: • ENVIRONMENTAL PROJECTS - 3 winners This category can include projects carried out by any type of entity: company, public institution, town hall, NGO, except educational institutions that have a special category dedicated to them. • SPECIAL AWARD dedicated to JOURNALISTS - 1 winner • SPECIAL AWARD dedicated to EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS - 1 winner Involvement of the general public is also welcome in this edition by NOMINATING projects through the dedicated form on The judging and awarding of prizes will take place in December 2024.