Da li je vaše radno okruženje cirkularno? Koliko materijala koji čine vašu kancelariju mislite da je ponovo upotrebljeno? 🖨 🔨 Iako se u Francuskoj mnogi proizvodi za interne planove kancelarija, poput pregrada i plafonskih ploča, prave tako da mogu ponovo da se upotrebe, najčešće umesto toga završe na deponijama. Stopa ponovne upotrebe građevinskih proizvoda u Francuskoj danas je manje od 1%. Francuski #DrasticProject demonstrator teži da promeni ovo tako što će identifikovati cirkularni poslovni model koji će omogućiti brzo usvajanje cirkularnih, ponovno upotrebljivih elemenata enterijera za kanccelarije. U junu je sprovedena prva probna demontaža i testiranje modularnih kancelarijskih pregrada. ❇️ Više o ovome saznajte u objavi ispod! ⬇️ Saznajte više o tome kako Drastic teži povećanju i poboljšanju cirkularnosti unutar evropske izgrađene sredine: https://bit.ly/40aiCkp #CircularEconomy #BuildingTheTransition World Green Building Council
Look around you 👀… is your workspace circular? How much of your office or working space do you think has been repurposed and reused from another environment? 🖨 🔨 If you happen to be located in France or Europe, the answer may surprise you. Although office space plan interior products (such as wall partitions and ceiling tiles) are often designed for reuse, they are mostly landfilled instead, missing a crucial opportunity to increase circularity and reduce carbon emissions across the European built environment. ♻ The national reuse rate for construction products in France today is less than 1%. The #Drasticproject's French demonstrator aims to change this, by identifying a circular business model that allows for the fast market uptake of circular, reusable office space plan interiors. In June, Drastic partner Clipper Coramine (Saint-Gobain) conducted the first dismantling and testing process of modular office partitions in an ICADE office building in Plessis Robinson, Paris. 150m2 of opaque glass wool and plasterboard partitions were dismantled and packaged for storage in Clipper Coramine's workshop, where they will be refurbished for reuse in another office building in 2025, helping to test this Demonstrator’s circular office solution. 🏢 Saint-Gobain Research Paris, another Drastic partner, will also conduct further testing on some of the harvested materials, to verify and control their mechanical and acoustic properties for future reuse. So far, a 100% reusability rate has been predicted. ✅ ➡ Follow the #DrasticProject hashtag on social media to see the next step in this Demonstrator’s journey. ➡ Learn more about how Drastic aims to increase and improve circularity within the European built environment: https://bit.ly/40aiCkp #CircularEconomy #BuildingTheTransition World Green Building Council, European Commission, Sorigué, Adec Global SL, Alliance HQE - GBC, CELSA GROUP, Saint-Gobain, TECNALIA Research & Innovation, ICADE, LEZAMA DEMOLICIONES, Madaster, Omtre, Produktif, TalTech – Tallinn University of Technology, TalTech – Tallinn University of Technology, Timbeco, Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), Maastricht Sustainability Institute, VITO, CAALA, Saint-Gobain Ecophon AB, Clipper Coramine (Saint-Gobain), Saint-Gobain Research Paris