Vabljeni k prebiranju zadnje številke Velikih pregrad.
About us
SLOCOLD - Slovenski komite za velike pregrade (SLOCOLD, SLOvenian COmission on Large Dams) je organizacija, ki deluje na področju pregradnega inženirstva. Od leta 1993, ko je bil komite tudi ustanovljen, je polnopraven član mednarodne krovne organizacije ICOLD (International Commission on Large Dams). SLOCOLD, SLOvenian COmmittee on Large Dams is a professional organization, dedicated to the science of dam engineering. SLOCOLD was found in 1993; since then it is a member of ICOLD - The International Commission on Large Dams.
- Website
External link for SLOCOLD - Slovenian National Committee on Large Dams
- Industry
- Civil Engineering
- Company size
- 51-200 employees
- Headquarters
- Ljubljana
- Type
- Partnership
- Founded
- 1993
- Specialties
- Dam Engineering
Hajdrihova ulica 4
Ljubljana, 1000, SI
Employees at SLOCOLD - Slovenian National Committee on Large Dams
SLOCOLD - Slovenian National Committee on Large Dams reposted this
The 31st workshop of the EWG-IE (internal erosion) and the 6th workshop of the EWG-OOE (dam overtopping), will take place in June 23-28th, at the FCE BUT in Brno, Czech Republic. The aim of the workshops is to share the latest knowledge in the issue of failure of hydraulic structures by internal erosion and overtopping. The workshop is intended for the general water management public, namely for professionals involved in the design, management, technical safety supervision and research of dams. More information is included in the first announcement flyer.
SLOCOLD - Slovenian National Committee on Large Dams reposted this
📢 One week left to go! Don’t forget to 𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐧𝐨𝐰! 🌊 Join us for an engaging webinar on Friday 6 December from 13:30 to 15:00 CET for an exciting webinar entitled “𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐲𝐝𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐈𝐈𝐈: 𝐁𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐏𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐞𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐡”, where our speakers will share insights and best practices in hydropower research. 🎙️ With leading experts from ETIP HYDROPOWER, the European Commission, SHERPA, new solutions for hydropower plants, RevHydro, and STOR-HY: Innovative Storage in Hydropower: Anton J. Schleiss, Emanuele Quaranta, Ademir Suárez Carrio, Michel Cervantes, and Alexandre Presas Batlló. 📅 Have a look at the agenda: 📝 Haven’t registered yet?: #hydropower #research #webinar #ETIPHYDROPOWER #SHERPA #RevHydro #STORHY #cleanenergy #renewables #boostinghydropower
Boosting Hydropower III: Best Practices for Research
SLOCOLD - Slovenian National Committee on Large Dams reposted this
The EWG on Penstocks and Pressure Shafts is organizing a workshop on the 21st of November in TU Graz. The workshop can also be attended online. Registration is until this Friday, the 15th of November!
📢 Just Published - Reliability Background of the Eurocodes EN 1990's “Eurocode: Basis of structural design” defines structural reliability as the ability of a structure to fulfill the specified requirements during its design life; the notion covers safety, serviceability, and durability. This document provides guidance on the approaches and methods for dealing with uncertainties in structural design and assessment with the Eurocodes. Inside we can find an introduction to structural reliability, covering probabilistic methods, risk models, member and system failure, time dependency, effects of deterioration, and inspection. Moreover, inside we can also find a state-of-the-art overview of probabilistic models for actions, material properties, and model uncertainties, with a number of example applications related to various parts of the theory. A big thank you to the authors of the report - international experts of the CEN/TC 250/SC 10 Ad-Hoc Group on the reliability background in the Eurocodes.
Državni svet Republike Slovenije, Slovenski nacionalni komite za velike pregrade - SLOCOLD, Slovenska inženirska zveza in Inženirska akademija Slovenije vabijo na posvet HIDROENERGIJA ZA SLOVENIJO: V SOZVOČJU Z LJUDMI IN OKOLJEM - Znanje in izkušnje od včeraj in danes za uspešen trajnostni razvoj, ki bo v petek, 15. novembra 2024, ob 10. uri, v dvorani Državnega sveta, Šubičeva 4, Ljubljana. Za udeležbo na dogodku je obvezna elektronska prijava na do četrtka, 14. novembra 2024 do 10. ure. Število prijav je omejeno. Vsi ostali zainteresirani si dogodek lahko ogledajo v živo na, posnetek pa bo dostopen na spletni strani Državnega sveta.
SLOCOLD - Slovenian National Committee on Large Dams reposted this
Join us on 18th September for a webinar featuring T. Staffan Lundström as one of the key speakers 🌊 Staffan will present the Store2Hydro project, which focuses on optimising electricity storage by integrating reversible pump turbine technology into existing hydropower infrastructures. The aim is to increase European storage capacity by up to 22 TWh per year. Additionally, Store2Hydro will validate new solutions for pumped storage, identify untapped hydropower reservoirs, and maintain reservoir volumes. The project also incorporates digital twin technology to improve monitoring and adaptability in response to variable renewable energy generation, making hydropower operations more efficient and flexible 🌍🔋. T. Staffan Lundström is a Chair Professor of Fluid Mechanics and Deputy Head of the Department of Engineering Sciences and Mathematics at Luleå University of Technology, Sweden. He is also the Director of the Swedish Centre for Sustainable Hydropower and the main applicant and coordinator for a Horizon Europe project on long-term electricity storage technologies for flexible hydropower (2024-2027). With significant experience in hydropower research and project leadership, Staffan has contributed to multiple European and international initiatives. He is also a member of various expert panels and research boards, including the Governing Board of ETIP HYDROPOWER. This webinar will provide valuable insights into the Store2Hydro project and its potential impact on hydropower and energy storage in Europe 🌿💧. Register here: #ETIPHYDROPOWER #Hydropower #RenewableEnergy #EnergyStorage #Store2Hydro #SustainableEnergy #CleanEnergy #DigitalTwinTechnology #EuropeanEnergy
Na UL FGG v okviru SpongeScapes projekta pričenjajo z anketo o potrebah po usposabljanju na temo ukrepov "Sponge Measures". Cilj teh ukrepov je izboljšati sposobnost okolja, da absorbira, shranjuje in počasi sprošča vodo v daljšem časovnem obdobju, kar pogosto podpira pretoke v sušnem obdobju. Zgledujejo se po delovanju naravnih ekosistemov. Vključujejo lahko zasaditev vegetacije, obnavljanje rek in mokrišč ali spreminjanje kmetijskih praks. Vprašalnik je zelo kratek (približno 3 minute) in enostaven za izpolnjevanje. Obrazec se odpre v angleščini, vendar lahko v zgornjem desnem meniju izberete želeni jezik (slovenščina). Povezava do ankete: Zahvaljujemo se vam za sodelovanje! As part of the SpongeScapes project, a survey on training needs for Sponge Measures is launched. Sponge measures aim to improve an environment's ability to absorb, store, and slowly release water over a long period of time, often supporting dry season flows. They are inspired by how natural ecosystems function. They can include planting vegetation, restoring rivers and wetlands, or changing farming practices. The questionnaire is very short (about 3 minutes) and easy to complete. The form opens in English, but you can choose your preferred language (German, French, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Slovenian, Greek) in the top right menu.
📢 Survey on Training Needs for Sponge Measures: We Need Your Input! 🌍 We are launching a survey on training needs of stakeholders related to sponge measures. We invite you to participate! 📝 The questionnaire is very short (about 3 minutes) and easy to complete. 👉 You can access the survey here: The form opens in English, but you can choose your preferred language (German, French, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Slovenian, Greek) in the top right menu. Feel free to share the survey through your network. Thank you for your participation! 🙌 #SpongeScapes Deltares Office International de l'Eau Leibniz Universität Hannover Università degli Studi di Padova University of Ljubljana Slovenian Environment Agency (ARSO) Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie WWF Greece Etifor | Valuing Nature UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (UKCEH)
Sponge measures - training needs
The 17th ICOLD Benchmark Workshop in Sofia! 🏗️ We are excited to remind you about the upcoming 17th ICOLD Benchmark Workshop on Numerical Analysis of Dams, scheduled to be held from April 9th to 12th, 2025 at the IEC in Sofia, Bulgaria. The event is organized by the ICOLD Technical Committee A on “Computational Aspects of Analysis and Design of Dams” and the Bulgarian National Committee on Large Dams. The Benchmark Workshop will cover the following topics: 🔹 Theme A: Three-dimensional seismic analysis of Tsankov Kamak Dam 🔹 Theme B: Simulation of the transient first impoundment of Plovdivtsi embankment dam 🔹 Theme C: Behaviour of a 210m high CFRD – calibration and prediction 🔓 Open Theme: Contributions on numerical modeling of dams and appurtenant structures are welcome! 📄 The task formulations for each theme can be downloaded here: