southern4perspective — 5.26.2015 We harvested a goat. A local family...

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We harvested a goat.

A local family farm had an issue with their male goat. It became aggressive towards the kids. They asked us if we would be kind enough to take the goat off their hands. The goat was only a little over a year old and fed good organic foods all his life. I saw this as an opportunity to bag some great meat and demonstrate to our children how to harvest, butcher, and prepare a delicious goat.

As the children fed him some carrots to distract him I tied the leash onto a big heavy rock under its neck. Then I started to pet the goat, straddled the goat, placed my left hand over the back of the head, placed my right hand deep under its throat holding my knife. I told the children to stand back and severed both arteries in one cut. The goat went quickly with little pain. Within several minutes we said a prayer to thank the goat for making our family stronger.

We will do a follow-up post with our dry aging and cooking methods on this goat.

P.s. If you were wondering what the goat was wearing on its head… It’s a red bandanna. I put it there because, even though the horns were trimmed, I do not want any of the children getting hurt. This goat was a bit aggressive and loved to do the head bump thing.

We hope this post finds you healthy, happy, and doing what it is you believe you need to do.



goat butchering backyard farming organic non-gmo sustainability off the grid southern south eastern georgia home schooling preparing preppers meat joe rogan

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