southern4perspective — We found a “Purple Spored Puffball” on your walk...

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Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

We found a “Purple Spored Puffball” on your walk this morning. A beautiful specimen without any bugginess. Personally, it’s my favorite mushroom to prepare. It’s like cutting into angel food cake. We just dust the cubes with flour, pepper, and a pinch of salt. We prefer to fry these in butter but I normally recommend an oil because it’s easy to burn the butter…. One has to keep a constant eye on it, but it is worth it!!

This mushroom is in the “choice edible” category and deserves it.  It’s flavor may not be as distinct as Sulfur shelf or Maitake but the puffball is subtly sweet and versatile. Its texture is like tofu and can be prepared as such.  You wont find this on the grocery store shelf because of how fast the mushroom begins to turn once cut. From the time we cut it from the ground to the time we prepared it for dinner about 12 hours elapsed and the pure white begin to form a slight tinge of beige. That is plenty of time for “field to table” cooking but not probable to consistently make it to a shelf for purchase. What we are getting at is, if you want to experience this… you have to be open to a little adventure, step outside the comfort zone, and learn something.  But PLEASE, be smart about it.

We hope this post finds you doing exactly what it is you need to do.



puffball puffball mushroom purple Spored puffball wild southeastern southern foraging hunting sustainability sustainable camping wild food wild foods off the grid nongmo home school home schooling field to table

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