southern4perspective (Posts tagged gardening)

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Make it convenient.
August 28, 2016

A perforated stainless steel tray sits above our sink holding our garden fresh veggies. This has been the best way to integrate healthier foods into our lives. Veggies seem to trickling in during harvest season .When pruning you take some, when watering you take a few, random times you see select ripened vegetables ready for the picking. In the afternoon, after watering the garden beds and tending to the rabbits we come into the kitchen to wash our veggies and our hands and place the freshly picked in the tray to dry. Now, it is convenient to satisfy your hunger with an easy vegetable salad with some red wine vinegar and if you have a rice cooker normally going like we do it’s easy to throw a ball of quinoa or brown rice into the equation. Out of sight is out of mind

Hope this post find you guys doing well and getting ready for the fall, campfires, and stargazing.



growyourown grow your own convenient food backyard food gardening fresh foods healthy foods organic organic snacks healthy diet probiotics

A girl and her bees.
August 11th, 2016

Our daughter felt like sharing a little bit of her knowledge on honey bees today. There hasn’t been a moment we had to do hive inspections and she did not want to participate. The children are fascinated with the life of the bees and we believe that this early understanding of how the colony functions will give them early insight on the world around them.

We hope this finds you guys doing well.



bees honey bee honeybee apiary homeschooling homeschool children learning honey gardening backyard farming farming backyard food production

A Holy moment.
July 26th 2016

This is a venison tenderloin from one of our deer we harvested last hunting season. All the veggies came from our garden and the oyster mushrooms were foraged today by the children. It all came together on our dinner plate this evening and it was amazing! The flavors were balanced by a feeling, emotionally and physically, that is not easily described but, we all agree we would like to feel a lot more of it.

Three skill sets came together to produce this meal. Four, if you include the preparation. But, no skill needed to know what was eaten was special.

We hope this post finds you looking forward to those next steps in your plan which make you feel a little nervous.



deer meat mushroom hunting deer hunting gardening mushroom foraging foraging Hunter gatherer sustainable self sufficient natural foods wild foods field to table homeschooling homeschool old school southern family southern4perspective oyster mushrooms non gmo

Nothing wasted.
July 19th 2016

The end of the road for that rabbit loin. It made a great dinner last night, the rabbit loin continued into an omelette for the morning and now the remnants of that tender meat have found itself in a reduced chicken broth, horseradish cheese and greek yogurt. The base was brightened with our garden tomatoes(that the children started from seeds). Accompanied with a side of pickled beets and cabbage. Served on white rice. Basil from our garden.

For the past six years we have primarily eaten only meats that we have hunted or farmed ourselves. In doing this we have eaten less meat but the quality and experience are more valued by all of us.

By being in touch with our meat, in this way, gives us an understanding of where we belong and how we got here. The children may not fully understand how our choices have impacted their lives but, we believe they will.

We hope this post find you grabbing the reins of your life with purpose and excitement.



natural foods backyard farming rabbitry rabbits meats non gmo antibiotics backyard food production gardening omelettes gluten free homeschooling home school prepare

Getting back to the roots
March 31 2016

It is always an ongoing process. Using images to tell stories to bring the viewer into the potential of the product. I love the challenge and I am blessed that it is a product I am passionate about. In our home, the ModT5 has been a center of conversation, learning, and entertainment. Even if we’re not directly using it it’s influencing some action in us especially this time of year. Understanding how this simple tool works makes it all click, suddenly you are planting a garden. There is always a tray of seeds sliding under it just as the previous is transplanted into soil. There is always something on the schedule, there is always something that One of the children need to sprout. Check out the changes made to our website. Give us some feedback… let us know because we are shaping this thing up before we do a national launch. For our Tumblr followers, “GrowYourOwn” will get you 20% off a check out.

Most respectfully,


hydroponics gardening cuttings cloning clones homeschool homeschooling growyourown medical herbs medicalmarijuana 420 modt5 modernfarmer

March 28th 2016
My studio in downtown Atlanta

We filled several orders today. The children helped me put It all together this evening. It’s nice to get to the point where they become helpers.

The ModT5™ is a grow light system that I designed and patented. It’s designed to start gardens, propagate clones, or just keep herbs or cool plants alive in your home or office. It supports all of the growing industry standards such as seed trays, seed warming mats, and T5 grow lights. It’s modular and reconfigurable. I also designed a few accessories that can be 3-D printed and downloaded for free.

Made out of stainless steel, easily adjustable and and made in the United States.

If you’re a hobbyist, commercial grower, or are considering getting into growing your own food please check out our website:

If you feel like this tool is the one for you then type in the promotional code “growyourown” at checkout :-) The code little knock off 20% and last until April 16.

I hope our latest post finds you preparing for The growing season this year.

propagation clones cloning hydroponics 420 gardening grow your own growyourown cuttings plants garden herbs

March 28th 2016
At the studio in downtown Atlanta Georgia.

We have selected a few of the starts that we had intended to place in our garden for the studio hydroponic system. This is how we transplant a sprout that has been started in soil into our hydroponic system. Keep in mind, if you try this please make sure the water is not strong enough to break the root mass. We have found by transplanting this way that root shock is minimal. Once the starts climb into the hydroponic environment they thrive within a few days.

We hope this post finds you enjoying the spring weather!



hydroponics seeds transplanting gardening propagation homeschool

February 27th 2016
Update on our ModT5™
Kitchen herbs and garden starting system.

Tomorrow is the last day to buy in on the pre-order deal on our ModT5™ fresh herb and garden starting system. That’s a $45 discount from the retail price. Thank you guys who have purchased from us we look forward to getting your systems out earlier than expected! We’ve had much success from testing it ourselves over the past year. And having an abundance of fresh herbs in our kitchen has not only elevated the feel of the space but it has enriched the flavors of our food as well :-) Please check out the website!

cloning t5 grow light grow light indoor growing 420 plant propagation hydroponics gardening

February 11th 2016

Pretty proud of this:
We finally launched our modular propagation system for in-door growing and cloning.

Please visit our site for more information
but here are a couple of the features:

- It’s affordable.
- Fits all the industry standard accessories like T5 lights and grow trays.
- Completely expandable as your needs change.
- Uses a tool-less design, so it’s easy to set up.
- Durable due to an all stainless steel construction.
- Made in USA
- And last but not least; stylish

Much love.

grow light cloning cuttings propagation hydroponics gardening herb garden herbs herbalife t5 grow light medical maryjane medical herbs modernfarmer green sustainablity sustainability nongmo organinc growing plants grow your own 420 stainless steel stainless steel grow light

August 1st 2015

The children are learning a propagation technique called cloning. Instead of growing from seeds, the practice of cultivation they are most familiar with, we thought it was an appropriate time to demonstrate a shortcut. We have several rosemary bushes on our property but one is larger, more aromatic, and more flavorful than all the rest. We explained to the children that the primary reason for this is because this particular Rosemary bush has superior genetics and “cloning” is a method of gathering and multiplying this bush into many others without the need for seeds. Because the natural rooting hormone is stronger in the lower branches we started by cutting them and placing them into a cup of water. Then we shave a bit of the bark off the ends, dip into a rooting hormone, and place the cuttings into the moist media. Once covered and placed under the light it only took a week to see the roots growing. Once we have roots on all the cuttings we now have clones… Genetically identical plants as the bush the clones were cut from. Now the children understand that successful growing is a byproduct of the propagation of superior genetics.

We hope this post finds you well.



clones propagation hydroponics rosemary herbs gardening planting learning children homeschooling diy diy projects preppers skills survivor survival off the grid sustainable sustainability grow your own medicinal recreational modulart5 ModT5 420