Children making their own snacks.
December 7, 2015
Organic apples and cinnamon cut to quarter inch slices and dehydrated for 4 ½ hours at 125°
A child that’s not busy will easily play into mischief. The time and effort put into teaching our children household responsibilities at early age is just now beginning to pay off. Seeing them wash the dishes this evening made the few broken dishes and glasses in the past all worth it. They make their beds, do their laundry, and now we are putting effort into having them make their own snacks. We believe this will be the prerequisite to cooking. The apple peeler, food dehydrator, and vacuum sealer are relatively safe and easy enough to use for our five and six-year-old. We gave little supervision on this round but the next one will be all up to them, from start to finish. Once done, The kitchen should be clean as if making dehydrated apples never happened. We call this opening and closing the experience. Which is something most adults find to be a challenge.
We hope our latest post finds you enjoying the simple pleasures.