
Global Editions

SSIR works with publishing partners in six countries to produce local language editions of SSIR that help foster social innovation, learning, and knowledge exchange worldwide. Each local language edition has its own unique character and approach to informing and inspiring innovators in the regions they cover.

SSIR Arabia

SSIR Arabia was introduced in 2020 by Majarra, a technology and media company based in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. The company also publishes Harvard Business Review Arabia, Popular Science Arabia, MIT Technology Review Arabia, and Nafseyati, in collaboration with Psychologies. SSIR Arabia is published online and includes translations of SSIR articles along with original articles for the Arabic-speaking community.

SSIR Brasil

SSIR Brasil was introduced in 2022 by a group of Brazilian philanthropists, in partnership with the publisher RFM Editores. It publishes a quarterly magazine with both translated and original stories in print and online, as well as a weekly enewsletter. Other digital projects include a glossary of social innovation terms, videos in which international authors debate with Brazilian writers and practitioners, and webinars. In 2023, SSIR Brasil released its first themed special edition. The team's work is supported by an editorial board of journalists, academics, and philanthropists.

SSIR China

SSIR China was introduced in 2017 by the Beijing-based Leping Social Entrepreneur Foundation. It started with a quarterly print publication of translated SSIR articles and now includes the same articles on WeChat, the main forum for exchanging articles in China, together with original articles. The foundation has held an annual conference on philanthropy and social innovation in Beijing, which is co-sponsored by SSIR. More information about the collaboration is available on its website.

SSIR En Español

SSIR En Español was introduced in 2021 by Tecnológico de Monterrey, located in Monterrey, Mexico. The group publishes translated and original stories online for the Spanish-speaking community. SSIR En Español also produces a monthly e-newsletter and has hosted several virtual events. The publication has an advisory board comprised of leading scholars and practitioners from the Spanish-speaking world, including Colombia, Chile, Spain, Peru, Mexico, and Argentina.

SSIR Japan

SSIR Japan was introduced in 2021 by Social Investment Partners, a venture philanthropy organization in Tokyo that invests in social enterprises. It launched with a print book anthology of translated SSIR articles, and presented a website and other offerings in 2022. As of 2024, SSIR Japan is published by the Graduate School of Leadership and Innovation, Shizenkan University in Tokyo, and offers both translated and original stories online.

SSIR Korea

SSIR Korea was introduced in 2018 by Hanyang University, in Seoul. The group publishes a quarterly print magazine containing translated and original articles, and launched a website in 2024. SSIR Korea has also held an annual conference in Seoul since 2018, produced in partnership with SSIR.

Impact India

Almost six percent of the people who read SSIR online are based in India, constituting SSIR’s third-largest group of readers after the United States and Canada. To better serve these readers and to let the rest of the world know what is going on in India, SSIR launched Impact India in 2015, a section of the website dedicated to social innovation in India. In addition, SSIR — in partnership with the strategic philanthropy organization Dasra and The Bridgespan Group consulting firm — produced a print magazine called Impact India in the fall of 2015 and the spring of 2017.
