

Live discussions of important social innovation topics


The Future of Giving: AI’s Role in Generosity

Wednesday, February 26, 2025
Presented by Fred Kaynor, Managing Director, DAFgiving360; Rhodri Davies, Research Fellow at the Centre for Philanthropy, University of Kent, and Shelly Kurtz, Professor of Innovation Management, Pacific Lutheran University

In this FREE SSIR Live! session at the intersection of technology and generosity, we will explore how artificial intelligence is transforming the way we approach philanthropy (whether we realize it or not). Can AI make our giving smarter, more impactful, and more inclusive? From leveraging data to solve global challenges to redefining how we give, we will dive into the innovations, ethics, and stories shaping the future of compassion. Join us as we uncover the art of giving in the age of AI.


When to Measure What: A Strategic Guide to Impact Measurement — Part I & II

February 4 & 5, 2025
Presented by Professor Mary Kay Gugerty from the University of Washington and Loïc Watine from Innovations for Poverty Action

Two-Part 180-Minute Live Program Series:
Part I: Core Principles for Right-Fit Measurement [February 4]
Part II: Tailoring Measurement to Stage of Development [February 5]

In this program series, you will learn…

  • Develop a measurement system focused on organizational learning and action.
  • Tailor evidence collection to stage of program development.
  • Create a pathway towards appropriate impact measurement
  • Build a right-sized and right-fit evidence framework using the CART principles.

Next-Gen Giving: How Younger Donors Approach Philanthropy

Wednesday, January 29, 2025
Presented by Fred Kaynor, managing director, DAFgiving360; Jon Bergdoll, associate director of data partnerships and Michael Moody, professor of philanthropic studies, Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy.

Experts estimate that older generations will transfer $72 trillion to younger generations in the United States, over the next 20 years. They expect an additional $11.9 trillion of the Great Wealth Transfer to be directed to charities, creating a new generation of philanthropists and a new landscape for advisors, fundraisers, and nonprofit professionals who partner with donors to determine their charitable giving.
Join Stanford Social Innovation Review, Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy, and DAFgiving360 for this FREE LIVE session to understand the next generation of donors. Discover their motivations, giving attitudes, and preferred causes – and position yourself to make a greater impact. Register now!

Webinar Library

Measurement & Evaluation

Maximizing Fundraising Impact: Strategies for Donor Segmentation and Personalization

Presented by Professor Susan Athey, Faculty Director of the Golub Capital Social Impact Lab, Stanford Graduate School of Business

Join Stanford Social Innovation Review and Professor Susan Athey (Faculty Director of the Golub Capital Social Impact Lab at Stanford Graduate School of Business), for this complimentary LIVE session! You will learn actionable strategies to target and personalize your donation appeals to the right potential donor at the right time. 

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Boost Your Leadership Journey: Leveraging Self-Reflections for Growth

Presented by Suzanne Liu Taylor, Instructor at Stanford Continuing Studies and Certified Life and Leadership Coach

Where do you want to go as a social change leader, and how will you get there? Research from the Stanford Graduate School of Business shows that a journey mindset is a more resilient and effective way to picture your path instead of focusing on a destination. In this SSIR Live! workshop, you will be empowered with practical, research-backed frameworks, reflections, and tools to help you grow and make a more significant impact as a leader. You will leave this session with a clear plan of action and the confidence to execute it. 

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A Guide to Government Partnership: Learn to Master Scaling

Presented by Kathleen Kelly Janus, Lecturer at Stanford University Program on Social Entrepreneurship & Guest Speakers Karen Skelton & Kaying Hang

In this SSIR Live! session, nonprofit leaders will gain a deeper perspective on the mechanics of public-private partnerships. Participants will learn how to: 

  • Recognize a good partnership opportunity. 
  • Identify and connect with government leaders to develop partnerships. 
  • Establish deep coordination with government entities to ensure that partnerships are making a difference. 
  • Communicate the results of your efforts so that alliances have a lasting impact.

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