How to be an Entrepreneur

Being an entrepreneur is not for the faint hearted individuals. Establishing, running and achieving success at business can be really challenging. It takes dedication, perseverance and hard work to achieve high levels of success. Whether you are planning to start a business or you are already an entrepreneur, it is worth to heed advice of other successful entrepreneurs who have already passed the path you are walking on. Here are a few real stories about entrepreneurship and useful tips from successful entrepreneurs.

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    If there is one name that has managed to revolutionize fashion multiple times in a single lifetime, it’s Miuccia Prada. The head designer and CEO of one of the world’s largest fashion ...

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    Infinite Mobility is a startup founded by us (Mother -daughter duo) last year May 2015. We both mother daughter are in teaching profession and my mother is retired from govt primary school in the year 2000. Last year when we started Infinite Mobility, since then we have busine...
  • 10 Lessons about Mindset from Successful Entrepreneurs

    In establishing a business, it is important to have ideology or fundamental mindset regarding the business itself. Basically it serves as set of belief or value that should be activated in conducting the business. In addition, the ideology is used as reference when the product...
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Achieving success at business is a really hard thing, but it becomes a lot easier if you develop a passion for what you do. Loving your work helps in staying positive and maintaining optimism. This applies not only to the entrepreneur, but to his entire business team. Every member of the team should love and be dedicated to the company, only after which a business can survive and succeed in the industry. The most important thing is to cater to the requirements and expectations of the customers and clients. If you are not able to satisfy your audience, you are not likely to survive in the industry.

One very significant trait of entrepreneurship is the ability to learn from the mistakes of theirs and also of others. Successful entrepreneurs accept their failures with grace, and treat them as an opportunity to improve and change. They never sacrifice on quality and they work their best to keep the customers satisfied and enticed. Here, read some stories about entrepreneurship and useful tips.
