Most Expensive Automobiles

Expensive cars and planes are everyone’s dream and desire. Even if you can’t afford to buy them, you feel amazed to gather information about them and learn what made them so revered. You feel the thrill when you get to know how they were manufactured and what came to the mind of their manufacturer to make such a masterpiece. You want to know what the inspiration behind them was, and how it came into reality. Here, are some real stories on most expensive cars/planes.

  • 10 Most Expensive Bikes of 2016

    When considering the ultimate thrill in speed and precision, few things come closer than the iconic sports bike and heavy duty motorcycle. The motorbike evolves year after year, and 2016 has some of the fastest bikes to date – some of the most expensive, too. Here’...
  • Most Expensive Military Planes

    A nation’s military is one of the most important aspects that contribute towards its confidence and might at the global level. However, talking in terms of the financial capability required for a country to afford a modern and well-equipped military force, it comes at a ...
  • Most Expensive Cars Owned By Famous People

    In the world of glamour, celebrities are known exclusively for living a lavish lifestyle. Almost everything they own is bigger and far better than the average Joe. Be it their homes or cars, famous people sure know how to make a BIG statement. ...

  • Most Expensive 4-Wheel Drive Cars

    In today’s world of smaller is better, there are certain areas where the opposite rules. We are talking about the 4 Wheel Drive (4WD) car segment. In this segment, the most monstrous and fuel-guzzling engines power the most fearsome cars on the road. ...
  • Most Expensive Coupes

    The world of cars and automobiles is a vast field that covers various forms and types of automobile designs. There are sedans, mini vans, SUVs, and bigger automobiles. However, the most intriguing and innovative design, the coupe is distinguished from other car styles with its...
  • Most Expensive Vintage Cars

    Automobile lovers will tell you that there are cars and then there are vintage cars. The beauty and grace of a vintage car is incomparable to today’s furious monstrosities. The average commuter car is only a necessity but a vintage car is most often a symbol of good tast...

  • Most Expensive Lamborghinis

    The Lamborghini name has always been synonymous with luxury sports cars and was founded by Italian manufacturing magnate, Ferruccio Lamborghini in 1963. His primary goal was to create a line of grand ...
  • Most Expensive State Cars

    The Kings, Queens, Presidents and Sultans of the Globe sure do know how to cruise in style. For them there is a lot to think about when it comes to Car shopping. Whether it is Style statement , Safety angle or Top end Luxury , they must have it all. ...
  • Most Expensive Cars

    The most expensive cars in the world are so much more than just a mean of transportation. These rolling art pieces do encapsulate the priorities of the one percent, in the universe , the flamboyance and swagger take precedence over the practicality and also efficienc...
  • Most Expensive Cars to Insure

    Cars are the definition of modernity. Today’s life is fueled by cars and almost every family has a car for their convenience. It is all good to have a car, but nothing is better than some dazzling fast cars. Everyone would love to have a fast car, doesn’t it? ...
  • Most Expensive Minivans

    In the recent years, car manufacturing companies have revolutionized the market by making unique and attractive minivans for clients. The automotives are tailored towards customers’ tastes and preferences. The dynamic nature of the market has m...
  • Most Expensive Electric Cars

    In today’s technology-driven world, one of the things which is a part of the list of the most desired items is none other than electric cars. Even though electric cars are more expensive than their counterparts, the cost to run them is comparatively less. If you are some...

People who are passionate about cars and planes will clearly understand how it feels to read these stories. They love to know how their favorite cars and planes came into existence, how they originated, what happened during their manufacturing process, how they were received in the market, and what makes them so expensive and classy. Some of these stories also inform you about the proud owners of these cars and planes, and how they feel about their possessions. These stories give you complete information about the features, specifications, cost and specialties about these cars and planes. You will feel amazed to read about the inside stories of these assets.

A car or plane is an ordinary mode of transport, and is widely used to take people from one place to the others. But what makes one car or plane more expensive than the other? Here, read some stories on most expensive cars and planes, and get a chance to know what made them so special and luxurious.
