Make and receive Group FaceTime calls on Mac
In FaceTime on your Mac, you can make a Group FaceTime call that includes up to 32 other people. See Group FaceTime requirements.
Start a new Group FaceTime call
In the FaceTime app
on your Mac, click New FaceTime.
To add callers to the New FaceTime window, enter the email address or phone number of each person you want to call. You may need to press Return.
If a person is saved in your Contacts, you can just enter their name, or select them from Suggested.
To start the Group FaceTime call, click FaceTime, or click
to choose FaceTime Audio (or use the Touch Bar).
If you choose FaceTime Audio and you’re set up to make phone calls on your Mac, you can choose whether to make a FaceTime audio call or a phone call. When you’re in an audio call or a phone call, the camera is automatically off.
Add more people to a FaceTime video call
You can add more people to a FaceTime video call or Group FaceTime video call if their Apple device meets Group FaceTime audio and video call requirements. To include people using an Android or Windows device, you can share a FaceTime link so they can join the call on the web.
While on a FaceTime video call or Group FaceTime video call on your Mac, click the Sidebar button
in the menu bar, then click Add People.
Enter an email address, phone number, or the name of a person in Contacts. (You may need to press Return.) You can also select a person from Suggested.
To add multiple people at once, enter each person’s contact information in the To field.
Click Add.
Tip: To send an alert to a caller who hasn’t joined the call yet, click the Sidebar button
, then click Ring.
Each participant’s image or initials appear in a tile on the screen. When someone on the call speaks or you click their tile, that tile moves to the front and becomes more prominent.
Tip: You can change your view of a FaceTime call to keep tiles the same size or customize the way the call window appears.
Add more people to a FaceTime audio call
You can add more people to a FaceTime audio call or Group FaceTime audio call if their Apple device meets Group FaceTime audio and video call requirements.
While on a FaceTime audio call or Group FaceTime audio call on your Mac, click the microphone button
in the menu bar.
Click the Add People button
, then enter the email address or phone number of each person you want to call. You may need to press Return.
If the person is saved in your Contacts, you can just enter their name, or select them from Suggested.
Click Add.
Tip: To send an alert to a caller who hasn’t joined the call yet, click the Sidebar button
, then click Ring.
Each participant’s image or initials appear in a tile on the screen. When someone on the call speaks, a circle appears around their image or initials.
Answer a Group FaceTime call
On your Mac, click Join, then click the Join Video button in the FaceTime window.
Tip: You can also accept a Group FaceTime call from Messages. When invited, click Join in the FaceTime message bubble.
After you’re on a call, you can add more people or share a link to it.
Decline a Group FaceTime video call
On your Mac, do one of the following when a notification appears in the top-right corner of the screen:
Decline a call: Click Decline.
The caller sees that you’re not available for a call.
Tip: If the call came from someone you don’t want to receive calls from, you can block the caller.
Pause a Group FaceTime video call
When you pause video during a FaceTime call or Group FaceTime call, your camera is temporarily turned off. Everyone in the call can still hear each other talk.
In the FaceTime app
,click the Mute Video button
Note: If you click the yellow minimize button
at the top of the FaceTime window, the camera stays on, but video may be paused.
To turn your camera back on, click the FaceTime icon in the Dock.
Leave a Group FaceTime call
To leave a Group FaceTime call, move the pointer over the call window, then click the Leave Call button (or use the Touch Bar). The call remains active if two or more participants remain.