January 9, 2025, is Shukla Paksha Dashami, the tenth day of the waxing Moon in the Pausha month. This day is associated with forward movement, achievement, and attaining future objectives and dreams. Dashami is associated with the vibrations of accomplishment and success. Thus, it’s a good time to wrap up crucial activities or start the change process. It happens on Thursday, the day associated with Jupiter, the planet of wisdom, expansion, and spiritual clarity, and the event falls at the right time. To be precise, observing Shukla Paksha Dashami brings prosperity and lays the groundwork for future prosperity as well.
Importance of Shukla Paksha DashamiShukla Paksha Dashami is the journey of commitment and endurance resulting in its reward. The tenth day of the waxing Moon is the day when the efforts start to pay off, which strengthens the idea that hard work pays off. Dashami is associated with Lord Vishnu in Vedic culture, and it is believed that he helps complete tasks successfully. It is a day to look back and assess the improvement made, celebrate the changes and be thankful for what has been accomplished.
The day Dashami becomes even more fortunate when it falls on Thursday. Jupiter is the planet of expansion and divine knowledge and, therefore, brings good decisions and spiritual upliftment. This alignment is especially helpful for those who want to progress in their career, gain more knowledge, or improve relationships within a family. The prayers and rituals that are performed on this day not only remove the hurdles but also pave the way for prosperity and well-being.
Dashami has social and religious relevance in people’s lives. On the one hand, it celebrates the completion of goals in the physical realm, and on the other hand, it helps devotees turn inward and align with spiritual realities. Sincerely observing Shukla Paksha Dashami helps to maintain the balance of material and spiritual concerns and achieve satisfaction.
Rituals and Practices on Shukla Paksha DashamiShukla Paksha Dashami is also known as the day of Dashami, which starts with a bath early in the morning, which is considered the washing of past sins and an appeal for new blessings. People build an altar at home and offer the Lord Vishnu fresh flowers and light lamps. Light symbolises the guiding force of Dashami; the paths that lead to success and peace are lit. Fruits, sandalwood, and tulsi leaves are offered to the deity, each of them symbolising devotion and purity.
As part of the ritual, people read the Vishnu Sahasranama or chant ‘Om Namo Narayanaya’ to seek the blessings of the deity. This practice not only raises the mind but also strengthens the bond between the devotee and the divine. Contemplating the image of Lord Vishnu with the Sheshnag below also helps to dispel anxiety and gain confidence in oneself and in the decisions made at work.
It is common practice to fast on Dashami to show discipline and express thankfulness. Some devotees do not eat anything at all, while others eat fruits, milk, or simple sattvic food during their fasting period. The fast is complemented by prayers directed to satisfying desires and seeking God’s will in critical concerns.
In the late morning, the devotees offer ghee and other sacred herbs into the fire as they recite some mantras known as havan or home. It is thought that this rite purifies the surrounding space and draws new energies, guaranteeing the successful completion of ongoing work. Giving food, clothes, or money to the poor, for instance, also enhances the blessings received, strengthening the cycle of giving.
At midday, on the Dashami, the devotees assemble their thoughts and objectives, offer thanks for the accomplishment, and pray for help in the coming days. The rituals are ended by an aarti, which means that the day’s prayers are over, and grace is invited to stay on.
Do’s and Don’ts on Shukla Paksha DashamiIt is particularly important to synchronise with the positive energy of the day on Shukla Paksha Dashami. Start your day with a clear mind and dedicate yourself to tasks that need focus or action. Do things that will foster development and balance in your life and the lives of others in any form of practice or endeavour. This is a day for action. Therefore, any work left undone can be tackled, or some progress made towards personal goals is in harmony with the Dashami cycle.
No quarrels or bad words should exist because the day's energy is focused on solving problems. It is also important not to argue or gossip since these actions interfere with Dashami's benefits. Pride and ingratitude, on the other hand, repel success and push prosperity away from your life.
It is recommended that devotees avoid meat, wine, and very hot preparations, which are said to be tamasic. Eating sattvic food keeps the mind clear and in tune with the soul of the day. Also, activities like excessive use of gadgets or TV or other activities that might distract one should be reduced to allow the person to engage in self-reflection.
Do not put off critical decisions or postpone tasks that have to be done. Dashami is the day of culmination, and by making the right use of the day, one achieves success in his or her endeavours. Maintaining cleanliness in the house and the office is an embodiment of the order that Dashami wants to achieve; thus, the saying, ‘Order within, order without’.
Remedies for a Better LifeRemedies performed on Shukla Paksha Dashami are perfect for making changes that will bring good fortune in the future. Drinking water in the morning also aligns with the Sun, which increases clarity and confidence in the morning. It is thought that this activity washes away mental cobwebs and improves the individual’s character.
One is advised to donate grains, yellow fruits, or ghee to the needy, especially those with professional or financial problems. This act of charity is in line with Jupiter’s energy, which expands the energy field to attract luck and success. To Lord Vishnu, offering the Tulsi leaves and lighting a diya will augment the benefits received and progress in the current activities.
To maintain a good relationship in the family, lighting a simple havan at home or in the temple brings peace and eliminates all the bad energies. Reciting the Vishnu Sahasranama while lighting an evening lamp helps to bring protection and stability to the house. To soothe the emotions, one has to take a seat near a tulsi plant and meditate or practice deep breathing exercises where one has to imagine a golden light around the heart area to remove anxiety.
Dashami's energy represents sharing food with animals, planting trees, or providing money to the needy. These actions not only help raise others up but also build up the devotee’s spiritual journey and send out waves of positivity beyond the day’s practice. By believing and following these remedies devotedly, Shukla Paksha Dashami becomes the beacon of change and helps people achieve their goals, prosperity, and happiness.
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