Allari Naresh's latest film, 'Bachchala Malli', which hit theatres on December 20, 2024, is set to make its digital debut soon. The film has garnered mixed reactions, though Naresh's performance has been widely praised. Directed by Subbu Mangadevi, 'Bachchala Malli' tells the story of a bright student named Malli, who faces a tumultuous journey after a fallout with his father.
After its theatrical release, the movie soon will be made available for streaming on two major OTT platforms including Amazon Prime Video and Sun NXT. The movie has been performing moderately at the box office, collecting around Rs 3.6 crores since its release. While the exact premiere date has not been confirmed, reports suggest that it will be available for streaming starting January 9, 2025.
In 'Bachchala Malli', Allari Naresh portrays the lead character who struggles with anger and rebellion after a serious mistake by his father causes their separation. His life takes a turn when he falls in love with Kaveri, played by Amritha Aiyer. The film explores themes of love, redemption, and the challenges faced by the couple.
The supporting cast includes notable actors such as Rohini,
Rao Ramesh, Achyuth Kumar, Balagam Jayaram, Hari Teja, Praveen, and
Viva Harsha. The music for the film is composed by Vishal Chandrasekhar.
Despite receiving mixed reviews regarding its storytelling and emotional writing, Naresh's performance has stood out, in his serious roles.
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