【研發替代役起跑🏃】 學長現身說法:「人格特質」與「解決問題能力」才是致勝關鍵 即將畢業的碩博士新鮮人,您準備好報名114年的研發替代役資格了嗎? 一起來看看清大資工湯曜任學長分享他選擇當研發替代役的原因與建議: ✋選擇研發替代役的優勢是甚麼呢? 💡相較一般兵役,更能發揮專長,且有穩定工作的1.5至3年契約。 ✋我該從哪裡準備起呢? 💡面試時強調人格特質與解決問題的實例故事,並多設想可能問題,更受面試官青睞。 ✋為什麼役期期滿後會選擇繼續留任工研院呢? 💡初期有徬徨與轉職念頭,但發現自身更適合研究領域發展,因而留任至今。 ✋有其他建議嗎? 💡若擔心畢業時間影響入職,可提前觀察指導教授與學長姐的畢業時間,並與用人單位協調入職時間。 了解更多https://lnkd.in/g6eycgQu Join ITRI https://lnkd.in/gy3MAzU #研發替代役 #ITRI #新鮮人 #talent
【專家說職涯】 湯曜任 Yao-Jen Tang 自國立清華大學資工博士畢業後來到ITRI擔任研發替代役,從事5G與6G開放式架構行動通訊網路組網管理系統的研發工作。 在ITRI工作能替國內專網與網通業者補足所欠缺的網管技術,加速國內廠商進入5G專網市場的時程,搶佔國內外5G網路產品與6G前瞻技術布局的先機。 湯博士不僅在個人技術發展上獲得2023年中國工程師學會之「優秀青年工程師獎」,他所帶領的團隊也榮獲多個獎項: ✔️經濟部技術處:2023年「優良計畫獎」、2021年「績優技轉獎」、2019年「科專成果優良計畫」 ✔️Edison Awards:2023年 「Edison Awards金牌獎」 ✔️Small Cell Forum:2022年「SCF Awards評審團特別獎」、2020年「SCF Awards商用小基站傑出軟體與服務技術獎」 面對不斷轉型的環境,湯博士說出他鍾愛ITRI的原因:「能提前掌握產業科技脈動趨勢,並與優秀的團隊一同為未來產業所需的最新科技與前瞻技術貢獻自己的心力,我從工作中獲得幸福成就感😊」 Yao-Jen Tang graduated from National Tsing Hua University with a Ph.D. in Computer Science. He later joined ITRI under the substitute military service program, engaging in the research and development of network management systems for 5G and 6G open architecture mobile communication networks. His work at ITRI helps to fill in the gap in network management technology for domestic specialized network operators, and accelerates their entry into the 5G specialized network market, enabling them to seize the opportunity to deploy both domestic and international 5G network products and advanced 6G technologies. Dr. Tang not only received the "Outstanding Young Engineer Award" from the Chinese Institute of Engineers in 2023 for his personal technical development, but also the team he leads has received multiple awards: ✔️Department of Industrial Technology: "Excellent Project Award" in 2023, "Excellent Technology Transfer Award" in 2021, and "Excellent Project of Science and Technology Personnel Achievement" in 2019. ✔️"Edison Awards Gold Medal" in 2023. ✔️Small Cell Forum: "SCF Awards Jury Special Prize" in 2022 and "SCF Awards Outstanding Software and Service Technology for Commercial Small Cell" in 2020. Facing the ever-evolving environment, Dr. Tang shared his love for ITRI, "Being able to anticipate the pulse of industry technology trends in advance and contribute to the latest advanced technologies needed for future industries with an excellent team, I find happiness and a sense of accomplishment in my work." 👉️Join ITRI https://lnkd.in/g9639ie 資通所_5G組網軟體工程師(K202) https://lnkd.in/gR-gZfYG 資通所_5G/6G行動通訊系統工程師(K301) https://lnkd.in/gnvBicXP #專家說職涯 #工研院 #ITRI #career #好夥伴 #成就感 #使命感 #幸福感