Levitt Bernstein reposted this
In October, I participated in the final week of assessments for the CIVIC TRUST AWARDS. It was fantastic to be able to meet other designers and design professionals to visit and assess some beautiful and inspiring projects in my local area and in Kent. Together we visited Rotherhithe Primary School, St Alfege in Greenwich, the Rausing Science Centre at King's School in Canterbury and perhaps my favourite, the brilliantly innovative Paper Garden in Canada Water. I'm thrilled that all of the above have been nominated as regional finalists and await the announcement of the awards in January 2025. Last night I took the opportunity to revisit St Alfege for their candlelit 9 lessons and carols service. It was great to see the church valued and serving its community, raising money for local food banks and homeless charities. Levitt Bernstein Liz Wrigley Jay Morton Gemma Sheterline Roger Joyce #StAlfege #RotherhithePrimary #PaperGarden #KingsSchoolCanterbury #civictrustawards #designexcellence #builtenvironment #community #design #inclusion