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PayPlan colleagues transform lives helping 1000’s of people every week navigate their way through a debt crisis. 1 in 2 of these people are vulnerable and our colleagues ensure they are supported with the best possible care - always going the extra mile no matter how difficult the conversation. These incredible colleagues deserve incredible support and it was fantastic to attend our Employee Wellbeing event today and interact with brilliant organisations that are dedicated to helping our colleagues thrive. THANK YOU 🙏 🙌 Samaritans Shout UK GamCare Refuge Bipolar UK MedHealth Equilibrium Gym Citizens Advice South Lincolnshire Broxtowe Women's Project Stop Loan Sharks England Anglian Water Services SignVideo by Sorenson Lincolnshire Recovery Network, Equilibrium Gym, Wren Sterling, BHive 🙌 Day would not have been possible without Emma Gibbons Antony Price Alice Kinton Sarah Ballaam Ryan Horton Alice Crayner well done team 👏 #colleaguewellbeing