"In an ideal world Prosper may be able to do to Private markets what Vanguard did to Public markets by making it very low cost." We're going to try our absolute best Simon Bell! With angels like you behind us, we might just make it. Thank you for writing this article about us. Reputation is what other people say about you when you're not in the room. We are very grateful for your continued support and welcome any interested angels to DM us here and bring their expertise and energy to our growing community committed to transforming wealth management.
Prosper are looking to fix some of the issues that drive me nuts about the Wealth Management industry. So I've joined them by serving as Lead Angel for the Rebel Syndicate working alongside the Angels Invest Wales Co-fund, part of Development Bank of Wales, to invest in their Angel round. #AngelInvesting #Rebelsyndicate #fintech #wealthtech #investing #savings #assetmanagement #privatemarkets #indexfunds #wealthmanagement #futureflux