LinkedIn is just a platform to showcase career changes and job opportunities—a statement that’s been coming up in conversations recently.
But it’s so much more than that—it’s about sharing the journey, the hard work, and the emotions that come with it.
1 year ago, I was at the Women of the Future Programme as a Young Star Finalist meeting Cherie Blair CBE (Cherie Booth K.C.). My bio at the time: “Youth Ambassador, Period Power.” Summed me up pretty well.
I was also diving into my first year at the University of Birmingham: Computer Science, Philosophy, Sociology, and Multidisciplinary Studies as part of Liberal Arts and Natural Sciences. News came out that the tax on period pants would be removed—a successful campaign I worked on during the summer at WUKA. Adjusting to university life meant putting activism aside temporarily in the first semester.
Fast forward one year, I’m proud that:
📘 I’m now in 2nd year studying Business Management, Philosophy, and Interdisciplinary Studies.
💜 Continued working at WUKA on different campaigns.
💬 Joined Irise International for my first roundtable discussion about the toilet policy toolkit—a nerve-wracking but rewarding experience.
❤️ Became part of the Love Your Period Ambassador team with the coolest people!!
🎙️ Co-hosted the Period Power podcast series with my fellow ambassadors.
🤝 Co-founded Talk Womanhood with Molly Fenton BCAh to create safe and open spaces for young women—exciting updates coming soon!
📸 Featured on University of Birmingham Guild of Students’ social media pages as part of my new role as Marketing and Communications Assistant.
🇬🇧🇮🇳 Celebrated my British-Indian heritage on public platforms for the first time.
🌟 Met incredible people, including Tanya Simon-Hall, Naabil Khan, Dr. Manpreet Dhuffar-Pottiwal, Jainna B., Priya Mohal, Naomi Parton, Rohini Jain, Jas Schembri-Stothart and Acushla Young.
But a small snippet of what I also felt behind the scenes:
•Faced challenges with university coursework and dreaded sitting exams.
•Questioned my degree choice because others questioned my academic pathway.
•Balanced living away from home, activism, academics, and a social life—it’s been a bit of a juggle.
•Navigated cultural identity with fear and doubts, worrying about being judged.
•Adjusted to the pace of second-year academics while jumping into new subjects that I've never studied before.
•Felt really nervous whenever I was in a room of experts whilst still figuring out the basics myself.
•Had good cries when it all felt overwhelming and sometimes sat doing nothing.
It’s true—LinkedIn showcases both my own achievements and those of others. We support each other here. There’s so much more that happens behind the scenes and I’ve just shared a small section of the challenges, the setbacks, the learning moments that I’ve been on. It’s my personal and professional growth that’s shaped my confidence on a public platform like this today whilst figuring out my career pathway.