aerial view of a car driving on a snowy forest road k aerial view of a car driving on a snowy forest road

Stock Footage & Video

Download professionally produced royalty-free video footage.

Footage pricing starts from 10 credits/video

Amazing videos, <br />amazing prices

Amazing videos,
amazing prices

Our subscriptions are the most affordable way to download incredible videos.

Video resolutions:
1720 video
per month
HK$327.9 HKD
5720 videos
per month
HK$1106.87 HKD
10720 videos
per month
HK$2049.84 HKD
25720 videos
per month
HK$4042.36 HKD

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Footage and stock videos for dynamic designs

Our library of millions of royalty-free stock videos, clips, recordings, and stock footage makes it easy to discover the right content to showcase your message. Whether you’re reporting on global events, politics, or celebrity stories, our editorial library is extensive and continuously up-to-date. Browse our massive exhibit of stock footage, covering numerous industries, themes, styles, and we’re sure you’ll find the perfect video reel for your project.

Break language barriers with captivating footage

Go beyond words and make your content globally accessible with compelling video clips and inspiring footage. Video content can extend your product’s reach and make it easy to understand for global audiences. Use stock footage to attract users’ attention on social media channels, to tell a touching story, or to share news in a bright and delightful format.

Present your project with inspirational videos

Video is the most user-friendly type of content, and our global library of stock footage and video clips offers you a vast range of compositions to suit every stage and segment of your project. From abstract branding videos to video tutorials, industry-specific footage, and commercial clips, we’ve got everything you need to build your branding and marketing strategy.

World`s largest stock photography community
247 million stock photos
53,843,492 users
1,232,503 photographers
5,133,104 monthly images