The Subject was studied by means of the mean daily temperature of ten to thirty years. The warmest season comes earlier at Formosa i. e. about July 10th., than the other stations of the higher latitude. For instance, at Kyusyu, it occurs on the end of July, at Honsyu, about August 10th. and at the east part of Hokkaido, it lags farthest behind i. e. the middle of August.
In almost whole the country, the coldest season has two marked minimum ex tremitics at the interval of about two weeks between them one at the end of January and the other at the beginning of Feb. The second minimum is remarkab'e at the southern stations of our country while the first show oaly a slight trace. Thus, the irregularities of the coldest and warmest scasons by the different stitions seem to be due to the change of direction of the monsoon in consequence of the variation of the seasonal distribution of atmospheric pressure.
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