Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan. Ser. II
Online ISSN : 2186-9057
Print ISSN : 0026-1165
ISSN-L : 0026-1165
Volume 1, Issue 3
Displaying 1-2 of 2 articles from this issue
  • Katue MISAWA
    1923 Volume 1 Issue 3 Pages 45-49_1
    Published: March 10, 1923
    Released on J-STAGE: February 05, 2009
    This is an account and investigation of the severest glaze storm on record in Japan. The overcooled rain continued to fall nearly 24 hours and consequently sirious damage was done. The author observed the state of growth of ice coating over twigs and wires very carefully. After the storm he travelled through the country where the storm was noticed and prepared a map showing the distribution of the storm. By these means he found that the storm was caused by a cold air current from the north which was overrun by warm southerly current. He could determine the direction of flow of the cold current over the whole region from the asymme trical ice coating of telegraphic poles. The result is very interesting that the current spread from one valley to another according to the trend of valleys, He could also notice the effect of eddy motion produced by the current at some obstacles. The glaze was limited to the height of some 1000 metres above sea level above which the precipitation fell as ordinary rain or snow. He could determine the boundary of cold and warm currents along which at a place the glaze covered only the feet of trees and at another place only the tops. Meteorological conditions were well investigated and the author arrived at the conclusion that the fact af_??_ms the theory of T. Okada in which the effect of evaporation is proved very important to overcool falling drops. (S. F)
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  • Masayuki WATANABE
    1923 Volume 1 Issue 3 Pages 49-55
    Published: March 10, 1923
    Released on J-STAGE: February 05, 2009
    The Subject was studied by means of the mean daily temperature of ten to thirty years. The warmest season comes earlier at Formosa i. e. about July 10th., than the other stations of the higher latitude. For instance, at Kyusyu, it occurs on the end of July, at Honsyu, about August 10th. and at the east part of Hokkaido, it lags farthest behind i. e. the middle of August.
    In almost whole the country, the coldest season has two marked minimum ex tremitics at the interval of about two weeks between them one at the end of January and the other at the beginning of Feb. The second minimum is remarkab'e at the southern stations of our country while the first show oaly a slight trace. Thus, the irregularities of the coldest and warmest scasons by the different stitions seem to be due to the change of direction of the monsoon in consequence of the variation of the seasonal distribution of atmospheric pressure.
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