What are the most effective exit strategies for small businesses?
As a small business owner, you may have different reasons and goals for wanting to exit your business. Whether you are planning to retire, pursue other opportunities, or deal with unforeseen circumstances, you need to have a clear and effective exit strategy that maximizes your value and minimizes your risks. In this article, we will explore some of the most common and effective exit strategies for small businesses and how to prepare for them.
Jim Friesen, MBA, CPA, CMAAFounder of Portage M&A Advisory | Lower-Middle Market | Business Divestitures | Acquisitions | Business Valuation |…
John Rodriguez, CEPA®I Sell 7-Figure Businesses in Texas | The Better Business Broker // Lifelong Business Founder, Buyer, Seller & Advisor…
Angel SeymourCEO-SeeMore Business Solutions, Owner/President-Mail N Ship Express LLC, Dreamer, Woman Achiever, Mother, Wife, Sister,…