

Marketing Services

Moving People and Businesses towards new ways

About us

Strategic executive advisory dedicated to transforming businesses and people through Marketing, Product Innovation, Digital Transformation, and Creative Leadership. Camila Rocca Founder and Chief Strategist 26 years of experience in marketing, product innovation, and digital transformation. Camila was Global Product Marketing Lead at Meta in NY, responsible for Instagram Stories and Reels Ads launch. Currently leads &Beyond, a reference in strategic consulting and executive mentoring. Senior executive at renowned companies such as AlmapBBDO, McCann WorldGroup, TBWA, AB InBev, and Mondelez. Received several international awards, including the Grand Effie Award, and is a member of the Effie Awards jury. She directed the strategy for over 40 TV ads and integrated communication campaigns. Actively participates in the global industry, and as a speaker, has trained more than 20,000 professionals. Bachelor in Advertising and Master in Communication and Semiotics. Residing in the USA, actively follows the cutting edge of technology, innovation, and marketing trends.

Marketing Services
Company size
2-10 employees

Employees at &Beyond


  • &Beyond thrilled to announce Camila Rocca invitation to join as a judge the Effie Awards Global Best of the Best 2024 🌟

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    Innovation & Marketing Senior Executive (ex-Meta) | Technology and GenAI Enthusiast | Effie Awards Winner and Jury Member | Global Brand Strategy and Product Marketing Expert | Mentor and Speaker

    I’m beyond thrilled to announce that I’ve been invited as a judge for the Effie Awards Global Best of the Best 2024, taking place in New York City! ♥️🗽✨ It’s a true honor to be part of this amazing team, celebrating the most effective marketing campaigns from around the world. I intentionally chose this picture as it so perfectly reflects the excitement for this moment and who I am — a celebrator at heart, full of joy for life, creativity, and the work I do. This is how I approach everything, from launching global campaigns to leading strategic transformations: with passion, energy, and a relentless love for the journey. Thank you, Effie Worldwide, for this incredible opportunity to contribute to our industry's future by recognizing impactful and innovative campaigns. #GlobalEffieAwards #BestOfTheBest #CreativeLeadership #TransformationalLeadership #MarketingInnovation #EffieJudge #CelebrationOfExcellence #Passion &Beyond Effie Worldwide 🇧🇷 Estou muito honrada em anunciar que fui convidada para ser jurada do Effie Awards Global Best of the Best 2024, que acontecerá em Nova York! ♥️🗽✨ É um verdadeiro privilégio fazer parte desse time incrível, celebrando as campanhas de marketing mais eficazes do mundo. Escolhi intencionalmente esta foto porque ela reflete perfeitamente a empolgação deste momento e quem eu sou — amo celebrar a vida, a criatividade e sou apaixonada pela minha profissão. É assim que encaro tudo, desde o lançamento de campanhas globais até a liderança de transformações estratégicas: com paixão, energia e um amor incansável pela jornada. Muito obrigada, Effie Worldwide, por esta oportunidade de contribuir para o futuro da nossa indústria, reconhecendo campanhas inovadoras e de impacto. #GlobalEffieAwards #BestOfTheBest #LiderançaCriativa #LiderançaTransformacional #InovaçãoEmMarketing #JuradaEffie #Excelência #Paixão &Beyond

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  • Misinformation and the Challenges for Gen Z and Future Leaders Interview for Layane Serrano at EXAME

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    Innovation & Marketing Senior Executive (ex-Meta) | Technology and GenAI Enthusiast | Effie Awards Winner and Jury Member | Global Brand Strategy and Product Marketing Expert | Mentor and Speaker

    🚀 Misinformation and the Challenges for Gen Z and Future Leaders 🚀 Interview for Layane Serrano at EXAME ( 🇧🇷 português abaixo) I shared my perspectives in Exame's article on the challenge of misinformation, a topic discussed by Bill Gates in his new documentary “What’s Next? The Future With Bill Gates.” As an enthusiast of new technologies and digital transformation, I value freedom, and the user as the protagonist and responsible for content creation and dissemination. In my view, beyond the use of mechanisms like AI to prevent the spread of false information, one of the central issues is how we prepare and form the next generations and future business leaders for the use of new technologies. It’s crucial to focus on empowering people to question, verify sources, and reflect on the information they receive, forming more critical individuals prepared for future challenges. Critical thinking is the antidote against false information, manipulation, and censorship. Transformational Leadership is a central pillar of my executive mentoring and one of the topics I address in the executive immersion program for women, @programa_saltoalto, where we explore how to prepare leaders for the challenges of a constantly changing world. #TransformationalLeadership #DigitalTransformation #Innovation &Beyond #GenZ #BillGates #Exame #SaltoAlto 🇧🇷 🚀 Desinformação e os Desafios da Geração Z e Futuras Lideranças 🚀 Entrevista para Layane Serrano da Exame Compartilhei minhas perspectivas na matéria da Exame sobre o desafio da desinformação, um tema abordado por Bill Gates em seu novo documentário “What’s Next? The Future With Bill Gates”. Como entusiasta de novas tecnologias e dos processos de tranformação digital, valorizo a liberdade e o usuário como protagonista e responsável pela criação e disseminação de conteúdos. Na minha opinião, além do uso de mecanismos como os próprios recursos de Inteligência Artificial para conter a disseminação de informações falsas, uma das questões centrais é como preparamos as novas gerações, e futuros líderes de negócios, para o uso das novas tecnologias. É crucial focar em capacitar as pessoas para que questionem, verifiquem fontes e reflitam sobre as informações que recebem, formando indivíduos mais críticos e preparados para os desafios futuros. O pensamento crítico é o antídoto contra informações falsas, manipulação e censura. Liderança Transformacional é um pilar central da minha mentoria executiva e um dos temas que abordo no programa de imersão executiva para mulheres @programa_saltoalto, onde exploramos como preparar líderes para os desafios de um mundo em constante transformação. #LiderançaTransformacional #TransformaçaoDigital #Inovação #GeraçãoZ #BillGates #Exame #SaltoAlto

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