BCarbon staff have been on the road talking about all things carbon credits!
Melanie Leigh Martin attended the AAPG Orphan, Abandoned, Idle, and Marginal Wells Conference in Cranberry, PA to discuss the opportunity for well plugging carbon credits in the voluntary carbon market.
Sarah Swackhamer gave a "carbon credits 101" presentation at Prairie View A&M's second annual Women in Ag Day, and shared information about our East Texas-focused small landowner collaboration with PVAMU and US BCSD. Sarah also had the opportunity to be on a panel at CBASS's recent meet & greet in Rockport, TX to share information about how living shorelines and other carbon credit-earning projects can leverage private finance to implement and sustain green infrastructure.
Thank you to the event hosts for inviting BCarbon to be a part of these conversations. We look forward to continuing the carbon market brainstorming in the coming months! Stay tuned.