🤔 Rain or runoff?
This week, we chatted with Tre' Cates, Director of Organizational Partnerships at nRhythm, about the information cycle and the importance of receptivity, monitoring, and creating conditions within organizations.
Tre’ compared the information in an organization to rain in an ecosystem. The effectiveness of the rain depends on the conditions within that ecosystem. If the ground has good plant cover, the water can filter deep into the soil and create a significant impact. In contrast, when the ground is bare and compacted, the rain tends to run off or evaporate quickly, resulting in little to no benefit for the ecosystem.
A vital part of a healthy ecosystem is monitoring the conditions to ensure a landscape can effectively use the rain that falls.
Too often, information in an organization is lost like rain running off hard ground. There can be many reasons for this, including:
👉 Information overload
👉 Busy schedules
👉 Inability to assess the usefulness of new ideas and information
👉 Low receptivity to new information
The power of receptivity to new insights, ideas, and information is actually in our ability to integrate and put it to work. Organizations that do this well create the conditions for more effective decision-making, more resilient teams, more emergent outcomes and ultimately, a healthy, thriving organization.
For this week’s #WithLifeWednesday, we invite you to ponder Tre’s questions when you receive new information:
🌱 How receptive am I to these new ideas?
🌱 Is this new idea or information challenging me?
🌱 If so, why is the information making me uncomfortable?
🌱 How can I integrate this information so I can evolve and adapt?