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Announcement of an ELIXIR Workshop - Enhancing Research Output: FAIR documentation and Tool Management for toxicology studies on the 27+28 November live at the University of Basel, Switzerland. Find more information on the workshop website and register: The ELIXIR Toxicology Community[] organizes their 2nd in a row of 5 free-of-charge live workshops in 5 different EU countries, as part of their Implementation Study (INTOXICOM[]). This workshop is targeted towards toxicologists interested in using #FAIRdataresources, not only making their data but also their training materials FAIR; data managers, ... #DSWizard, #EDAMontology,, #FAIRsharing, #ELIXIRTeSS, and the FAIR Cookbook and How to make toxicology training materials FAIR will be part of this workshop. Expected outcomes include model templates for software, such as predictive toxicology solutions for the European Open Science Cloud (#EOSC) and and scientific models, such as #AOPs, #PBPK, and #QSARmodels. #FAIRdata #Toxicology #ELIXIR #HealthRI #FAIRtrainingmaterials #datadrivenlifesciences