Global Conversation on Sustainability (GCS) 💬 reposted this
Green Chemistry for all ✍🏼 Imagine if we had guiding principles for Inclusive Green and Sustainable Chemistry Education - principles that could empower us to design, implement, and evaluate teaching practices that embrace Deaf and Blind students, making Green Chemistry for all a reality. We now have three principles for an Inclusive Green and Sustainable Chemistry Education. Here is our recent publication in Pure and Applied Chemistry, the official scientific journal of the IUPAC, co-authored with professors Dr. Gildo Girotto Júnior and Dr. Dosil Pereira de Jesus 👏🏽 A special thank you to Dr. Juliana Vidal ❤️ and Dr. João Borges, guest editors of Pure and Applied Chemistry. Count on me for further contributions to make Green Chemistry increasingly inclusive and accessible. #greenchemistry #inclusion #sdg Beyond Benign—Green Chemistry for a Sustainable Future IFPBOFICIAL Universidade Estadual de Campinas CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior CNPq JP-SBQ Younger Researchers of the Brazilian Chemical Society Sociedade Brasileira de Química